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Bar Replay Timing error????

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  • Bar Replay Timing error????

    Umm, it is me or eSignal? Seems to me, in Bar Replay mode, the 1 second per candle setting actually does 2 candles per second, the 1/2 second per candle does 4 candles per second... etc.

    Dell XPS, Wndows XP Pro, all the latest stuff and clock sync built in.

    Last edited by Tex50; 12-27-2005, 10:16 PM.

  • #2
    As far as I can see it is processing one bar at a time. To verify that run the following script and you should see that in the Formula Output Window the date/time increases by one interval unit at a time.

    PHP Code:
    function preMain(){
    debugPrintln(getMonth(0)+"/"+getDay(0)+"/"+getYear(0)+"  "+getHour(0)+":"+getMinute());

    Having said that there is an issue with the way the chart sometimes repaints/refreshes in Bar Replay. To minimize this issue in the mean time add repaintChart() in the main function


    • #3
      Hi Tex50, I just lined up eSignal along side a timer and after about 40 seconds I had roughly 42 bars.

      It should not be building 2 bars a second. When Bar Replay is going, what does your CPU usage show? Do bars seem delayed during market hours also?


      • #4
        Well, I completely uninstalled esignal this morning, cleaned up everything, all left over directory entries and deleted all folders. (was having volume display problems too... unrelated, bad ticks on a symbol)

        Next, downloaded a fresh copy (791R4) that was slightly newer than my 791R1.

        Reinstalled from scratch, does the same thing on brand new chart. Ran your little time thing and it spits out 2 or more entries per second when the bar replay is set to 1 second. Doesn't matter what inteval the chart is set to either.

        Hmmm, my CPU usage is always 100%, always. I have a background program that runs on idle time. Even with that shut off, it does the same thing.

        It usually spits out multiple values, but not always, like this (13-Minute Chart):

        12/23/2005 13:23
        12/23/2005 13:16
        12/23/2005 13:3
        12/23/2005 12:50
        12/23/2005 12:50
        12/23/2005 12:50
        12/23/2005 12:37
        12/23/2005 12:24
        12/23/2005 12:11
        12/23/2005 11:58
        12/23/2005 11:58
        12/23/2005 11:45
        12/23/2005 11:45
        12/23/2005 11:32
        12/23/2005 11:32

        Still, the candles tick 2x whatever the setting is. Did it on 791R1 and now on 791R4. All my other system clocks and timers run fine...



        • #5
          Other than the chart refresh issue I am not seeing the problems you mention. The enclosed animated gif shows you the time elapsed as each new bar is added. During the test I set Bar Replay to 1/2 Second per bar and as you can see two prints appear showing the same time in seconds.
          Also visible in the animation is the Task Manager showing on average 8% or lower CPU usage throughout the replay period
          Enclosed below is the script I used for the test

          PHP Code:
          function preMain(){
          myDate = new Date();
          debugPrintln(getMonth(0)+"/"+getDay(0)+"/"+getYear(0)+"  "+myDate.getMinutes()+":"+myDate.getSeconds());


          • #6
            Hi Alexis,

            I have no idea why mine is different, but it sure is neat the way you can post videos. I have Camtasia and can capture my charts as well. Can I post video's too? Any special format?

            At this point, I will proceed as if something in my system is incorrect and try to determine what it may be. Possibly a program running in the backgroud or some setup or registry entry flaw.

            I'll let you know what I discover if anything.



            • #7
              Yes you can post video captures as animated gifs. You need to store them in File Sharing (or other web location) and then insert the URL in the context of your message using the IMG tags. The one I posted is stored here

