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Exporting the advanced chart image?

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  • Exporting the advanced chart image?


    When I export the chart image to a file it changes the background color from white (as it appears in esignal layout) to light greenish color. Is it possible to export the chart image with plain white background? Also is it possible to export the file as jpg instead of default png type?

  • #2
    The greenish hue could be caused by the program used to view the exported image.
    As far as I can see at this end the exported images reflect the original colors (ie white background remains white).
    As to your question regarding other graphic formats the only format available is png. You can always use a screen capture program like Snag-It or IrfanView (the latter is free) or even PrntScrn to save in a different format


    • #3
      Here is an inline sample of an exported image

      The original file is called pngimageexport-test1.png and can be downloaded from here


      • #4

        Thanks for you reply.
        This is what I do: I open the advanced chart set the background to white "right mouse click" on the chart, choose Send Image To -> Local File. Then I open the image using Internet Explorer or Adobe Photoshop. I also tried to save the image on clipboard and place it directly into microsoft Word. This is what I get
        Attached Files


        • #5
          By the way, How do you get those nice black bars, I can only get green and red ones? I'm sorry if I'm asking trivial questions, I'm new to esignal, switching from qcharts .


          • #6
            Does the image I posted also have a greenish hue at your end?
            Your image does not appear to be very different from mine when loaded here. The white is perhaps only slightly more saturated but definitely not greenish.
            What color resolution are you using? That could account for differences.
            To get the black bars right click on the chart select Edit Studies and use black for both Up and Down Bars.
            Last edited by ACM; 09-13-2003, 10:26 AM.


            • #7

              Your image is perfectly white at my end and it is clearer than my image. Which color resolution did you talk about. Is there some resolution that can be adjusted inside esignal platform? Also when I look at the image at my end inside esignal platform it looks perfectly white and resolution is fine, however when I export it to a file it gets greenish hue and not so good resolultion. I appreciate your help.


              • #8
                I was referring to the resolution settings that can be found in the Display Properties of Windows.


                • #9

                  I don't think that problem is with my resolution. Maybe it is the version of esignal. I'm using equities 7.4.
                  I also notice that you have title bar displayed with your image.
                  I don't get it displayed with my image even though it is displayed inside esignal Layout. Do you have any suggestions who to ask regarding this?


                  • #10

                    I also notice that you have title bar displayed with your image.

                    That is because instead of right clicking a chart and selecting Send Image To.. I use the eSignal Snapshot Tool (the little camera in the System Tray) which is essentially the same but with some extra features amongst which the option to select what parts of the image are included when exporting images.

                    FWIW I am using version 7.4



                    • #11
                      Strange, I don't get any extra features when I click on the little camera. Anyways who do you think could help me with this resolultion/color issue?


                      • #12
                        When you right click an image and select Send Image to the resulting snapshot is that of the chart area only.
                        If instead you click on the eSignal Snapshot tool and then put a check in Include Title Bar depending on where you move the crosshairs the image will include the Title Bar (and/or other sections of the chart) or not. BTW you can see what will be included in the snapshot because as you click and drag the crosshairs the section that will be captured in the snapshot will have a red border around it.

