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Advanced Charting Methods & Ideas

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  • Trades to prepare for would be Monday Marc.

    I almost never trade after 11am on fridays.
    Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


    • But what about if you haven't made your money quota for the week? Sometimes you have to stay late, switch to a very short day-trade time frame-- 15, 5, 3 or 1 minute chart-- and pray you can pick up a late lunch money trade, right!?

      But seriously, I was mostly meaning what you said, why not use a peaceful end of the week trading day like today as a good time to start framing up new trade ideas for later, not necessarily today....

      Originally posted by FibbGann
      Trades to prepare for would be Monday Marc.

      I almost never trade after 11am on fridays.


      • Not me Marc, Fridays is to light of voulume. I am not giving them any chance to scan my money. If I did'nt make my quota by friday at 11am. Oh well, better luck next week is what I say. JMHO from experience.
        Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


        • Fib,

          You are right, typical Friday afternoon trades are 50-50 propositions.

          Please forgive me... it is just I have a weird sense of humor, it is a quiet day, and was just trying to be funny.

          (If you could have been sitting here with me when I was reading your post-- at the exact time while reading was looking at a 5 minute ESM4 chart and dreaming about how I could take my wife out to dinner IF ONLY I had only seen that Short earlier. Reality is, I don't do well day-trading on impulse ideas, so was kind of making fun of myself for even thinking of the idea.)

          Hey, thanks again for your input.... is nice to see some good trading related conversations again at this BBS.

          Best wishes, hope you have a great weekend,



          • Opportunity exists the moment...........

            ...we find courage to look.

            God is a scientist, not a magician.
            - Albert Einstein


            • Marc, I thought it was funny, hard to get expressions right, out of text. ( I am famous for that one) If you like, stop by on Monday, hopefully I can give everyone some pointers. Its going to be the first day so it will be interesting on how it goes.

              Have a great weekend,
              Last edited by FibbGann; 05-14-2004, 02:03 PM.
              Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


              • Trend Reversal? - Not - Continuation Pattern?

                Options Expiration week Be Careful!

                NEWS: FACT: WMD FOUND (Sarin Gas)

                To do injustice is more disgraceful than to suffer it.
                - Plato

                Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.

                Last edited by JJordan; 05-17-2004, 07:20 AM.


                • Charting Comparisons- INDU - June 2003- Today

                  Last year this is approximately where the Dow chart was trading.

                  What are the similarities in patterns, sentiment, expectations?
                  What are the differences? Inside/Outside the markets.

                  Isn't this just a continuation?

                  He who doubts from what he sees Will ne'er believe, do what you please.

                  [The Devil's] laws are easy, and his gentle sway, Makes it exceeding pleasant to obey .

                  If you've been down this road before shouldn't we know where it's going?

                  Last edited by JJordan; 05-19-2004, 04:46 AM.


                  • Charting Comparisons-part2

                    Yesterday's close on Dow.....similarities?

                    He who takes no position will not sway the human intellect.

                    Doubters invert the metaphor and insist that they need faith as
                    big as a mountain in order to move a mustard seed.

                    (Justification crutch talk later)

                    Be wise,



                    • Bullish/Bearish Sentiment

                      I think the market wants to go up? Today obviously?<g>

                      note: Important averages to watch against Price: 40ma/200ma

                      Contentment is a pearl of great price, and whoever procures it
                      at the expense of ten thousand desires makes a wise
                      and happy choice.

                      It is right to be content with what we have, but never
                      with what we are.

                      Last edited by JJordan; 05-24-2004, 05:36 AM.


                      • Moving Averages on the Move

                        I think therefore, I am

                        .............what shall I become?


                        If you truly want to understand something, try to change it.



                        • Other Methods &amp; Techniques

                          Similar patterns reflect market sentiment.....universal effects?
                          Chart of index, stock whatever, doesn't a halographic reflection?

                          Reflect upon your present blessings - of which every man has many
                          - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.



                          • ...On the Move, Con't.

                            Einstein said; "Imagination is more important than smarts."

                            Clean windows makes it easy to see what's outside.
                            What you see is a matter of perspective....try to change it?

                            Update: 30min Nas

                            Faith goes up the stairs that love has made and looks out the window which hope has opened.

                            Last edited by JJordan; 05-27-2004, 07:10 AM.


                            • Trends, con't.

                              Big Picture?

                              There is not a heart that but has its moments of longing,
                              yearning for something better.



                              • Trading Retracements

                                ....after a nice run expect a test of the 40ma support and 50%
                                fibonacci retracement. In a continuation move you get the bounce
                                before the 62% fib.

                                In extreme bull moves like in 2003 bullish retracements
                                may only be 38%.

                                Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.

                                Last edited by JJordan; 05-28-2004, 05:33 AM.

