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need help accessing EFS file.

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  • need help accessing EFS file.

    I can find the downloaded efs in the formula folder. When I try to access the efs in a advanced chart, it's just no longer there. Can anyone help me out? Thanks! Josh.

  • #2
    How are you "trying to access the efs in an Advanced Chart"?
    Can you provide more details as to what you are doing?


    • #3
      Thanks Alex!
      I've downloaded EFS into formula library folder. I just unable to locate thess files within an advanced chart window - I mean right click in an advanced chart window and go to formula folder. The saved efs are just not there. Thank you again! Josh


      • #4
        Are you sure you saved it in the Formulas folder and not one of its subfolders? An easy way to find this out is to run a search on your hard drive for the efs file you downloaded.


        • #5
          Alex, Here is what I've done. Suppose I am down loading fisher.efs from esignal center. I save fisher.efs in library folder of formulas. After download, I try to make sure the file is properly save by going to library folder throught program file. All looks good so far. Now, if I try to load fisher.efs either through chart option -> formula -> library or just right click within a chart window -> formula -> library, the fisher.efs is just not there. It's as if I've never downloaded or saved fisher.efs. Yet, I can still locate fisher.efs by going to library folder through program file. I am just not able to figure out what's going on. Thank for your help! Josh


          • #6
            Hello Josh,

            In your EFS Settings (Tools->EFS->Settings), please show us what the exact path is set to for your Formula Root folder.

            Jason K.
            Project Manager
            eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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            • #7
              Using Windows Search (For Files or Folders) run a search for fisher.efs and make note of what the complete path to that file is. For example if I ran a search on my drive for customMA.efs the path would be C:\Program Files\eSignal\Formulas\EFS2 Custom\customMA.efs
              Then in eSignal select Tools-> EFS-> Settings from the main menu and check the path in the Formula Root section. Are the two paths the same?


              • #8
                Thank you very much Jason and Alex!!!! My exact path set for formula root has been changed. I used Ablesys for a while. That software's altered the path. It's all good now. Josh

