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V11 hardly useable version - Dont download it!

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  • #16
    Hello all,

    Thanks for the feedback given thus far; we do honestly appreciate all the opinions, both positive and negative.

    eSignal 11 was literally written from the ground up--a complete re-write if you will. We did this, because we knew we needed to overhaul the underlying architecture to provide a much more performant and compliant product (i.e. multi-threading, 64-bit, Win7 Certification, etc.). At the same time, we knew we couldn't carry over all of 10.6's features in the first few releases, so it was important that the two applications ran along-side each other.

    We know eSignal 10.6 is a popular product, and we have no intentions retiring support that version or forcing users over to eSignal 11.

    We are actively reviewing all the feedback being sent in and posted on the forums. Much of the missing functionality and bug corrections have already been planned into the next few releases, but do keep the feedback coming. This helps us to know the how you use the application and what "sticking points" you are running into when using eSignal 11.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


    • #17

      Thank you for your comment.

      All you say is right BUT you must realize that your product is used for trading and it is not just a nice software. If you wrote your message from the beginning while introducing the new version we the users would appreciate this and use it accordingly. But, you did not even mentioned that! and in addition in the program introduction email you even pointed out as that we can run now both version together as if it is a new feature!

      As I said before - your QA is very weak and this program should be beta until traders can rely on it.


      • #18
        Originally posted by JayF
        Hello all,

        We know eSignal 10.6 is a popular product, and we have no intentions retiring support that version or forcing users over to eSignal 11.

        This is the only statement I have seen as yet that makes any sense in regard to V11. Over the last few months I have tried several times to make sense of both the beta and gold versions, and have now given up. I will never leave V10.6 as long as it's available, and will then reappraise my options. Not sure eSignal and V11 will be part of the reappraisal.



        • #19
          How about we stop complaining and work with the eSig team instead? A total rewrite was in order and to be honest I love some of the new features. Sure it's not usable, but it's still raw enough that we can shape it to ensure it does everything we want from an app.

          Issue wise - I can't find where to select my FX feed for on-demand service and it won't let me select an FX symbols. It was working in the demo when I looked at it as I think it has all data feeds switched on for a day or so. Any solutions?


          • #20
            After 2 weeks of not using Ver 11 I started it today again and noticed that Snapshot window is missing too.

            Also Rob, in answer to your observation about complaining - I wonder if you would order and pay for a software to work and than receive a half working one - would you be saying the same or maybe you like to be a beta tester?


            • #21

              It is not clear to me how one "work(s) with" people who simply will not answer e-Signal platform questions.


              Originally posted by Rob McDonald
              How about we stop complaining and work with the eSig team instead? A total rewrite was in order and to be honest I love some of the new features. Sure it's not usable, but it's still raw enough that we can shape it to ensure it does everything we want from an app.

              Issue wise - I can't find where to select my FX feed for on-demand service and it won't let me select an FX symbols. It was working in the demo when I looked at it as I think it has all data feeds switched on for a day or so. Any solutions?


              • #22
                My 10.6 is working fine, it's what I signed up for (or whatever version it was back then), it does what I expect it to do. Having a new version in the pipe is a bonus, especially a complete rebuild.

                I often pay for software that disappoints, usually from Microsoft, but given the job I could do myself I'll just deal with it and move on.

                I agree the forum is a little under represented though Pot, very few companies understand the need for looking after clients in the new online social world.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rob McDonald
                  Issue wise - I can't find where to select my FX feed for on-demand service and it won't let me select an FX symbols. It was working in the demo when I looked at it as I think it has all data feeds switched on for a day or so. Any solutions?
                  That functionality is missing in 11 so we ask that Forex OnDemand users stick to 10.6 until resolved in 11.


