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Stops will not be triggered

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  • Stops will not be triggered

    when i use chart trading through an EFS and esignals Paper Trading.

    I've set a 12 tick stop in Order Defaults.

    When I use the Trade Manager the stops will be triggered correctly. Does anybody know the reason?

    How can I define the tick size of 12,50$ for ES #F and ES #F=2 in Paper Trading? Currently each tick is worth only 0.25$.....
    Last edited by zottl; 03-09-2009, 09:04 AM.

  • #2

    In the eSignal Paper trading all of the mapping for the symbols is pre-defined and can not be changed.

    I've checked the eMini and the setting are correct at .25 tick increments, $12.50 per tick and $50.00 per point. If this is not what you're seeing please let me know what version of eSignal and in which of the windows it occurring.

    Thank you
    eSignal Support


    • #3
      hello avery,

      i'm using 10.3.1491.1162 and i saw this in paper trading in the account manager
      Attached Files


      • #4

        could you please check also the account manager?

        i bought es #f=2 for 675.50 and sold for 676.25 and PL was -42.50. why negative? the balance then was 99957.59 instead of 10042.50.
        Attached Files


        • #5

          This looks like it's an issue with the =2, when we use ES #F or ES H9 all columns appear to display and calculate correctly. It's when the =2 is added to the end that we're experiencing the .25 value.

          I've forward this information to Product Managers and developers for a resolution.

          eSignal Support


          • #6
            thank you!

            in trading with a real broker is it necessary to map es #f and es #f=2 always to the actual contract by hand(currently es h9) or will it be automatically mapped(eg. to es m9 this thursday which is rollover day)?


            • #7

              Because most brokers do not have a continuous contract they use you'll need to go back and map the June contract to your #F and #F=2 symbols.

              eSignal Support


              • #8
                That's OK, I understand.

                Can you reproduce the stop issue with EFS orders too?

                Thank you


                • #9

                  I've still several problems with automatic stops in Paper Trading with eSignal version 10.3.1491.1162. It seems that automatic stops will only be triggered when I use stop buy or stop sell orders. In this case the stop value from order defaults will be used but only if I use the attached order ticket or when I use stop buy or stop sell directly in the chart.

                  In case of the attached screenshot I used a market sell order in trade manager with a stop loss of 8 ticks(defined in the field bracket type). The order was executed at 776.00 and concerning to the account manager there should be a stop loss at 778.25(why not 778.00 which is 8 ticks away from the fill). This stop did not appear in the chart, why? The symbol I used was ES M9.

                  Am I alone with this problem? And what has precedence in the trade manger? The predefined stop in order defaults or the values in the bracket type input field??
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Hi Avery,

                    do you know when the issue with the =2 symbols and the .25 value will be solved?



                    • #11

                      Sorry for the delay in responding I needed confirming the issues you reported were addressed in this new version. So we have good news… With the release of 10.4 a host of issues reported regarding eSignal Paper trading have been corrected (Please see below).[list=1][*]The #F and =2 have the correct Tick values of 12.50. [*]When placing Market Orders with the StopLoss and Take Profit brackets has been fixed so that they now show up on the charts and other eSignal Windows. As well as being reflected in the Account Manager.[*]When the Stops and Limit orders are placed with Bracket Stops the correct Tick price on Stops has been addressed.[/list=1]

                      eSignal 10.4 is now available on our download site which you can get to from here.

                      Hopefully this will help you take full advantage of the eSignal Paper Trading and once again I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.

                      eSignal Support


                      • #12
                        Hi Avery,

                        are you sure that all these things are fixed? I've installed 10.4.1540.1035 and I see no longer problems with automatic stops and the trade manager. But I see other problems like

                        1) still the 0.25$ increments for ES #F=2 in Account Manager

                        2) no stops or lines in the charts when using buyMarket or sellShortMarket orders in EFS(ES #F=2 and ES #F)

                        3) problems with the Bid or Ask price button in an attached order ticket which shows often 0.000000 instead of the current bid or ask price after pressing it(ES #F=2 and ES #F)

                        4) problems with Buy Market in the attached order ticket because the position will be immediately and automatically closed after it was entered(ES #F=2 and ES #F). Sell Market is working but the stop was set to 1658.25(!!) although the order was filled at 827.50(only ES #F=2).

                        5) the Buy or Sell Limit buttons show often ?????? instead of the current bid or ask price(ES #F=2 and ES #F)

                        I think there is a lot of work to do...:-(



                        • #13
                          Hi Avery,

                          1) seems to be fixed now...
                          5) this will also be discussed here



                          • #14
                            Hello zottl,

                            1) still the 0.25$ increments for ES #F=2 in Account Manager

                            Last week a file should was pushed out to all user that should have corrected the pricing for the =2. I'm happy to hear it has fixed the pricing.
                            2) no stops or lines in the charts when using buyMarket or sellShortMarket orders in EFS(ES #F=2 and ES #F)

                            I'm going to speak with the EFS Gurus about this. I have some ideas but I'll need to confirm them before I answer.
                            5) the Buy or Sell Limit buttons show often ?????? instead of the current bid or ask price(ES #F=2 and ES #F)

                            When many of the exchanges decided to adapt single sided bids/ask quotes we needed to come up with a way to remove the stale data from the Bid/Ask and display the single sided quote without causing confusion when actual trades were executed. Instead of displaying zeros or leaving the field black our developers opted to show question marks until the next bid/ask update.

                            We’re in the process of evaluating a better solution for displaying the bid/ask information. We don't have an ETA at this time but we hope to have it in an upcoming release.

                            About issue 3 and 4 I'll investigate those issues further during market hours so that we get a more realistic result and I'll get back to you with the findings.

                            Once again I apologize for the delayed response. .

                            eSignal Support


                            • #15

                              2) no stops or lines in the charts when using buyMarket or sellShortMarket orders in EFS(ES #F=2 and ES #F)
                              After speaking wth the gurus and testing EFS script I'm unable to duplicate this. I've placed 4 differnt orders with ES #F, ES #F=2 and even other symbols and each one take the setting from my StopLoss/TakeProfit setting. Please see attached. (forgive the large attachment)

                              4) problems with Buy Market in the attached order ticket because the position will be immediately and automatically closed after it was entered(ES #F=2 and ES #F). Sell Market is working but the stop was set to 1658.25(!!) although the order was filled at 827.50(only ES #F=2).
                              This one I'm also unable to duplicate during market ours. Some preliminary test last evening did close out immediately but during market hours I was unable to duplicate this issue.

