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Strange behavior with quote windows

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  • #16
    I have no idea why this is happening. One possibility (albeit remote at this point) is that the Quote Window got somehow corrupted . Here are two things I would try.
    The first one is to open a new Quote Window and import a symbol list. To make this easier I am attaching a text file with the components of the Nasdaq100 index which you can import using the Dynamic Quote File function. If you still don't get any Intraday High/Low highlights then do the following.
    Close down eSignal and using Windows Explorer go to the eSignal folder. Find the default.quo file and Move it (not Copy it) to a safe location (for example My Documents). Start eSignal (which will create a new default Quote Window) and repeat the first procedure I described.
    Hope this helps
    Attached Files


    • #17
      I did all that and still have the same issues.

      Why would I be getting the same quote window after deleting the default.quo? Is it saved somewhere else? Do I need to delete the whole page or layout?


      • #18

        Why would I be getting the same quote window after deleting the default.quo? Is it saved somewhere else?
        That was my mistake sorry. The file that needs to be moved is


        • #19
          I'm still not getting colors for intraday highs or lows.

          any other ideas?


          • #20
            The only suggestion I have at this point is to contact eSignal's support.


            • #21
              I thought that's what this is.


              • #22

                Alexis is a great example of a user helping another user, which is one of the things that makes this forum so powerful, but the best thing to do in some cases is to use the LiveRep feature which can be found under the Customer Support menu in eSignal or by calling the support group on the phone.

                In this case, I'm not sure why you continue to get nothing on intraday highs and lows other than the possibility that nothing new is coming in that hits these levels. One bug that exists is that checking both the Intraday High/Low and the 52 Week High/low, the 52 Week colors take priority and you end up not seeing the Intraday colors. This priority is only supposed to happen when a price is both a new low and is below the 52 week low, but it acts as if the only color of consequence is the 52 week color instead. To see the intraday colors, you need to make sure the 52 Week color choice is unchecked and you also need to make sure the change is saved by saving the page if using pages, or by saving the quote window if using layouts.

                Some examples of symbols currently hitting that I see are:

                If you continue to experience problems, please contact the support group directly using the phone or LiveRep.

                Thank you,


                • #23
                  Thanks for the information. And thanks Alexis for all the help; I thought you were an esignal employee. I'll try to use the Liverep now.


                  • #24
                    You are most welcome


                    • #25
                      I still haven't figured this one out. Highs and lows highlight fine on my other computer, but they still don't work on my trading computer. I have spoken with eSignal by phone several times and they told me they started a trouble ticket, but they haven't responded to my emails asking for an update.

                      I can't imagine nobody else has had this problem. The system is Windows 2000. It's very frustrating not being able to use that basic functionality - highlighting highs and lows.


                      • #26
                        Chud, FWIW I have the same behavior on XP. I don't remember its ever working over various builds. I opened a default quote window and entered instruments that I knew were near highs/lows. When they made, for example, new highs nothing changed except for the usual highlighting of the row. That is just with intraday h/l selected. When I switched to 52 wk. h/l highlighting did show up. Interestingly, if I add an index such as $add, which doesn't have an intraday h/l, it is highlighted depending on whether it is positive or negative for intraday but not for 52 weeks. I tried the same with a summary window and got the same results.

                        I use global alerts to locate highs and lows and feed the results to a ticker window. The alerts also are linked to quote windows (a feature I hate and wish I could turn off). Could this block the normal highlighting? I've not a clue. It would be nice to get this "feature" to work. It sounds useful.


                        • #27
                          Chud, just tried it on a different machine with a different build (7.91). Same result as in previous post.


                          • #28
                            Buhrmaster, Thanks for checking on your system. I get the same behavior with $ADD and other similar indices constantly being highlighted as hi/lo. Are you saying that when you check "only" 52 wk hi/lo, you get highlights for intraday hi/lo or for 52 wk?


                            • #29

                              As I recall it was highlighting 52-week h/l. I think it was BBBY was at a 52 week low and was red as a result. Under no circumstances was I able to get intraday h/l except as noted for certain indexes.


                              • #30
                                FWIW, Tech Support acknowledges that there is a bug involving intraday high/low highlighting. No ETA on a fix.

