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Esignal 7 - chart scaling problem

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  • #31
    We changed how the bars act in eSignal 11.7, we acknowledge this. It was done this way because we received a massive number of complaints that you could not compress the chart in eSignal 11 as much as you can in eSignal 10 (eSignal 10 allows the bars to overlap). So we implemented this. Furthermore, I can force my bars to overlap if I increase my bar width or if I compress my chart enough for this to happen. This is working as intended.

    The reason I mention this is because I am unable to make my chart look like the chart (with the overlapping bars) that is posted on the first page of this thread unless I increase my bar width. Would it be possible to get the exact steps being taken to duplicate this chart? A video of it being done would be even better, if no video is possible I can contact you and remote into your system so I can see this happening. Please let me know.
    Thank you,
    Eric O.
    eSignal Support

