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  • SimCon

    This topic corresponds with the File Share Topic of the same name. Please post comments here that relate to the post in the File Share area.

    Here is a link to a chart showing the methods indicators

    Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 21:48:09

  • #2
    Gee, can I really reply to Boots himself in here?


    • #3
      Gee, can I really reply to Boots himself in here?
      Yep!........Pretty amazing huh.

      I just tried to get a link in the file share area again but could not do it. I get nothing in the address line. Nothing to copy and paste. How did you do that?

      People are going to wonder what we are talking about with half the conversation here and half on SI............hehe



      • #4
        For those who are curious about the charts and layout posted in the correspoding File Share area I apologize. Have been spending time trying to get up to speed with E-Central and have not had the time.

        I will post an explanation in the morning. Will also try to make sure it is downloading correctly. Have had atleast one person not be able to get the formulas with the chart. Could be something I am doing wrong. We shall see.


        • #5

          Gee, can I really reply to Boots himself in here?

          Yep!........Pretty amazing huh.

          I just tried to get a link in the file share area again but could not do it. I get nothing in the address line. Nothing to copy and paste. How did you do that?

          People are going to wonder what we are talking about with half the conversation here and half on SI............hehe


          I think I right clicked on the link and copied the html info in the message?


          • #6
            Yes Dave.........My problem is there is nothing in the address box for me to right click on or copy. That is why I posted the link for the bulletin board on SI instead of posting the link for the File Share page. I just hoped people would come to the BB post and then go find the File Share page.

            If you don't mind would you post a link on SI of the picture of the page I posted in File Share.

            We are way off subject here but who cares. I guess if nobody can get the file to download correctly we won't have much to talk about anyway..............hehe

            Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 18:01:34


            • #7
              I will try to explain the "BootsBox" method that goes with the charts and downloads located in the corresponding SimCon File Share area.


              First let me say that on this page, using the simple indicators included are many different methods. The indicators can be combined in any number of ways to develop many different trading methods for many different circumstances. What I will lay out now is a method that uses all of them at the same time. This will explain what the indicators are and how I intend to use them. You can use these in the format I layout or many other ways which I look forward to discussing.

              Ok.....first a list of the indicators
              #1 The light green lines on the chart itself that look a bit like Donchain channels are 30 period HH/LL lines set ahead 1 bar. These show the highest high and lowest low of the last 30 bars

              #2 The grey lines on the chart itself are 6 period HH/LL lines set ahead 1 bar

              #3 The red line on the chart itself is a 17 period simple moving average

              #4 The top color bar is a histogram of the difference between a 12 and a 26 period moving average. The colors red and green indicate if the difference is larger or smaller than the differnce the bar before.

              #5 The next indicator goes green if the high is higher than the highest high of the last 6 bars and the 17 SMA is moving up. Red if the low is lower than the lowest low in the last 6 bars and the 17 SMA is falling.

              #6 The bottom color bar turns red if the current 17 SMA is lower than the last 17 SMA and green if the current 17 SMA is greater than the last bars 17 SMA.

              WIll start a new post at this point

              Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 21:46:24


              • #8
                This is a continuation of the post about the "BootsBox" indicators and some of the ways I use them. Here is a link to a chart of the methods indicators.


                The following is a method that uses all of the indicators in one method.

                Trend is used as a confirming indicator. If the entry signal is long and the TREND is up then the trade should be taken.
                TREND can be determined by using the 30 period HH/LL lines. If price has last broken the high line then the trend is considered up until price breaks the low line. The reverse is true for down trend.

                The trigger to enter a trade is when the middle or second indicator changes color from red to green and the first or top color bar indicator is also the same color. The entry would be made on the open of the next bar. This is the only bar the signal is good for. Do not enter late. If this entry is missed you must wait for a new signal.

                Exits can be determined in many ways from the indicators but one very successful one is to hold the position until the second or middle indicator changes color again. For a faster exit or to take partial profits (hope they are profits.........hehe) you can trail a stop just beyond the 6 period HH/LL line.

                The third or bottom bar color bar is not used as a confirmation but is actually part of the indicator used in the trigger or middle color band. It gives you a heads up that something maybe about to happen since it will often change before the trigger bar.

                This is not a stop and reverse method. The Trigger is only taken as a valid signal if the TREND confirms the signal.

                I will be talking about some of the other ways to use this combination of indicators in following post. Please feel free to comment and add any insights you may have.

                Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 21:45:40

                Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 22:33:46

                Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 22:35:16

                Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 22:37:49


                • #9
                  The method I spoke of earlier uses just the single chart to make all decisions. The TREND is determined by the 30 period HH/LL line and that works well but Trend is a tricky thing and using it as a confirmation tool can be frustrating and difficult.

                  Another way I like to determine trend is to use the weekly charts. Consider trend up when and if last weeks high is broken by this weeks high. Once the high is broken then the trend is considered up until the last weeks low is broken.

                  This weeks bar does not have to be completed. The trend is considered changed at the time the previous high or low is broken.

                  This chart period can be changed from weekly to daily or some other interval depending on the interval of the primary trading chart. I have found the weekly to be a good trend indicating time period for primary trading charts from between 30 and 65 minutes. If you are trading from a 5, 10 or 15 minute chart you may need to go to a 2 or 3 day interval to find a trend that fits better.

                  The less trend changes you have the better your method will work because you will be ready for more of the good moves and have less counter trend entries (whips). Keep in mind that if the right Trigger and the right Trend confirmation are matched together your losses will come from Trend changes not counter trend entries. So the less trend changes you have the better off you are. How do you get less Trend changes...........use longer trend indicators.

                  At first that might sound strange but I believe the more you think about it and the more you study where your trading maybe having trouble, the more you will understand what I am saying.

                  I will try to add more as time permits.

                  Good luck.

                  Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 22:16:16

                  Edited by - boots on 10/13/2002 22:21:12


                  • #10
                    Gee, can I really reply to Dave himself in here?
                    Hi Guys,

                    Ha Ha Ha.....nice software program! Deja-vu?


                    Boot, I think you need to upload your .efs for your charts to work?


                    Edited by - Jeff Jordan on 10/14/2002 05:20:25


                    • #11
                      Hi Jeff, glad to see you drop by. Need you to post some of your work on here also.

                      As for the ones I posted I will get this figured out today and upload whatever it is that is needed to make them work.


                      • #12
                        I have just uploaded the efs files needed to make the layout posted earlier work. I hope I have done it correctly.

                        To further the method discussion here is a brief explaination of the theory behind it. Using the 30 bar HH/LL or the weekly method for determining long term trend and also the 17MA for short term trend you make sure you are entering a trade in the prevailing direction of the market. The trigger has determined that the market has just broken some resistence level and has moved on to make a new high or a new low.

                        These are the primary functions of the indicators and the premise upon which it trades. You are with the trend and a resent high or low has been broken. Very simple but effective.

                        Edited by - boots on 10/14/2002 12:16:21


                        • #13
                          Link showing chart and triggers from the Diffogram indicator from a conversation with Jeff Jordan

                          Last edited by boots; 10-29-2002, 05:13 PM.


                          • #14
                            Another example from Dloomis. Thanks Dave



                            • #15
                              Hi Guys:

                              I am an SI lurker who has been interested in the discussion you have been having regarding the Boots indicators. I downloaded everything into my eSignal but the 3 efs indicators are blank.

                              Is there something I may be missing?

                              Thanks for sharing this with us Boots


