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downloading historical data of MHI Q4-HKF (HKFE contract)

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  • #16
    That issue could be due to the Regional Options of Windows.
    With regards to importing ascii files I believe you will have problems using either date format because the dates are incorrect in the ascii data file in the first place. The only solution I know of is to change the date format in the Regional Options of Windows
    Having said this I do not know if the date issue is related to the problem of not being able to create charts for MHI Q4-HKF
    As to the Exchange Settings in GlobalServer following is a snapshot of what I have in the Edit Daylight Saving window.


    • #17
      Hi Alexis,

      I have changed the time format to US type (MM/DD/YYYY) and load the chart again and get the same result (I haven't changed the time zone and keep it at GMT+8:00).

      However, I have found something strange... Previously I set the session time manually during symbol definition. I now try to update the settings in "Exchange Dictionary" first and then load the HKFE sessions during symbol definition. And you can see that the session times are totally messed up.... Is it due to a bug or what? The 4th row shows 9:45 Tue to 14:15 Fri and it doesn't make sense. Even if there is an offset error, the data should be shifted by a fixed period instead of showing data like this....

      Attached Files


      • #18
        BTW, if I test the data integrity by manually setting the session time to be round-the-clock from Mon to Fri, I will get below data

        8/12/2004 10:45 to 13:30
        8/12/2004 15:30 to 17:15
        8/13/2004 10:45 to 13:30
        8/13/2004 15:30 to 17:15
        8/16/2004 10:45 to 13:30
        8/16/2004 15:30 to 17:15

        And I can get the signal in the Chart.... Both TS2000i and GS are using "Exchange Time". thx.


        • #19
          For below data, which are displayed in "Exchange Time"..... I have changed the option to display in "Local Time" and get the correct data!!!!!!

          - Exchange Time
          8/12/2004 10:45 to 13:30
          8/12/2004 15:30 to 17:15
          8/13/2004 10:45 to 13:30
          8/13/2004 15:30 to 17:15
          8/16/2004 10:45 to 13:30
          8/16/2004 15:30 to 17:15

          - Local Time (ie, correct data in GS)
          8/12/2004 9:45 to 12:30
          8/12/2004 14:30 to 16:15
          8/13/2004 9:45 to 12:30
          8/13/2004 14:30 to 16:15
          8/16/2004 9:45 to 12:30
          8/16/2004 14:30 to 16:15

          So why Local Time is different from Exchange Time? HKFE is in Hongkong and I live here too so they should be the same. The time zone in XP is set at GMT+8:00 and I have also set Exchange Time offset to be 480min in Exchange Dictionary....


          • #20
            At this point I can't explain the problem you are seeing.
            The only thing I can think of is that TS2k is not handling properly the day/date changes when converting between Exchange, GMT and Local times, but this is just a guess.


            • #21
              Hi Alexis,

              I have turned off daylight savings and now the Exchange Time is same as Local Time. And Edit Symbol->Edit data shows that the data have been downloaded correctly too.

              However, I still can't make the chart display correct. I can just either:
              i) set the sessions time to be "round-the-clock" and thus have a lot of gap in the chart
              ii) get a blank chart display if I set up the actual sessions time in GS...

              Will keep on trying..... Maybe I have to try setting up my XP timezone to be at GMT+0:00 and then in GS/TS2000i set zero offset to see if it can work or not.... thx



              • #22
                To remove the empty periods click on View->Chart Options then select the Symbol tab and uncheck Show empty intraday trading periods
                While this will not resolve the underlying problem you are experiencing with TS2k it should at least allow you to view the charts without gaps.


                • #23
                  Even though the underlying problem hasn't been solved yet, I can finally view the charts without the gap now....

                  Maybe I can try to set my XP to be at GMT+0:00 exactly and set the settings in TS/GS at GMT+0:00 to see if this will work....


