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using market profile

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  • using market profile

    hi all, I found this thread to be most recent so I wanted to ask a question about esignal's market profile

    First: is there a video tutorial on the functionality?

    I notice the POC changes when I resize the chart while keeping the time fram the same. this concerns me because depnding on how I size it the POC moves around...I would understand this if I was just changing time frames....I don't understang the force tick either; I primarily trade the when I adjust the tick size and value it doesn't seem to make a difference on the chart.

    ANY help is very appreciated..

    Thanks for all you do at eSignal.


  • #2
    market profile

    You might find the following links regarding market profile helpful.

    Please let me know if further assistance in needed
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      using market profile

      Thank you for those links...the first one doesn't play, and the second link played perfectly. It did give me some needed help but I have more questions.

      I am trading the ES, the POC is important to me but when I adjust the chart it changes dramatically..I am using the30 minute time frame, how can I be sure where the POC is....can you help me with the settings as well? should it be a full screen chart? should the tick be set to .25 and value to 1? should it be run primarily on an RTH time frame or a futures time frame? if I split the TPO's does that alter the POC?

      These are some questions, but any more reading material,videos or phone help that you can provide for me would be helpful. I have searched the web for more info but that info is referencing different software and it not helpful, other than gaining more knowledge about the market profile concept.
      Thanks again,


      • #4
        using market profile

        I just found the problem with the first video..I was using a browser that it didn't like...watching now...thanks again please send any info on those previous questions...thanks!

