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Spreads/Custom Symbols

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  • Spreads/Custom Symbols

    Rambling comment:

    You can't use any symbol beginning with
    a # as a divisor, ie 6EM3 (globex Eur/usd)

    0 is always required when multipliying by
    a # <1, ie 0.5

    Seemingly no ( ) available

    Inability to create custom symbol for
    display in quote table. This would be
    a very useful feature!

  • #2

    You can't use any symbol beginning with a # as a divisor, ie 6EM3 (globex Eur/usd)

    Put an apostrophe ahead of the symbol that begins with a number and the spread should work (see image eur/jpy)


    • #3
      Hi Alexis,
      Does this ability to create a `spread` chart apply to other symbols - eg: YM H3 & $INDU (i tried this with these symbols but it didn't work) - so you can obtain a DOW PREMIUM indicator?



      • #4
        Yes it does (see image below).
        You may not be getting any data though if you are using YM H3.


        • #5
          Hi Alexis - thanks for the reply,
          Thats great, i never knew that you could use custom symbols (it was my mistype with YM H3 instead of M3).

          Is there any info available on this, i've never heard it mentioned before? - eg - can you also add, subtract, divide, etc



          • #6
            Hi Alexis - thanks for the reply,
            Thats great, i never knew that you could use custom symbols (it was my mistype with YM H3 instead of M3).

            Is there any info available on this, i've never heard it mentioned before? - eg - can you also add, subtract, divide, etc



            • #7
              Actually spreads have always been available in eSignal. The significant improvement that has been introduced with beta 7.4 is that they now plot as OHLC bars (or candles) rather than a Close Line only.
              You can perform any operation so you can also create ratios and/or multiple leg spreads (parentheses however cannot be used yet).
              You can also apply a weight in the spreads which can be useful for example when the ratios need higher precision than two decimals. Another use is when want to create ratios between two instruments and an index to evaluate their relative strength based on a common scale.
              To apply a weight just precede the symbol with the number of shares/contracts you want to use in the spread for example
              10MSFT /0.5$SPX
              Hope this helps


              • #8
                Hi Alex,
                I'd gathered this was an option available to 7.4 - i've got 7.3 and couldn't get any data up. I've already done an efs for the `close` line DOW spread - but as you say, the OHLC provides a lot more info. I'll be installing the 7.4 Beta today.

                Last edited by TURLIES; 06-08-2003, 09:18 AM.


                • #9
                  Aside from the fact that 7.4 beta offers a lot of improvements and new tools - and is a worth while upgrade - you should still get spreads in 7.3. The only difference is that they will plot as a Close Line only.


                  • #10
                    Hi Alex,
                    I installed 7.4 yesterday and got the spreads working fine. I noticed i was able to add together a large number of symbols to create a single advanced chart (eg - 22 of the Dow symbols added together). Can (either now or in the future) the individual symbols be "weighted" so that each stocks price change will display the weight, rather than the stocks price, as it does now?

                    For example : Providing a weight of "1" for each stock will enable custom $TICK charts to be created (eg - S&P100 $TICK) - or adv/decl charts etc. Due to the 5 symbol limit in efs this cannot be done properly, but the new ability to display OHLC spread data would provide the perfect opportunity for this.

                    Also, do you know if Bid/Ask data will be available for display on advanced charts?



                    • #11
                      Symbols in a spread can be weighted (see my response a couple messages back).
                      Bid and Ask can already be charted together with Trades in Tick charts


                      • #12
                        Hi Alex,

                        I applied your advice on weighting symbols which you provided in a previous email. My goal was to have, for example, a stock that is on an uptick provide a value of +1 (instead of the stocks actual share price at that moment) - the same for a downtick.

                        If you've already described how to do this, then i'd really appreciate an example, because i've no idea how to do it.

                        Also, i've always known about Bid/Ask data in normal Charts, it was Advanced Charts i was wondering about.



                        • #13
                          With regards to charting Bid and Ask I was indeed referring to Advanced Charts.
                          As to the other question I do not know how this would be done with a spread chart, if at all possible.
                          Last edited by ACM; 06-09-2003, 06:28 AM.


                          • #14
                            Hi Alex,
                            Can you tell me how to get the Bid/Ask data on an Adv Chart. Also, if symbols can be made to be weighted in the way i've described, it would be a very powerfull feature for eSignal - -hopefully the programming for this shouldn't be to complex.

                            thanks again


                            • #15
                              If you select T as interval you can also plot Bid/Ask

                              To edit the display you need to set the Chart Type to Line and then go to Edit Studies where the Study Properties will appear as in the image below.

