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QCharts 6.0 Pre-Beta Feedback

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  • #46
    Duane, Jay -

    Here's another sampling of how the symbols are shadowing each other. Note also the difference in the Weekly & Daily charts' price vs. the 60-minute chart for GOOG.

    This after a reboot this afternoon.

    Attached Files


    • #47
      Quotesheet - Same sym multiple times

      If the same symbol is in quotesheet multiple times, incorrect quotes and charts on syms that follow the duplicated symbol. Screenshot attached.

      Attached Files


      • #48
        Holiday RTH time mapping

        Screenshot should tell the tale.
        Attached Files


        • #49
          " If the same symbol is in quotesheet multiple times, incorrect quotes and charts on syms that follow the duplicated symbol"

          I get that, and, also get duplication of prices when symbols are not duplicated.

          See screen shot.
          Attached Files


          • #50
            Originally posted by ckelly
            Ok, so the symbols are cumulative to all workspaces, correct?

            Additionally, if I make a quote sheet and then export it to file, then delete it from my workspace, will those symbols be subtracted from my limit? I guess I'm thinking in terms of I have many quote sheets that I keep in file and open/close at various times while doing research. I wouldn't need them all open during the day, but, would sure hate to have to recreate them every time I want to do research.

            The symbol count is cumulative only for symbols that are currently being tracked in real-time or have been kept in cache. So if you are switching workspaces frequently, then some symbols that were in memory will still be counted toward your symbol count until that cache is cleared. Build x.32 doesn't quite handle the cache clearing as well as it should, and will be improved in a subsequent build.
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #51
              Originally posted by smeyer55
              If I log in using Continuum data source I'm seeing the weekly chart showing a close of 0.00 on the last candle for all the stocks I've tried. Daily and interval charts seem fine.

              Logging in using eSignal source shows data correctly.

              Same stocks in version 5.1 work fine.

              edit: Ok now they're all showing a close of $654.7178
              I can duplicate this easily. Thanks for mentioning this, Steve.

              To all -- We certainly could use some further regression testing with Continuum as the data source (i.e. try using 6.0 in Continuum mode, just as you do with 5.1).
              Jay F.
              Product Manager
              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


              • #52
                Re: Quotesheet - Same sym multiple times

                Originally posted by Larry Marchman
                If the same symbol is in quotesheet multiple times, incorrect quotes and charts on syms that follow the duplicated symbol. Screenshot attached.

                Ah-ha! That's the trigger of some of the snapshot issues. In the Dow Workspace I've been testing with I have two entries for "T", and UTX, WMT, and XOM seem to have problems (alphabetically following T.) Nice sleuth work, Larry!
                Jay F.
                Product Manager
                Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                • #53
                  Re: Holiday RTH time mapping

                  Originally posted by Larry Marchman
                  Screenshot should tell the tale.
                  I don't think Mike's fully implemented the holiday schedules yet, so the gap is expected behavior.
                  Jay F.
                  Product Manager
                  Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                  Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                  • #54
                    Another sample of various prices shown for the symbol. Note M/W/D prices match the quote sheet price; however, the 60-minute price matches prices from 5.1.xx and that of my Broker.

                    FWIW, I logged out, re-logged in just prior to this screen shot - so, clearing the cache is not correcting the problem. Also, this symbol is NOT duplicated in the quote sheet. Most other symbols are reflected properly throughout the time frames.

                    Attached Files


                    • #55
                      Re: Re: Holiday RTH time mapping

                      Understand and figgered as much. Just hoping that QCv6 doesn't have to inherit the eSignal Holiday way.

                      Originally posted by JayF
                      I don't think Mike's fully implemented the holiday schedules yet, so the gap is expected behavior.


                      • #56

                        I have been trying to duplicate the blank chart problem you've seen, and I continue to be unable to. I've tried various systems with various processors (including an AMD 64-bit w/ Win XP x64), and all are returning charts quickly and completely. The only slowness I could see was when I was on the 64-bit machine and when I had installed QCharts 6.0 into the 64-bit Program Files folder (that is C:\Program Files\QCharts instead of the default C:\Program Files (x86)\QCharts).

                        While my AMD 64-bit wasn't the exact processor you have, I suspect the chip architecture is similar. The only differences I can detect is that my test PC's have all had eSignal installed on them at some point. I'd be curious to see if some of these issues are solved by installing eSignal on your PC. If time allows, please head on over to and try it out. You won't need to launch eSignal, but just having it installed may make a difference.
                        Jay F.
                        Product Manager
                        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                        • #57
                          Ok, I'll download/install the eSignal 8.0 and give it a try.

                          For clarity, which Program Files folder, that is C:\Program Files\QCharts OR C:\Program Files (x86)\QCharts do you want me to put it into?



                          • #58
                            The correct installation folder should be the "x86" variety.
                            Jay F.
                            Product Manager
                            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                            • #59
                              Ok, I've got the eSignal 8.0 downloaded and tucked into (x86) Program Files. Then, I closed and re-logged in to Beta 6.0 - v.32.

                              In the past, I note the blank charts typically occurred after Beta sat unattended for 30 minutes or longer. So, after this, I'll leave it alone a while and then see what happens. Also, I'll leave it running overnight and see what the morning shows.

                              Several things continue, however:
                              (1) Price discrepancy between quote sheet Last/M/W/D charts and the 60-minute chart. Note, this is not on all symbols, just some and I haven't figured out a pattern to it yet.
                              (2) See KO's Last. Sure wish I had 1000 shares of that!
                              (3) See T shadows PG's Last.

                              Snagit attached, fyi,
                              Attached Files


                              • #60
                                A few other things from the attached. I took a run thru the Dow Quote Sheet and the attached list shows the problems encountered:

                                (1) On a few stocks, the 60-minute chart would not populate. I waited 20 seconds (via the QCharts clock) before moving on.

                                (2) A few have major price discrepancies between the M/W/D & quote sheets vs. the 60-minute chart.

                                (3) On about 20 of the charts, the 50-period mva paints only for the past 12 candles and the 200-period mva does not paint at all.

                                Attached Files

