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  • #76
    New setup working well: 3 great signals

    Two perfect signals (everything aligned on the same candle), and one that slowly moved into a long call.....currently, still using the Blau Candlestick Osc (11,4) as my primary signal/confirmation:

    stochRSI crossover can be across the centerline or across the moving average (fuschia).

    D+ D- can be either on crossover or trendline break, but lines need to be converging in the direction of the trade for a trendline crossover to be considered.....confirmation is when D+/- crossover.


    • #77
      got a few private emails asking for more information on what I'm doing. Following chart has some more text explaining what I'm looking for in the generated signals.


      • #78
        Thanks Vladar, this is great stuff. I appreciate you sharing it.

        Can you explain more about what the "Kasetridicator" and the " Blau's CI" indicators are. I may have spelled those wrong, hard to read them on your chart. And where we might be able to find them. I for one would like to play with them a bit.

        Thanks again



        • #79
          I have been envolved in a conversation with Mechanical Method (MM) about a trading method call a Darvas Box. It is very interesting and I am just learning about it now. I will post this chart and try to explain more about it later.



          • #80
            As you know, I'm a Blau fan <g>

            Blau Candlestick Indicator:

            The Kase Indicator is on TSSupport pages.
            Note about this indicator: at first it was unlike anything I'd seen works like this: when the trend is up, a line is drawn along the tops of the candles, and no line is drawn below, vice versa for a trend down.

            When a trend changes, for example, when trend changes from up to down, the lines stops drawing along the top of the candles, and on the bottom of the candles, a straight line is drawn from the point where it stopped drawing, to the point where it now continues.

            Hmmmm, tough to describe, but if you watch it you will see what I mean. It gives surprisingly good results (signals) and the straight connecting lines are telling me something, but I'm still trying to figure out what. <g>


            • #81

              in a strong downtrend you get a buy signal (vertical white lines). They do not line up, and each gets triggered one candlestick apart. This "long" signal is weak because it's staggered and is within a downtrend. The indicators tell you it is a weak move and is is most likely a bear flag being formed.

              The purple vertical lines give you a sell signal, all lined up perfectly, and can be considered a strong signal. But price then turns and moves up, so you chalk it up to a bad signal.....

              BUT, look at the red arrow on SEB telling you that the move is weak, contradicting everything else. So, ALL trading systems give false signals, and that short could have stopped you out or you could take the strong sell signal along with the SEB info and decide to stay short for one more candle or until price moves above previous 5 min high.
              Last edited by vladar; 11-26-2002, 06:17 PM.


              • #82
                another decent setup.
                shows reasons for getting out:


                • #83
                  Rule set: stocks crossing the 34EMA on a 30 minute chart in the direction of the daily chart.
                  Enter if or when the 3 HH/LL is broken.
                  Place stop .10 beyond other 3HH/LL line.
                  Drag stop at HH/LL line. Don't take losers home.
                  RESET when 3 HH/LL line breaks back across 34EMA


                  • #84
                    .pg files

                    My computer doesnt know what to do with the .pg file you posted.

                    Perhaps someone can explain what I am doing wrong. The file downloads ok, then asks me what program to use to open it. I tried WINSIG but I get an XML error.


                    • #85

                      files with type .png are just screen shots.

                      files with type .ach are actual charts that you can download and use (they include any .efs that is present there).

                      I haven't tried downloading any of the .png files, but I would think you need a viewer that can recogize that file type.......for example, standard Windows Paint program (available from accessories menu) can view .png files....just open it and load from the file open pulldown menu.



                      • #86
                        Posted another chart with descriptions of how/why a couple trades were signalled on Friday afternoon.

                        above it I also posted the .ach that I marked this chart with.............only thing missing from the screen shot is the RSI study (due to lack of room for the text).


                        • #87
                          Re: Reply to post 'SimCon'


                          I can see .png fine, I have trouble with .pg files.

                          ----- Original Message -----
                          From: "eSignal Bulletin Board Mailer" <[email protected]>
                          To: <[email protected]>
                          Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 1:56 PM
                          Subject: Reply to post 'SimCon'

                          > Hello dloomis,
                          > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                          • #88

                            I keep looking but I don't see any .pg files posted there. They're all png, ach, efs.


                            • #89
                              Re: Reply to post 'SimCon'

                              eSignal - Simple boots Thu 12:38:38 PM

                              ----- Original Message -----
                              From: "eSignal Bulletin Board Mailer" <[email protected]>
                              To: <[email protected]>
                              Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 8:21 PM
                              Subject: Reply to post 'SimCon'

                              > Hello dloomis,
                              > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                              • #90
                                The link to the last chart I posted is broken.
                                Here is the new path:


                                I thought you were talking about my posts on whizzkhit.
                                I don't know what that .pg is.
                                I'm curious now as well.
                                We'll have to wait for boots to reply.


