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Missing Bars

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  • Missing Bars

    This may have been mentioned before but I want to make sure it gets on the eSignal 11.2 "To Do" List. Sometimes when a bar is plotted the prior bar is not plotted and then it is re-plotted later which is misleading. This is shown in the image sequences.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello Bob,

    Thank you for the report, We'll test and try to duplicate the issue on Monday when the market is open. If we're able to duplicate it will be forward on to our Product Managers and Developers as a bug.

    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Hello Avery,

      Off Topic so please delete after reading.

      I noticed that you deleted my second post in this thread (which was a modified original) which is fine but all I wanted to do was edit the original post so that the first line was more readable by not running over the "Edit" & "Quote" tabs but it turns out this is impossible for the user to do. In the future I will make the first line short but it would be nice to always be able to "Edit" the post regardless of the length of the first line.

      As a second issue I have not been receiving posts by e-mail in real time since the beginning of September.


      Last edited by bobscott; 09-16-2011, 04:25 PM.


      • #4

        Originally posted by bobscott
        As a second issue I have not been receiving posts by e-mail in real time since the beginning of September.
        See this post for the reason


        • #5
          Thanks Alex - I guess I missed the post .

          Hi Avery,

          The "strange" plotting problem is best noticed in pre or post market when trades are farther apart. I just went to "Historical" data so you could see the time that I noted this and I found another problem. Note that the "Real Time" chart shows a gap in data between "08:46" and "08:50" but this gap is lacking in the "Historical" chart. It seems to me that a 1 minute chart should look the same both on "Real Time" and "Historical" charts.


          Attached Files
          Last edited by bobscott; 09-16-2011, 06:30 PM.


          • #6
            FWIW if the images you posted are of different charts then it seems that you may have one of them set to use Whitespaces and the other not [see in Properties-> Scales]

            Originally posted by bobscott
            Thanks Alex - I guess I missed the post .


            The "strange" plotting problem is best noticed in pre or post market when trades are farther apart. I just went to "Historical" data so you could see the time that I noted this and I found another problem. Note that the "Real Time" chart shows a gap in data between "08:46" and "08:50" but this gap is lacking in the "Historical" chart. It seems to me that a 1 minute chart should look the same both on "Real Time" and "Historical" charts.




            • #7
              Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro
              FWIW if the images you posted are of different charts then it seems that you may have one of them set to use Whitespaces and the other not [see in Properties-> Scales]

              Good question. In actuality neither of the charts have "Whitespaces" checked so I guess the "Historical" chart is correct and indeed the "Whitespaces" are shown if the "Whitespace" is checked. This chart was made from a single chart using the "Duplicate Window" function. The "real Time" Chart was taken from a chart which has 3 symbols inserted and it looks like that assumes that the "Whitespaces" is checked. Actually, there are a few problems with the multiple symbols chart so this may just be a "wait awhile" thing.


              Last edited by bobscott; 09-16-2011, 07:24 PM.


              • #8
                Whitespaces are added [even if the option is unchecked] when you have multiple symbols and/or intervals and the bars of any one of them does not match the exact timestamp of the others else they would end up misaligned or missing
                In the image enclosed below neither chart has the Whitespaces option enabled

                Originally posted by bobscott

                Good question. In actuality neither of the charts have "Whitespaces" checked so I guess the "Historical" chart is correct and indeed the "Whitespaces" are shown if the "Whitespace" is checked. The "real Time" Chart was taken from a chart which has 3 symbols inserted and it looks like that assumes that the "Whitespaces" is checked. Actually, there are a few problems with the multiple symbols chart so this may just be a "wait awhile" thing.




                • #9

                  All of the 3 symbols in my multiple symbols chart are set to to "1 minute" bars so that should not enter into it. I am now going to to the "Historical" chart using the multiple symbols chart.




                  • #10

                    The image shows no Whitespace checked but obviously Whitespaces are shown.

