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  • #31
    Re: #F & Data Manager

    Hey Jim,

    Originally posted by grunewaj
    I had never heard of the '#F symbols" (ES #F, NQ #F, etc.) ES and NQ seem to give the current e-mini contract. How does it work? Is it always the current contract?
    Yes...and no.
    For the CME eminis(ES #F, NQ #F, etc.)...Yes. The #F continuous contract indeed rolls at the exact and correct time.
    For other contracts...possibly No.
    Here's a post that addresses the issue...

    The thread this post is in is about continuous contracts...both 6.0 and 5.1

    On another subject, I used to have QCharts set up so that when I shut it down, the eSignal Data Manager would also go down but now I have to turn off the Data Manager separately. Is that a new "feature" or did I do something wrong?
    On the main toolbar, click View>Preferences>the Connection tab
    There's a switch there to specify To Close or Not to Close the DM at QCharts shutdown.



    • #32
      Thanks for the great information - as usual!

      When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
      -- P.J. O'Rourke


      • #33
        My pleasure, Jim.

        Originally posted by grunewaj
        Thanks for the great information - as usual!



        • #34
          Losing Daily charts is a daily experience - sometimes multiple times daily - yet the connection to the Daily Server is maintained.

          Would somebody confirm this is being looked into - thanks.

          Attached Files


          • #35
            I am in touch with Carol on this particular issue. As of right now, it seems that it is a localized issue to her as I have not seen others reporting it.

            So....if you are seeing the same daily charts disappearing issue - please put in a post in this thread or send an email to the QCharts Tech Support mailbox at [email protected]

            I'm trying to see if there are other users seeing this, and if so, what is the commonality between them.



            • #36
              Not sure it's the same thing, but I have occasionally (maybe once or twice a week) seen a case where the daily and weekly charts go blank. Usually just going to a different symbol, then coming back to the original symbol fixes it. I've never had to restart QC to clear it up. I'd say in about 10% of the times I've seen this that eventually (30 seconds to a minute maybe?) the daily and weekly chart show up without doing anything.

              This is with 1613 under W2K. Haven't run it enough under Vista to see the issue.



              • #37
                Thanks - that may be related. I need to dig into this more on Carol's computer and see. Thanks very much for the feedback.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by billbled
                  if you are seeing the same daily charts disappearing issue - please put in a post in this thread or send an email to the QCharts Tech Support mailbox at [email protected]

                  I'm trying to see if there are other users seeing this, and if so, what is the commonality between them.
                  Bill, I see this a couple of times a week running build 1550. Occasionally changing symbols will free things up but it normaly requires a close and relaunch of QCharts to get the daily and weekly back. I realize that this is the 1613 thread but there may be some value in knowing that I also see this on the previous build.




                  • #39
                    Originally posted by JimRutherford
                    This is a real quandry. Do I invest the time rebuilding 20 symbols worth of lines in order to move up to build 1613 and invest that time and effort only to find that it all has to be done again before long? I estimate a couple of days worth of work would be required. Also, how can we be sure that the only charts affected are the obvious ones?
                    Hi Jim,

                    I found a partial fix for this issue, but it's far from perfect.

                    I opened my workspace which had never been "line migrated" in QC 5 and then using the edit lines function I deleted the line groups for any indeces with a $ on each of my charts. Took about 3 minutes.

                    This allowed for the elimination of duplicate lines in the price area when I then opened that modified workspace in QC6. For me most of the duplicate lines were appearing in the price area, and it would have been the most work to undo.

                    It still left the duplicate lines on the studies sections, but this is now for me just a few hundred lines and maybe an hour's work. Probably less.

                    Keep in mind, I haven't drawn any lines for indeces in QC6 for a long time, so losing them was of no concern. If you migrated from 5 to 6 a while ago or use them interchangeably a lot, this solution may not be the thing for you.


                    To the dev team: PLEASE DON'T EVER CHANGE the fact that lines on studies are not deleted when "delete all lines" functionality is used. I love this "feature". For me, these lines are far more time consuming to study and place than support/resistance lines on a price chart, and since the scales don't change much they have never had to be deleted due to "busy-ness" on the screen, while support/resistance lines on a price chart sometimes do. If you've ever watched a stock go hyberbolic in one direction or another, you've probably watched the price area that it left behind become a giant blob of unreadable lines as the price scale adjusts to fit the new range.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by ndf424
                      I found a partial fix for this issue, but it's far from perfect.

                      Keep in mind, I haven't drawn any lines for indeces in QC6 for a long time, so losing them was of no concern. If you migrated from 5 to 6 a while ago or use them interchangeably a lot, this solution may not be the thing for you.
                      Thanks for the try. I migrated to QC 6 almost 2 years ago. Now, if someone could put together a utility that would facilitate moving or copying a set of lines for a specific symbol between workspaces that might help. This still doesn't address the issue that the excess lines are not duplicates but close which indicates that QC 5 and 6 candles are different. No one from Esignal has replied to indicate if it's a difference in the data or in how the candles are built.

