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QCharts 6.0 Pre-Beta Feedback

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  • #31
    Hi, Duane -
    Glad to hear you're still around and I'm looking forward to working with you again.

    I got a call and had to step away; sorry, I don't know for sure the server I was on at the time of the last snagit. My charts will change servers without me (even though I've checked the box to alway ask before switching).

    However, the problem persists, so, here's another snapshot showing the price difference between .14 production and the Beta .32 build. Additionally, note that many symbols still do not populate even though I'm only at 42 symbols on the count.

    Attached Files


    • #32
      Here's another sample of the prices not consistent.

      In the snagit, see @ cc-10.sc8 server on the leff and 6.0 ( @ on the right.

      Note the differences in the Net prices while the Last prices are consistent.

      Note .32 continues to not populate all symbols and the eSym count is just 42.

      This snagit taken at 11:11am today.

      Attached Files


      • #33
        To be sure it's not necessarily the server farm, this snapshot taken with both and Beta .32 on the server.

        Note that Net prices are quite different and .32 still does not populate all symbols. The eSym count is 42.

        Attached Files


        • #34
          Perfect. Thanks for the screenshots Carol, they definitely help. I can't say for sure if this is something coming from server side or related to a programming issue in 6.0. Regardless, I'll keep working to duplicate this and pass my findings on to Jay. Thanks again.


          • #35
            Hi Carol,

            Sorry for delay in checking out your "DOW" workspace. Been nuts around here.

            Well, I'm just not seeing the issues you report. The screenshot below shows QC6 and QC5.1 running concurrently, both loaded with your workspace. fwiw, I always start to "blank" workspace, then load workspace of interest.

            Upon loading the workspace in QC6 *.32, the quotesheet filled rapidly and fully. Clicking down the quotesheet, each symbol gave me full charts, with the Daily/Weekly/Monthly's filling really quick, and the 390 taking a couple or three seconds. To be expected with the 390 what with it being such a data hog.

            As you can see from the screenshot, QC6 and QC5 are the same (a couple of expected diffs due to split second update times). The Last and Net are the same.

            Of course, after clicking down the quotesheet, coming back to previously charted syms after a while (somewhere twix 5 and 10 min), the charts based on daily bars (Daily/Week/Month) are blank. But that's a long lived documented bug.

            The screenshot was taken approx 3pm ET. I'm connected with both QC6 and QC5 Single Server False to SantaClara-4, not that the QCharts connection has anything to do with delivery of eSignal intraday and daily bar based data. Note: Continuum4 in your screenshot is Miami-1.

            So, I'm a little flummoxed at what it is that's up with your experience. At I type, QC6 and QC5 have been running 30min and the quotesheets are still in synch.


            Originally posted by ckelly
            To be sure it's not necessarily the server farm, this snapshot taken with both and Beta .32 on the server.

            Note that Net prices are quite different and .32 still does not populate all symbols. The eSym count is 42.

            Attached Files


            • #36
              I'm sure glad you do not have the issues I am seeing with the Beta builds. I bet there are a lot of other users, like you, who do not see the issues I see. And, at the same time, unfortunately, there are probably equal numbers of users who see the issues I do. I guess that's why we Beta test.

              FWIW, I, also, always start twith a "blank" workspace, then load the workspace of interest.

              Additionally, typically my 390 minute and other smaller charts typically load much faster than either the monthly, weekly, or daily charts - seems opposite to what you see.

              I'm open to any other ideas/input on what to tweak to get it to run better. But, sounds like we load 'em up the same - just I'm seeing stuff you are not and vice versa.



              • #37
                Wish I had a try-this try-that scenario, but the operative word with moi right now is....flummoxed.
                Originally posted by ckelly
                I'm sure glad you do not have the issues I am seeing with the Beta builds. I bet there are a lot of other users, like you, who do not see the issues I see. And, at the same time, unfortunately, there are probably equal numbers of users who see the issues I do. I guess that's why we Beta test.

                FWIW, I, also, always start twith a "blank" workspace, then load the workspace of interest.

                Additionally, typically my 390 minute and other smaller charts typically load much faster than either the monthly, weekly, or daily charts - seems opposite to what you see.

                I'm open to any other ideas/input on what to tweak to get it to run better. But, sounds like we load 'em up the same - just I'm seeing stuff you are not and vice versa.



                • #38

                  I just talked with Bill Bledsoe - he's been pretty busy making money with he hasn't had much of a chance to look at Beta today. I asked him to give it a look and he is seeing the same price variations on Net in his quote sheets as well.

                  We decided to give it (Beta) a close/relogin and see what happened and the results are attached. On this run, only KO is way out of whack. And, as before, my 60-minute chart loads much faster than the M/W/D's.

                  Hopefully, we can get this glitch fixed - having to close/relogin throughout the day to be sure the prices are correct is not a good option.

                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    Hallo, Viele GruBe Catano -

                    Yes, you can see the DAX on 6.0 - v.32.

                    Try this symbol: $DAX-XET.

                    Attached Files


                    • #40
                      Hallo ckelly,

                      das Symbol funktioniert bei mir leider nicht. Ich kann mich nur mit meinem früheren Zugangsdaten von QCharts ( einloggen. Mit den Zugangsdaten von eSignal funktioniert das nicht. Könnte es daran liegen?

                      Gruß Catano


                      • #41
                        Hallo Gruß Catano,

                        Mein Deutsch ist schwach entschuldigen Sie bitte, wenn ich stolpere.

                        Ich bin nicht sicher, wenn ich verstehe, klären Sie sich bitte - ist es Sie haben das Beta 6.0 Version von QCharts nicht?

                        Wenn so, gehen Sie hier für das Beta-Download: Sie sollten zur Anmeldung mit Ihrem QCharts Namen/Kennwort fähig sein.

                        Können Sie Anmeldung?

                        Jetzt arbeitet das Symbol für Sie?

                        Wenn Sie nicht Anmeldung können, welche Fehlermeldung gibt es Ihnen?


                        • #42

                          I've searched everywhere and cannot find it. In 6.0, the symbol is $DAX-XET for the German DAX.

                          For a user having trouble with 6.0, what is the symbol in 5.1.xx? I've tried a dozen itterations and none work.



                          • #43
                            There is no equivalent in 5.1 (as far as I know)
                            Also the symbol $DAX-XET requires a specific subscription to the Xetra exchange. In QCharts 6.0 you may want to try $DAXI which is available with the standard eSignal indices. For the futures use instead AX Z6-DT (requires subscription to Eurex)


                            • #44
                              Hallo Gruß Catano,

                              Es gibt keine Entsprechung in 5.1 (soweit ich weiß) für DAX.

                              Also, wollen wir sehen, was wir tun können, um den 6.0 Mechanismus für Sie zu bekommen.



                              • #45

                                Thanks for the DAX info.

                                Additionally, another user is having difficulty with login on 6.0 Beta - says they can only log in to (I think) 5.1xx - but not 6.0.

                                With the download from the website, shouldn't their regular name/password work? Any thoughts? Anything different if they are in Germany?


