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Updated version of TS2000i plug-in now available!

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  • #16
    Same Problem

    Haven`t had problems with your last plugin version and Esignal 7.5. Is it possible to download the old versions?


    • #17
      I `ve tried to install TS2001 again and

      the same at another PC. Same Problem...
      Win2000 and WinXP too.


      • #18
        FWIW I am running 7.6 and TS2k with the new eSignal ActiveX Plugin under both win2k and winXP Pro and am not having any problems.
        You can find a copy of the previous version of the Plugin here
        As an aside it is not "my" software as I do not work for eSignal even though I am one of the moderators of these forums.


        • #19
          Thanks a lot, but there`s the same problem

          Do you have a link to download 7.5?

          Never change a running system.....


          • #20
            We just released another build of eSignal 7.6 yesterday due to a problem in a dll file. Please download the latest eSignal version and see if that solves the problem.



            • #21
              I understand that you're supporting 7.6 as much as possible. But until the problem is solved, we have to use 7.5 which i had tried and worked.

              I'm able to see the eSignal option in the DataVendor field in GS, I'm able to see realtime data on TS2000i.

              What I find is sometimes you have to tweek TS2000i when it says no data available. Perhaps it's the date range setting or something else.



              • #22
                I can appreciate that. I'm pretty confident, though, that we'll get this figured out pretty quick. We know 7.6 and the plug-in work together, as is demonstrated by other users and internal testing. Something may be happening during the install process. Hopefully, we'll get a handle on a fix within another day or two.



                • #23
                  Plug in for 2000i

                  What would be the correct procedure to install the plug in? Where can it be found? What version should be used? Should i start with the latest version of E-signal? If so what is the correct procedure to update? How do i find what the version i have is?
                  Sorry for all the questions but you know how it can try and install things "right" and....still everything gets screwed up! I really appreciate the help with this.




                  • #24
                    Hi wpb,

                    Aside from the current issue being discussed by a few users here, I'd suggest following the standard set-up instructions and doc and installing just as hundreds of others have done over the past 6+ months. You'll find all the information you need in the two sticky threads posted at the top of this TS2000i Forum.



                    • #25
                      Thanks guys that worked a treat


                      • #26
                        How do I get the contract 6E M4 into Global server please?


                        • #27
                          version of E-Signal


                          Where do i go to find out my current version of E-Signal?




                          • #28
                            Assuming that you want to set it up as a Future one quick way of doing it is to add EC M4 (which is included in GlobalServer's database) accepting the defaults. Once it is added to the Portfolio then simply replace the Symbol with 6E M4 and edit the Session Settings.
                            You could also set it to 6E #F since the rollovers are forced by the exchange which saves you having to update the symbol at every expiration. In this case you would also need to change the Expiration Pattern to 81 which I think is No Expiration.
                            Hope this helps


                            • #29
                              Help->About in the main menu


                              • #30
                                No esignal in data vendor window???

                                Anybody know why [after multiple installs, uninstalls, and reinstalls of esignal 7.6,.7.5, Tradestation 2000i (service pack 5), and esignal Tradestation 2000i plugin version 4030] that in globalsserver with appropriate reboots to the above], that after successfully connecting a symbol then choosing "download esignal" from the File menu, esignal does not show esignal or any other vendor in the data vendor window pull down menu at the top of the "download esignal" window? When I select futures and attempt to start downloading I get a dialog box that tells me to select a data vendor, but none are visible in that pull down menu I just described. I have followed esignal tech supports recommended procedures for uninstalling esignal and deleting winros and winsys files. My esignal advanced charts receive data OK and I could also receive data in ensign for windows trial version.

                                I am a fulltime day trader and need to solve this problem soon. Any asssistance would be greatly appreciated. Anyone with a possible solution is encouraged to call me at 208-476-9994 (I'll call you back on my dime).