                      Best regards



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by JimRutherford
                        ....... if it's a difference in the data or in how the candles are built.

                        Best regards

                        A few things that come into play:
                        -- QC5 is dropping 70-80% of volume. This causes the application to paint sometimes very different candles than QC6. Those differences will place your lines of support/resistance, and cause gaps to occur, in sometimes very different places.

                        --Additionally, all prior versions of QC6 (prior to the current 1613 release) many times painted different opening/closing prices for various intraday charts - and very different from the daily chart. Those differences will place your lines of support/resistance, and cause gaps to occur, in sometimes very different places.

                        -- If you place your MultiMinuteBars Preference on 'fast/inaccurate' vs. 'slow/accurate,' you will see very different candles. Those differences will place your lines of support/resistance, and cause gaps to occur, in sometimes very different places.

                        --Also, note that the differences in how the candles are painted will affect your indicators. I see the hugest difference in the ADX - many times QC5 will show a cross and QC6 will not, and vice versa. You will also see this ADX discrepancy in the differences in the MMBars with fast/slow.

                        There are probably other considerations, but these are ones not to be overlooked.

                        Perhaps someone from eSignal can add other insights.



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ckelly
                          A few things that come into play:
                          -- QC5 is dropping 70-80% of volume.

                          --Additionally, all prior versions of QC6 (prior to the current 1613 release) many times painted different opening/closing prices for various intraday charts - and very different from the daily chart.

                          -- If you place your MultiMinuteBars Preference on 'fast/inaccurate' vs. 'slow/accurate,' you will see very different candles.

                          --Also, note that the differences in how the candles are painted will affect your indicators.

                          There are probably other considerations, but these are ones not to be overlooked.

                          Perhaps someone from eSignal can add other insights.

                          Thank you Carol.

                          I'm aware of QC5 dropping volume so haven't placed much faith in anything there for quite awhile. In truth, I have not used 5 since the server farm changes.

                          I guess the fact that different versions of 6 did different things is the most aggravating, it invalidates a lot of work done over the past year or so.

                          I'm very aware of the multi-minute bar setting and also aware that not all releases of 6 provided that or behaved the same as regards that function.

                          Yes, I've noticed the differences in the indicators especially the ADX.

                          It's those other unidentified considerations that are the most concerning.

                          I have resolved myself to the fact that all of my charts will most likely have to be reworked especially the indices that involved a name change moving from Qc 5 to 6 and I will do that work.

                          However, I understand that there are additional changes planned such as building the multi-minute bars on the server side rather than on the client side. Esignal has been very quiet here recently regarding this issue and other planned changes. I hesitate to do all of that work and then have to do it all again before too very long. For the time being I'm staying on the 1550 build which seems to be relatively stable.

                          Perhaps someone from ESignal can comment?




                          • #43
                            Jim et al,

                            I understand the difficulty in moving up to 1613 if you have a large number of legacy lines drawn under 5.1 and that carried over from build after build. We will try to improve the Edit Lines interface in 6.1 to help here...perhaps just a simple "would you like to convert your old Continuum lines?" question would be a possible solution. Clicking on no, would prevent the older lines from carrying over.

                            As far as why lines are exact duplicates of each other, Carol's right on here.... there's different data sets to deal with, and the legacy lines from Continuum's data were drawn using slightly different Highs and Lows.

                            Regarding the future, the server-side plans haven't been fully fleshed out yet, but we should be matching the strategies used in the Multi-minute Bars' Accurate Mode, thus preventing the need to go through another conversion again.
                            Jay F.
                            Product Manager
                            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                            • #44

                              QC5 is indeed throttled, but its a great system seeing as
                              it does catch up in volumes for all symbols and options before
                              the data disappears on the midnight reset.

                              The question is, does the chart data also catch up?

                              Don't know.

                              There's a lot of available data in QC5 not yet available in
                              QC6, but will soon be. I still use QC5 for afterhours indicators
                              that are necessary for the next day's trading decisions.

                              QC5 and QC6 are a great compliment to each other currently.



                              • #45
                                I was watching CME on Friday, and just a few minutes before the close, the Daily Chart indicated the daily volume was about 630,000. Tonight, I see the Daily chart is indicating Friday's volume at 1,526,577 -(which corresponds with outside sources) - however, the Intraday charts indicate the volume at 648,836. hmmm

                                So, I started looking around, and most symbols are showing over 100% discrepancy between the Daily & Intraday charts' volume indication. See samples in pic.

                                Jay, is this a bug creeping in, or do we need to be aware that the volume is being throttled?


                                Edit: Sorry this pic seems so big - I've edited and reuploaded it - my on-screen pic total size is about the size of one (1) of the charts seen here - I don't have a clue what is happening between my upload and what is displayed.
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by ckelly; 06-28-2009, 06:39 PM.

