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Sell order resulted in short sale

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  • Sell order resulted in short sale

    These errors occurred around 12-14 March. I do not want to test any more since it is quite costly to do so. The technical support I received from my e-mail was poor and they recommended that I contact the forum. I do not understand the role of "technical" support if they have to refer me to the forum for "technical" analysis of errors.

    I ran into an issue when trying to sell some shares of stock. I have TD A as my broker and have set up everything to communicate directly. I am able to purchase stock with no problem, but ran into some issues selling stock on two occasions. Since then, I have not used eSignal to conduct my transactions.

    I already had purchased 600 shares of GTLS through TD A and was tracking this in Esignal. I had updated the broker window in Esignal and it showed all of my portfolio. I wanted to close out my position and double clicked on the bid tab for GTLS. A trade window appeared and I changed this from a limit order to a market order. I also changed the quantity to 600. I then submitted the trade and checked in to TD A. For some reason, the trade was submitted as a short sale order for 600.

    I bought to cover in TD A and then sold my original 600 shares in TD A. Naturally this cost me two additional transactions.

    I thought originally that this might be caused by purchasing the stock directly from TD A and then trying to sell through eSignal, but this was incorrect since I subsequently purchased shares of a different stock through eSignal and then sold them through eSignal as indicated above. Again, this resulted in a short sale which caused me to miss the price point I desired and made me have to pay for two additional transactions.

    Because of this, I do not use eSignal for my transactions. Thus, I decided to keep TD A open and eSignal open. This was when I discovered that eSignal data was delayed by as much as 25 seconds. I searched this out and discovered the delayed data write ups. I am not sure if this is still a problem, but would be interested in any information you can provide on your resolution of the delayed data as well.

    If I cannot trade with confidence directly through eSignal and the data is delayed, then the only purpose eSignal would serve is as a chart program. Please replicate my steps above and let me know if there is indeed the wrong information being sent to TD A. Thank you.

  • #2
    Hi ezreddy,

    Thank you very much for you post.

    I believe the problem with short/sell has already been resolved in one of the latest builds, however we will check it additionally. Issue with delayed data we will be investigating, this is the first time i heard about. Will keep you informed on both.

    What version of eSignal and TD Ameritrade plugin do you have? You can find plugin version in menu Trade -> AMERITRADE -> About.


    • #3
      Re: Sell order resulted in short sale

      Originally posted by ezreddy
      I have TD A as my broker and have set up everything to communicate directly. I am able to purchase stock with no problem, but ran into some issues selling stock . . .

      I wanted to close out my position and double clicked on the bid tab for GTLS. A trade window appeared . . . I then submitted the trade and checked in to TD A. For some reason, the trade was submitted as a short sale order for 600. . .
      Hi ezreddy,

      Is it possible that when you submitted the order to sell, the option to "Open/Close" was "open"? [see image, area framed in red]
      Per amol, we're still investigating, but this was the first thing noticed during our effort to reproduce.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Brent was right here. The close position in the dialog incorrectly has "open" selected. In the next build, it will reference account positions and default to "close" if a sell is entered against a long position.

        Also we were unable to reproduce delay between eSignal and TD A. What symbol and when did you notice that? What application did you use for comparing? Is it web interface or standalone application?
        Last edited by eSignal_Brent; 03-31-2008, 10:46 AM.


        • #5
          Thanks for the quick reply. I will remember to change to close position in the future. As for the delayed data, there are many posts in the data section and I only went looking at that section to see if other members had found this issue. Here is the link (134 posts on this one)


          • #6
            Hi ezreddy,

            In checking with our support group, there were reports, concentrating primarily during a 10 trading-day period, most at the end of February and into March.
            Improved efficiency was accomplished by converting a majority of Tick Servers to Trade-Only, and modifying connections at some exchanges, which has improved data handling and bandwidth.

            With these improvements, Support has reported that they've seen a significant decrease in delayed data and received very few subsequent reports.

            Thanks again,


            QuoteTrader Video Library
            Last edited by eSignal_Brent; 04-01-2008, 08:08 AM.

