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esignal crash on exit

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  • esignal crash on exit

    When I exit esignal, it would crash.

    I have isolated the problem to this:

    a quote window with over 17 symbols would cause it to crash.

    anybody experience similar problems?

  • #2
    I just tried it using two Quote windows, one with all the Nasdaq100 symbols and one with all S&P500 symbols and am not experiencing any crashes.
    If you want I can zip the Nasdaq100 file and post it here for you to try.


    • #3
      Thanks Alex.

      I dont think that will solve my problem

      I opened BASIC 1 equities layout as a test.

      It also crashes. There is something in "quote" window processes that causes it to crash.

      Just to let you know I did a complete reinstall of Win2000 and esignal. Still have the same problem.


      • #4
        Another observation.

        When I close the quote window before exit, it is fine.

        conclusion: has something to do with "quote" window.


        • #5
          Hello Robert,

          When you reinstalled eSignal, did you uninstall first? You may want to try uninstalling and then reinstalling using these instructions. You may also want to try installing eSignal into a different directory after the uninstall.
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #6
            Hello Jay

            I followed the instructions. uninstalled and reinstalled.

            I still get the same problem.

            with quote window of 18 and more symbols, system crashes.

            with 17 or less symbols, system exit normally.

            My work around is to switch to a BLANK layout before exit.


            • #7

              What version of eSignal are you running? (found under Help -> About) I am running the current beta version (7.3 build 573), and am unable to duplicate this. I have also tried this on 7.2 build 544, and it seems to be fine there as well. Also...

              - What is the error message you are seeing?
              - What Operating System are you running?
              - What are the specifications of your computer? (ie. CPU, Memory)
              - How are you closing eSignal to generate the crash?
              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


              • #8
                When I exit using "EXIT' System crashes.

                When I exit using "EXIT ALL and SAVE" system exits fine.

                Error mess: IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL

                VER: build 578

                O/S: win2000

                Hardware: PIII 850 512k



                • #9

                  Since we are unable to duplicate this using the same version, we need to look deeper by having our QA Team look at some log files that can be generated when eSignal is run in debug mode.

                  We need to enable debug mode in two places, the eSignal application itself and the TurboFeed Data Manager (DM). To do this, bring up each application, and press Ctrl-Alt-F10. You can tell you are in debug mode in eSignal when there is a period in front of the clock on the eSignal Status Bar.

                  For the DM, you will see a new menu appear called Diagnostic.

                  Once you are in debug mode on both eSignal and the DM, try to duplicate the same crash as before. Depending on where the crash is occurring, either WS.log or WINROS.log will be created in the main eSignal directory (default is C:\Program Files\eSignal\).

                  If you could email me ([email protected]) that log file, then I could research this further with our QA Team.
                  Jay F.
                  Product Manager
                  Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                  Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                  • #10

                    Thank you for sending the log files and further information about the crash.

                    Regarding the error message "IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL", this is caused when two devices are trying to write to the same memory space.

                    We suspect that the cause of this problem could be either a hardware issue or running more then one instance of eSignal at a time. From our email conversation, you mentioned you are able to duplicate this problem while running only one instance of eSignal. If multiple instances of eSignal has been run in the past, then WinSig files can become corrupted and not work correctly.

                    I would first start by updating all your device drivers (ie. video card, sound card, etc.) If that doesn't solve the issue, then I would suggest another uninstall/reinstall of eSignal, and be sure not to run multiple instances of eSignal in the future.
                    Jay F.
                    Product Manager
                    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                    • #11
                      Thanks Jay

                      Looks like not an easy problem to solve.

                      Anyway I have a workaround for the problem. Before Exiting. I switch to a BLANK layout then EXIT. Then it wont crash.

                      For the record, this is the only condition it will crash:

                      When the layout has a QUOTE window of more than 17 symbols and exiting using "EXIT", then it will crash.

                      VERY specific condition. Other than that, it is fine.

