Why is it that the % change column in the quote window does not match the % gain change column in the portfolio window for the same stock, shouldn't they be the same?
The % gain column in the Portfolio window is based on the entry price of the position whereas the % change is based on the percentage change for the current day only. Hope this helps.
thanks for your quick reply, I understand that % gain is based on the buying price but how about "% gain today" of the portfolio and "% change" of quote, shouldn't they be the same?
As far as I can see they appear to be the same. Right click the heading for Change and %Change in the Quote Window select Compute Change and and make sure that From Previous Close is checked
Again they appear to be the same on all the symbols I tried (see sample image)
Having said that there will be a difference if the %Gain Today is greater than 0.05. In that case the Quote Window will round up %Change since it displays one decimal only instead of two as in the Protfolio Window
Pretty sure we have a bug with the % Gain Today field. Since we aren't storing the total value of the position from yesterday, we can't accurately gauge the % Gain Today. That'll be fixed when we release the new quote/portfolio/summary combo window due out with 8.0 later this year.