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Incorrect Intraday Chart Volume (Merged)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mikesch
    Yes, Larry nailed it, as usual

    His ES animation captures the exact issue I am seeing, except that in my case, the All Sessions chart had the extra-high volume readings, while it looks like Larry was getting the high volume readings with the All Sessions disabled.

    Thanks for the super example , Larry.
    Thanks for the Thanks, Mike.

    Yeah, the ES example was done in a hurry, just to show the different volume studies RTH vs ETH(All Sessions). The timing of when the historical bars were loaded into the chart first didn't show as clearly as it could have whazzup regarding miscounting the volume as it updates.

    The YM example, that was done later in a more methodical manner, shows more clearly that the QCharts YM ETH chart went whack and started a-countin' more than it should at the 15:22 bar when comparing with eSignal. And this same issue goes for ES.



    • #17
      Incorrect volume on last bar

      I know this has been a "known issue" for some time, but I was under the impression that this would be fixed in v6. Example: I load a 5-min chart of XYZ midday and all is quiet; I get up for some coffee and come back and it looks like there has been a sudden pickup in volume. Then I realize that the chart isn't updating the volume properly. I switch to a 4-min and all is quiet again. I have to constantly switch time frames in order to get the correct data. It's not just intraday either, it's now 6 hours past market close and a daily chart of BAC is trying to tell me almost 68 Mil shares were traded today Nov. 14 - sorry, it only traded 1/2 that. All indicators using volume are useless. Will this ever be fixed?


      • #18
        Awesome, Larry. Thanks for the nice gif's. Looks like this is severe enough to qualify for a second maintenance release of 6.0. We'll dig into the code and see if this is a doable in a reasonable time-frame.
        Jay F.
        Product Manager
        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


        • #19
          Larry I cannot thank you enough for being so helpful in seeing this problem gets addressed and fixed.

          That was 1/2 the battle for me.

          When Qcharts is first loaded it seems its all fine but as some time progresses the volume starts getting very inaccurate and sometimes reporting less tan 1/2 the volume it should be on the bars.

          I use Open ECry (my DMA account) charts on ES as a comparison and the volume on those is much more like it should be, ie volume spikes over 50,000 on a 5 min chart at times.

          Many thanks again,



          • #20
            Looks like this issue is more complex than previously thought and won't be done in time for a follow-up maintenance release. We will, however, try to get it in the first public beta of QCharts 6.1. Apologies for the inconvenience this bug is causing.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

