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QCharts 6.0 Pre-Beta Feedback

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  • #16
    Initially, I was going to add to my list that I like being able to see, in the morning, the Quote sheet still filled in from yesterday's action. (5.1 clears the Quote sheets around midnight.) I liked the idea of being able to get a quick look in the morning before the open.

    However, then I note that the prices are, similar to last post, incorrect. Not as crazy as our last posts, but, still inconsistent. Just another example for you.

    Attached Files


    • #17
      This from the Tiny Dow Industrial Workspace (9 Kb).

      I also note the charts are continuing to give various prices. Ex: Currently EK Weekly & Daily show 26.90; the 60-minute shows a price of 196.75.

      Attached Files


      • #18
        Originally posted by JayF
        I haven't been able to duplicate this yet, but I'll run the Dow workspace throughout the day tomorrow to try to get some chart strangeness to appear.
        I left QCharts running overnight, and this morning I was easily able to see numerous symbols that had their Highs multiplied by 100. After a quick restart of QCharts, the problem went away. I'm unsure of the exact causal condition, but it has been entered into our bug database.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #19
          Originally posted by ckelly
          ~"Quote Sheet not filling in all the prices"~
          This is usually caused by exceeding your symbol limit. When that condition occurs, symbols will not fill in. For example, if I open QCharts (200 symbol limit) with a blank workspace, and then proceed to open two Quote Sheet/Hot Lists (say, US Trade Rate & US Volume) my symbol limit will come close to 200 symbols. If I then open a third Quote Sheet and import the Dow 30, I may get the results you had seen in your screenshot.

          FYI, you can see what your current symbol limit is by using the Status Toolbar (look for the eSyms field.)
          Attached Files
          Jay F.
          Product Manager
          Have a suggestion to improve our products?
          Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


          • #20
            Ok, so the symbols are cumulative to all workspaces, correct?

            Additionally, if I make a quote sheet and then export it to file, then delete it from my workspace, will those symbols be subtracted from my limit? I guess I'm thinking in terms of I have many quote sheets that I keep in file and open/close at various times while doing research. I wouldn't need them all open during the day, but, would sure hate to have to recreate them every time I want to do research.



            • #21
              Keystrokes in Quote Sheet

              Hi Jay,

              I have looked thru the posts so this issue has not been submitted.

              After clicking a symbol in a quote window any attempt to use keystrokes in that quote window do not work. The focus remains on the time interval input box.

              For example I click on a symbol in a quote window then attempt to use the down arrow to move down the list of quotes. The down arrow instead begins srolling down the available time intervals. Pressing the delete key deletes the value in the time interval.

              It appears impossible to get the keystroke focus away from the time interval and on to the quote sheet.
              Attached Files


              • #22
                Originally posted by ckelly
                WRT number of symbols allowed with eSignal, I received this error message when I imported my regular workspace from 5.1. It leads me to a few questions:

                1) If a user fails to limit the number of symbols accordingly, what priority will the eSignal Data Manager use to limit them? Alphabetically? The top/bottom X until the number is met?

                2) Since the charts retain their memory, even if the symbol is taken out of the quote sheet - will this be impacted as well? Or, will the eSignal Data Manager only be interested in the final count showing in the quote sheets?

                3) The "symbol count authorized by your password," is that per Workspace or total? I guess I'm thinking that I might have various Workspaces with different lists in them that totally would be over 200, but individually would only be perhaps 50-75. Would that work? Or, I have a variety of quote sheets that collectively would be over 200, but, individually range from 10-30 symbols. Will the "excess" symbols be deleted from my quote sheets?

                I'm just trying to get a feel for how this works so I can think about how I want to save my data.

                Let me first preempt this conversation with, symbol unsubscribe is not yet at 100%. Symbols can sometimes get stuck in EManager, and can only be cleared out upon a restart of QCharts.

                #1 - The symbol process is such. When a workspace is opened, all symbols contained in the workspace are sent at the same time to the Data Manager (DM). The local DM then in turn makes the request for all the symbols to the server DM, and the first 200 (or 500 for QCharts Plus) symbols it gets back will populate with information. So, in essence, it's fairly random as to what symbols will be returned when a symbol limit is exceeded.

                #2 - Charts are retained in memory for a specified amount of time. And during that time those symbols will count towards your symbol count, because while they are in cache, the real-time data must be kept track of for intraday charts. Time & Sales also has a cache.

                #3 - The current symbol count is a combination of all symbols that are:

                - Open in your QCharts 6.0 workspace
                - Open in another DM-based application
                - Being tracked via an alert
                - Cached in memory as described in #2

                Please note that if you have a symbol that falls into multiple areas of the above that it will only count once. For example, if you are tracking a chart on the $SPX and also have an alert built on $SPX, that your symbol count only counts that as one.

                There's a eSignal symbol limit article that may be of some benefit.
                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                • #23
                  Re: Keystrokes in Quote Sheet

                  Originally posted by biddingers
                  After clicking a symbol in a quote window any attempt to use keystrokes in that quote window do not work. The focus remains on the time interval input box.
                  Thanks for reporting. We have this in our bug tracking list, and we'll get it resolved soon.
                  Jay F.
                  Product Manager
                  Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                  Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                  • #24
                    Thanks - I've been playing with it as well trying to understand what will happen.

                    FYI, your link goes to an Invalid thread. I sent a note to the webmaster; but, you might be able to fix it faster?



                    • #25
                      Link fixed. FYI, I'm out of town next week, so Duane will be filling in on the forums.

                      Jay F.
                      Product Manager
                      Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                      Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                      • #26
                        This continues on tiny Dow Industrials Workspace (9kb size); 64-bit AMD processors.

                        Only CAT will give me candles this evening - all others are blanks.

                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Not to beat a dead horse, but, we really need to look at something here.
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            If I log in using Continuum data source I'm seeing the weekly chart showing a close of 0.00 on the last candle for all the stocks I've tried. Daily and interval charts seem fine.

                            Logging in using eSignal source shows data correctly.

                            Same stocks in version 5.1 work fine.

                            edit: Ok now they're all showing a close of $654.7178
                            Last edited by smeyer55; 11-20-2006, 07:24 AM.


                            • #29
                              .32 continues to populate only some symbols today. Also, I note that the NET prices in the quote sheets are significantly different than in regular production build. See sample.

                              Note that for the symbols with no prices, those will NOT populate candles.

                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Hi Carol,

                                Good to hear from you again. I tested both versions with the symbols you illustrated in the previous post. With both versions, the net change was the same. Do you recall which continuum server you were connected with at the time of the error?
                                Attached Files

