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one Forexsymbol in realtime and as monhly chart in ts2000i possible?

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  • one Forexsymbol in realtime and as monhly chart in ts2000i possible?

    hallo every1,

    i have the following problem: i want to have a ts2ki workspace with many chartwindows for one and the same forexsymbol, e.g. EUR A0-FX.

    i use this activeX plugin from esignal and everything works well with stocks. i have for a stock the monthly, weekly, daily, hourly and 10min chart on only one workspace and the best is, every timeframe works realtime.

    thats what i want also for forexsymbols. but i dont know how to do.

    i can only one symbol "eur a0-fx" add to the globalserver and it looks like i must decide what i want, traderecord or bidrecord.

    the point is i need for the monthly and weekly chart traderecord and for the daily and intraday timeframes i can use the bidrecord.

    ok, i thought, it looks like i must give up realtimecharts in monthly and weekly time frames, like i have for stocks but i can use the bidrecord for realtime in daily and lower timeframes.

    but damn..., it looks like i can for one forexsymbol use only either bid- or traderecord. and this would mean i must completely give up my relatimecharts on forex if i want also monthly and weekly charts.

    i hope im wrong and some1, hey alex, can help me out of here.

    best regards

  • #2
    As a first step I would suggest you read through this thread which provides detailed instructions on how to set up Forex symbols in TS2k for use with eSignal.
    If you set up your symbol to save 1 Tick Bid Record, 1 Min Trade Record and 1 Day Trade Record you will be able to plot at the same time Daily or Monthly charts based on Trade Record and real time charts based on Bid Record. In the enclosed animated image you can see that I have a Daily chart which is based on Trade Record (hence as explained in the linked thread will not update in real time) and a 1 minute chart based on the Bid Record which is instead updating in real time.


    • #3
      i thank u, alex. this manual is superb.

      now everything works like it should.

      one more question, pls: is there any other software than ts2ki which is able to chart even weekly and mothly in realtime? i know, one doesnt really need it, but anyway an interesting question, at least for me.

      best regards


      • #4
        You are most welcome and thank you for the compliment.
        With regards to plotting weekly or monthly in real time TS2k can do that as long as you have enough 1 Tick Bid Record data to create those charts. Another application that can do that is eSignal.


        • #5

          maybe i get help for my problem and maybe, and i hope so, its a common one:

          when i compare the bid record with the trade record on daily base for forex symbols as following then i become really confused.

          as good as esignal works for stocks as bad looks it for forex.

          i really dont know what the problem causes but i must solve it. i really hope some1 can help me.

          best regards

          here the comparison:
          Attached Files


          • #6
            There are going to be some inevitable differences between a daily chart created using the 1 Tick Bid Record or created using the 1 Day Trade Record. The reason for this is explained in this article in the eSignal KnowledgeBase. On a daily interval eSignal uses the Bid price for Open and Close and the Highest Bid for the High, and the Lowest Ask for the Low.


            • #7
              hi alex,

              thx for the link, i will read it later. but one thing doesnt fit already now if u ask me: look at Nr.7, the last red mark, and compare the lows and the highs of this single bar.

              lets look on the right side on the bid chart. u have a small trading range for bar example 7. but how can this be if the highest bid and lowest ask is used and the the trade record chart on the left side shows a higher high and a lower low.
              i mean, on this day there must been a higher bid and a lower ask in the marked because there were trades below and above this range like the trade record chart on the left side shows. so where is this information on the bid chart?

              maybe this is a stupid question but i really have no clue how to fit this into the picture.

              best regards


              • #8
                There can be other factors that can cause some differences.such as for example the Session Settings (this is also mentioned in the article of the KnowledgeBase I indicated in my prior message)
                Depending on how you set those up when you store the 1 Tick Bid Record you can plot the Sunday session as a separate bar. However when you download the 1 Day Trade Record that session is instead combined with Monday's session. Look at the next two images and you will see that the daily chart based on the Bid Record has some extra bars indicated by the yellow arrows. Those are the Sunday sessions which as you can see do not appear in the chart based on the daily Trade Record.

                If I then change the Session Settings in GlobalServer I can remove those additional bars even when plotting the daily bar based on the Bid Record (see next image)

                Anyhow you may want to run a search in this forum as some of these topics have been discussed before


                • #9
                  the problem is its not the sunday bar. look at the status line it shows u the 14th sept 06.

                  the following picture is before i have made the changes in gs. before that article i had 00:00-23:59.

                  but it shouldnt matter when i change the session settings at general. even with the new setting the same error occurs and i have all datas in the gs...

                  here my global server settings
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by G.Galilei; 09-15-2006, 10:09 AM.


                  • #10
                    I was not implying that the short bar in your chart was a Sunday but only trying to illustrate the effect that the Session Settings can have on how the data is plotted in TS2k
                    Anyhow in looking at your chart it would appear that you are missing some data for the 1 Tick Bid Record resolution. However without knowing how that data was collected and stored I cannot offer you an explanation as to why that may be also because I am unable to replicate the issue at my end
                    You may want to try and refresh the 1 Tick Bid Record data using the Plugin.
                    Beyond that I can't think of any other suggestions to offer.


                    • #11
                      hi alex,

                      it seems like i have isolated the problem:

                      gs has problems with forex symbols, at least like i use them. if i want to update the gs such mistakes like in bar 7 occurs. i cant update todays bar only with out getting problems with yesterday's bars, simply a lot of data is missing. i solve the problem for me by updating the last current 3 bars at once, then it works so far. to be clear before updating todays forex bar the first time, yesterdays bar is a complete one. after updating, yesterday's bar looks different. it must happen during the update...

                      i guess that gs is buggy here.

                      i just wanted to let u know that and that i also really appreciate ur fast and competent help.

                      thank u
                      Last edited by G.Galilei; 10-04-2006, 11:53 AM.


                      • #12
                        You are most welcome and thank you for the feedback.

