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11.6 Screenshot capture page works, but not appearing in screenshot window

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  • 11.6 Screenshot capture page works, but not appearing in screenshot window

    Tools>capture page image, then the screenshot window appears with screenshots on the left hand side, but the latest screenshot in the column is blank - as is the larger screenshot in center-right of the screenshot window.

    Interestingly enough when I click "copy" below the big blank I do get a true copy of the capture page that I can later paste in the Microsoft Paint application. So it's a matter of displaying the capture page in the screenshot window. The capture page actually has worked.

    Is this a 11.6.3024.1119 64 bit bug?

    Rusty A

  • #2
    I'm actually not able to duplicate this. Have you tried a full removal and reinstall of the application? This could be due to part of the application not installing correctly.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Originally posted by eostrom View Post
      I'm actually not able to duplicate this. Have you tried a full removal and reinstall of the application? This could be due to part of the application not installing correctly.
      No, I haven't. Good idea. How do I do that making sure I don't lose all of my pages, etc.?

      Rusty A


      • #4
        I fixed it. Weird fix.

        I uninstalled, re-downloaded, re-installed - didn't fix the issue.

        I discovered that when I removed the "=" sign and the "#" sign from my page names the problem was fixed! Go figure. (I probably didn't follow good page naming convention.)

        Rusty A


        • #5
          That is interesting. Thank you for letting me know what happened with this. I will make note of it and speak with our developers. Thanks again.
          Thank you,
          Eric O.
          eSignal Support

