re: running on Vista... I followed sonicbum's instructions in this thread here and confirm his premise that XP compatibility mode isn't needed. (I tried both his approach and the one outlined on IMO his approach should be the standard since it's simple and seems to work better (no nagging from Vista when trying to start qcharts.) Thanks to all those guys for blazing the path. 
Just to clarify here is the exact instructions:
Running 150 symbols on my new Vista (Home Premium 32-bit with Service Pack 1) Dell notebook seems to be fine as long as I'm wired up to my ethernet network. When I try to run that workspace over my *very reliable* 11Mb wireless, qcharts seems to be pretty flaky. Issues include slow init time, regular failure to get "Entitled" or "Dom Tick"... frequent "Not Responding" in the title bar when saving the workspace and loading the workspace and more frequent occurrence of the dreaded "blank chart" syndrome. New laptop is a 2.4GHz core 2 duo with 4GB RAM, tons of disk and NVIDIA video card... so it's no slouch.

Just to clarify here is the exact instructions:
Another way to fix this (my preferable way) is to leave UAC turned on, and just give "users" "full control" permissions to the Qcharts folder (which will trickle down and give read/write permissions to all necessary files in there). Just right click the Qcharts folder in Program Files, click Properties, click Security, click Edit, and select "users" and click "Full control" and save.