Originally posted by hardtaill
The Short Interest is a little newer than that, as I check it againtst free sites from time to time.
It's a nice program.
The Short Interest is a little newer than that, as I check it againtst free sites from time to time.
It's a nice program.

If someone from e-signal wants to get me an e-mail address I will forward them 2 workspaces I have - the one I run in 5.1 that I have stripped down in anticipation of moving to 6. that runs just fine except for the things they have decided to stop updating
I can also send the even further stripped down version that I have manually converted index symbols, removed some lists and charts etc etc that still doesnt run in 6.0 when market is open.
Don't get me wrong - from what I see in off hours 6.0 looks like a good program. But and this has ALWAYS been the big but with QC, if it doesnt run correctly real time - what good is it to me?
Which will lead to the usual disclaimer, great program if you can get it to work when you need it.