I have used QCharts and Qlink for the past couple of years. I trade stock and index options. The option quotes have gotten dramatically worse over the past few months. Often times there are missing bids and offers, so the OPRA data is completely useless to me at this time (not sure why I even bother paying for OPRA). Tech support has told me it's a bandwidth issue with the continuum servers. They suggest using sc10 and sc11, but they are no better than the others (although they used to be). I use Excel and need to have accurate quotes in my spreadsheets. When will I be able to DDE link to the Esignal servers? Tech support told me it's several months away. Before I take my business to another quote provider, I thought I'd post here for any additional info/clarity regarding DDE for Q 6.0.
Frustrated and ready to leave...
Frustrated and ready to leave...