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Excel problem updating Windows 7

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  • Excel problem updating Windows 7

    I run 2 machines, 1 xp and 1 windows 7. I update an excel spreadsheet at the end of the day using the dde links.

    From about three weeks back, my windows 7 machine is no longer updating the data. Excel just hangs. The xp machine works like normal and esignal updates excel with no problems.

    I get the following error code from excel

    Problem Event Name: AppHangXProcB1

    Application Name: EXCEL.EXE

    Application Version: 11.0.8341.0

    Application Timestamp: 4e29ab82

    Hang Signature: f5ca

    Hang Type: 32

    Waiting on Application Name: rundll32.exe

    Waiting on Application Version: 6.1.7600.16385

    OS Version: 6.1.7601.

    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional Hang Signature 1: f5caedc1191bf9ec2bec9fa147df3c14

    Additional Hang Signature 2: 4cff

    Additional Hang Signature 3: 4cfff8258521a78046f74b39ea0c707e

    Additional Hang Signature 4: f5ca

    Additional Hang Signature 5: f5caedc1191bf9ec2bec9fa147df3c14

    Additional Hang Signature 6: 4cff

    Additional Hang Signature 7: 4cfff8258521a78046f74b39ea0c707e

    any idea, TIA

  • #2

    This is looking like it could be a more serious issue than just eSignal and the DDE linking. If other aspects of Excel are working, one thing I can suggest is that you start the programs up in this order and see if you still have the problems.

    Start the eSignal DM by itself first
    -click on the start globe
    -click all programs
    -click the eSignal folder
    -click on the Data Manager

    Once that's done, start Excel with your normal spreadsheet and see if it will update.

    If this doesn't fix the issue I would suggest fully removing eSignal and reinstalling the program. Hope this helps
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Excel problems

      I tried using just the data manager and that didn't work and finally uninstalled both 11 and 10. did a restart before reinstalling and I still can't get Excel to work.

      Any other suggestions would be great.



      • #4

        Are you running the same version of Excel on both systems?
        Thank you,
        Eric O.
        eSignal Support


        • #5
          Yes, I am.


          • #6

            Same version of Excel on both system and same worksheets on both systems... The only thing different is the OS at this point, correct?

            At this point there isn't a lot else I can suggest. The fact that the program is hanging and waiting for the rundll32.exe is a bit strange to me. One thing that you can try is repairing Excel. If you are running Excel 2010 you can go to your Control Panel >> Programs and Features>> then to to Microsoft Office 2010 or Excel 2010. Click Change and then click repair when it asks. If this doesn't fix the issue, then I suggest removing and reinstalling Excel on this system.

            As I said in a previous post, this seems like more than a DDE issue. Some clients have had some success after a complete reinstall of Excel on Windows 7 64 bit environments. Please let me know how this goes.
            Thank you,
            Eric O.
            eSignal Support


            • #7
              I tried the reinstall and that didnt' work either.

              Makes me wonder if it was caused by one of the microsoft updates in the last few weeks......

              Any other ideas; I'm trying to avoid a clean wipe but am not ruling that out


              • #8

                It's possible that a windows update could've done this. Have you attempted to restore the system back to a previous date, before the update took place?
                Thank you,
                Eric O.
                eSignal Support

