Ref: eSignal Ver. 10.2.1391.1120(10/22/2008)
When "Compact Price Display(uncheck to display decimalization of Futures)." is UNchecked (found under the "General" tab in the "File-Preferences" menu an "Alert Edit/Status" for "Last Trade Price" for the symbol "ES #F" seems to automatically change as if multiplied by .01.
i.e., if I add an alert for ES #F for the "Last Trade Price" with the "By Value" selected, say for 933 (it happens for both the "Last High" or "Last Low") once I click "OK" the 933 I entered automatically converts to 9.33.
When "Compact Price Display(uncheck to display decimalization of Futures)." is UNchecked (found under the "General" tab in the "File-Preferences" menu an "Alert Edit/Status" for "Last Trade Price" for the symbol "ES #F" seems to automatically change as if multiplied by .01.
i.e., if I add an alert for ES #F for the "Last Trade Price" with the "By Value" selected, say for 933 (it happens for both the "Last High" or "Last Low") once I click "OK" the 933 I entered automatically converts to 9.33.