                    Do you see anything wrong here?

                    Maybe what you are saying is "Regardless if the intervals are the same Whitespace is shown."


                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by bobscott; 09-16-2011, 07:57 PM.


                    • #11
                      That is because as I said in my previous post "Whitespaces are added [even if the option is unchecked] when you have multiple symbols and/or intervals and the bars of any one of them does not match the exact timestamp of the others else they would end up misaligned or missing"
                      FAS traded during the 8:47, 8:48 and 8:49 time frames while FAZ did not so the application inserts Whitespaces in the FAZ chart so as to maintain the proper alignement of the bars between those symbols

                      Originally posted by bobscott

                      The image shows no Whitespace checked but obviously Whitespaces are shown.

                      Do you see anything wrong here?

                      Maybe what you are saying is "Regardless if the intervals are the same Whitespace is shown."




                      • #12

                        I guess this is not a "biggy" but I would suggest that for Mulltiple symbol charts that the "Whitespace" check in "Properties" be "Permanently" checked just to eliminate confusion.


                        Last edited by bobscott; 09-16-2011, 08:15 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Alexis C. Montenegro That is because as I said in my previous post "Whitespaces are added [even if the option is unchecked] when you have multiple symbols and/or intervals and the bars of any one of them does not match the exact timestamp of the others else they would end up misaligned or missing".....

                          My tiny brain is easily confused. In summary, I believe you said "Whitespaces are always added when you have multiple symbols". Is that correct?




                          • #14
                            That is not what I said. I said that they are added if the bar of any one symbol or interval does not have an equivalent bar [ie with the same time stamp] in the other symbol or interval. This is necessary to maintain all the plotted bars properly aligned.
                            That said if for example you have a 1 minute chart of two symbols neither of which has traded at a given time then there will be no whitespace added for those times frames IF the Whitespace option is unchecked
                            So to be precise while these are technically whitespaces they are not added by the Whitespace option which instead fulfills another role [more on this below]
                            As an example of what I am saying see the following screenshots
                            In this first one I have $INDU on its own without Whitespaces followed by one of the same chart with the Whitespace option enabled

                            Now I add to the chart the symbol $COMPQ which has similar trading hours. The next screenshot is without Whitespaces checked. Notice that Whitespaces are not added for all time frames where neither symbol has any data in them

                            Here is a detail of the above chart that shows that some whitespace is added to the $COMPQ chart where $INDU had some data while $COMPQ did not [marked by the green arrow]
                            This place holder is necessary else the bars would end up out of alignment and on the same cursor you would have the bar of one symbol with one timestamp and a different timestamp for the other symbol

                            And here is the same chart as the first one with the Whitespaces option instead enabled. Notice that whitespaces are now added for all time frames regardless of the fact that neither symbol has any data in them.

                            The above brings me to what you said earlier ie ” …for Mulltiple symbol charts that the "Whitespace" check in "Properties" be "Permanently" checked…” which I would disagree with because if eSignal were to follow your suggestion then the flexibility I just illustrated would be lost. Furthermore I would have to see Whitespaces across the entire chart even where they are not necessary.
                            IMHO the way eSignal has implemented this feature instead allows a choice of how to view the chart while at the same time preserving the correct alignment of the bars of multiple symbols and/or intervals

                            Originally posted by bobscott

                            My tiny brain is easily confused. In summary, I believe you said "Whitespaces are always added when you have multiple symbols". Is that correct?




                            • #15

                              I understand and agree completely. I normally would turn Whitespace OFF but particularly while using the multiple symbol chart it is necessary to have Whitespace ON in functionality to keep the bars aligned.

                              I think I went tangential when the original problem of bars not always plotting was my focus. If you could verify this (see initial post) as well as Avery that would be nice since it is often misleading.

                              Thanks for getting my headed pointed forward again.

                              Have a great weekend!

                              Last edited by bobscott; 09-17-2011, 09:41 AM.

