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Anyone else having problems: eSignal SLOW speed loading data?

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  • #16

    This worked. Thank You.

    Feels "turbo" charged now. I would suggest doing this for anyone else that has this chronic issue.

    I had to copy the contents of "esignalold*" to the new esignal; I just clicked NO when asked if I wanted to replace a file.


    *see ahodgee's post


    • #17

      I'm glad I could be of help, and thanks for posting back that the instructions were successful for you.

      eSignal Support


      • #18
        Esignal Slowness

        I already went thru the iritating issue of going from the latest release of esignal back to 8.0, what I'm wondering is, has anyone noticed that when there is a surge in, for example, the S % P 500 Futures that esignal lags by about 10 to as much as 40 seconds!!! I thought I was seeing things, until it happened again this morning at around 10:48 once again when the Futures moved do I know esignal has the problem....glad u asked....because I also run Tradestation and the Goldman Sachs Redi system....and after this...I'm considering paying the $1500 a month for Bloomberg and dumping this slow system....and believe me when I say....Its not my equipement.


        • #19
          I saw same problem just now(9:48/49 Chicago time), I saw 60 seconds delay then, hadn't realised it had happened before.

          I've kept a screen shot of the ES and a chart from another source and a copy of my net connections.

          Could someone tell me how I get the money back I lost in the trade put on, not knowing that price had moved past assumed level?

          Please post any other delays (ie the time and amount).


          • #20

            i've noticed again big delays in the T&S and the charts. Switching between charts will take approximately 3 to 15 seconds. I've spoke to the people at the helpdesk and they are working on the new esignal version. In the beginning the (small) delays were acceptable but now it starts to get out of hand the last couple of weeks. This costs me money.

            fix it asap!


            • #21
              We did get a spike of complaints yesterday about lagging but found no queuing over a few milliseconds in our systems. Plus, the way we send data, our buffers would be hard pressed to delay the data 2-3 seconds let alone 30 or 45 seconds.

              We have been working to improve how the desktop handles these massive volume spikes and will make those available in 10.1 w/in a few weeks. In the meantime, there's a test you can run to see how your desktop is handling the load.

              Try this the next time you see a lag in quotes. Open the Data Manager and click FILE, then Symbol Monitor (or F2 for a shortcut). Now enter a very active symbol that you feel is lagging in eSignal and then hit "ToReceiver". Try also minimizing eSignal or shutting down the eSignal app itself (leaving the DM running).

              The symbol monitor screen should then update just as a quote window does. Try to compare the data in Symbol Monitor with your quote window and with your other sources. Can you see a difference? You can also open up a fresh page and enter in just 1 symbol and compare that way.

              If you do see the lag go away under these test conditions, then the improvements in 10.1 should make a big difference. If you still see lags, then we need more troubleshooting, including checking our logs for your username to determine whether we're able to deliver all the packets downstream to you or not. You need to contact LiveRep or call us to do this username test as it needs to be done in realtime.



              • #22
                ES delays are real

                If you check the time and sales of the ES at 11:05:00 (New York Time, 2/28/08), it will show 1368.50. The price really was 1367.00 . This has been happening often lately.
                I'm still using ver 8.0.
                Not very good....


                • #23
                  Checking our system for the time frame you mentioned (11:05:00 EST). I don’t see the price of 1368.50. Please PM me your username so I can check the specific server you were connected to and see if there is problem on that server.

                  eSignal Support


                  • #24
                    Here is a pic of the price and time (if it works). It shows the price at 9:05 my time (Mountain). IB shows the price actually was 1367.00 at that time (quite a difference).
                    I've closed eSignal and reloaded and have the same data. So, it's not just delayed, it is permanently out of sync.
                    What price do the rest of you show at that time on your charts or T&S?
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by kdh05; 02-28-2008, 04:04 PM.


                    • #25
                      As per ScottJ post, I saw the times in the DM window were 43 seconds behind the real time, so I'm assuming that it is the datafeed that is slow. LiveRep have my details and said they would investigate.


                      • #26

                        I've been having the same problem several times a day lately especially when the market is busy. Other applications get prices updates so it isn't system or network related.

                        I work with 5 traders who have the same problem at the same time.

                        I tried stripping out all the studies and it still hangs for symbol NQ #F.

                        I've been using eSignal for several years and never had the problems I'm seeing the last several weeks.

                        Glen Demarco
                        [email protected]


                        • #27
                          Yep, same here. Some charts are not delayed while others are. Happens to me when the market gets busy, too.
                          My CPU % usage is higher than it used to be as well. I've tried using less indicators and programs, but no help. I used to have a lot more loaded up with no problem.
                          Last edited by kdh05; 02-28-2008, 01:21 PM.


                          • #28

                            Is the delay problem ''switching between different charts'' solved in the new esignal version 10.1? The delays are huge last couple of weeks, up to 7 seconds sometimes...


                            • #29
                              Hello All,

                              We appreciate the additional samples provided here. We have passed along these details to our Engineering group for further review. They are continuing to research the possible cause. The Data Manager check mentioned in Scott's post would be quite helpful in isolating any lags at the Desktop level so please run this check if this issue surfaces again. We will be sure to pass along any new information we receive.

                              eSignal Support


                              • #30
                                Avery or Scott
                                On reviewing the screenshots of the DM, clocks, charts and other data sources I took last session to capture the problem I notice that as well there being a datestamp next to the bid, ask and last prices, there is also an "RtTime" field, which has two times under it. The RtTime times are identical or 1 second apart, but ahead of the price timestamps.

                                1) Could you confirm that the timestamps next to the prices are the times that correspond to the price.

                                2) Could you explain the derivation of the two timestamps under RtTime, as this would them help to understand whether they alone provide sufficient information to prove that the data feed is delayed - rather than, say, having to include in the screenshot one or more of the PC clock (which should be correct) and an atomic web clock just to prove that there is a time, and thus price, discrepancy.

                                3) I don't use Time and Sales normally. Would it help to include that in a screenshot? I assume that any time displayed would represent the price timestamp and would be sufficient to show any delays occurring within eSignal, and would apply to chart delays as well as Time and Sales, both of which are additional to the data feed delay. Please confirm.

                                and a PS, in the DM what does "Request" and "ToReceiver" mean? The explanation in the help talks about: ToReceiver = "request symbol data from the receiver". This suggests getting the data back from eSignal, which doesn't seem to be the same as getting it direct from the DM if, as Avery discussed, the idea is to check the datafeed latency, rather than eSignal latency.

                                Thank you.

                                And when am I going to get meaningfully compensated for all the time I spend doing this ("eSignal monitoring and recording job") rather than trading, not to mention the losses in a trade on Wednesday directly related to the 60 second delay recorded
                                Last edited by Dave180; 02-29-2008, 03:53 AM.

