Originally posted by mikesch
Yes, Larry nailed it, as usual
His ES animation captures the exact issue I am seeing, except that in my case, the All Sessions chart had the extra-high volume readings, while it looks like Larry was getting the high volume readings with the All Sessions disabled.
Thanks for the super example , Larry.
Yes, Larry nailed it, as usual

His ES animation captures the exact issue I am seeing, except that in my case, the All Sessions chart had the extra-high volume readings, while it looks like Larry was getting the high volume readings with the All Sessions disabled.
Thanks for the super example , Larry.
Yeah, the ES example was done in a hurry, just to show the different volume studies RTH vs ETH(All Sessions). The timing of when the historical bars were loaded into the chart first didn't show as clearly as it could have whazzup regarding miscounting the volume as it updates.
The YM example, that was done later in a more methodical manner, shows more clearly that the QCharts YM ETH chart went whack and started a-countin' more than it should at the 15:22 bar when comparing with eSignal. And this same issue goes for ES.