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  • #91
    Re: Reply to post 'SimCon'

    I think it is a typo, probably should be png, but I am wondering how it got

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "eSignal Bulletin Board Mailer" <[email protected]>
    To: <[email protected]>
    Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 8:54 PM
    Subject: Reply to post 'SimCon'

    > Hello dloomis,
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


    • #92
      I just realized what you guys are talking about. I think you will find a .pg is a file that contains the info to build a workspace. It is like an .efs but for a whole workspace page or layout page.


      • #93
        I figured thats what a .pg file was, but I cant read them with my latest beta version.


        • #94
          On this puter I am using 7.2 build 510. So that is the version I posted it with.

          Sounds like eSignal should be notified.


          • #95

            .pg files can only be opened in eSignal if you are using the internal IE browser to get to eSignalCentral.

            To open a .pg file:

            1. in eSignal, click on the Open File Share icon on the eSignalCentral toolbar (the first one, that says 'Get File from FileShare').

            2. browse to the listing with the .pg file, click on it, and select 'Open'.

            The .pg should open up in your current window.


            • #96
              Well..........I guess that makes sense now that you think about it.

              Thanks DionLoy


              • #97
                Diffogram variants

                Hi boots:

                Is there an easy way to modify your diffogram indicator to be in percentage format, instead of absolute value of differences? I also wanted to modify it to use an ema instead of an sma. I have been trying to do this but unsuccessfully (I am no good at eSignal code yet.)

                Could you or Loomis possibly help out?




                • #98
                  I was waiting for loomis to drop by but I will take a look.

                  Loomis....................HELP!!! (hehe)
                  Last edited by boots; 12-14-2002, 04:17 PM.


                  • #99
                    Re: Reply to post 'SimCon'

                    var study20 = new MAStudy(20, 0, "Close", MAStudy.EXPONENTIAL);
                    var study50 = new MAStudy(50, 0, "Close", MAStudy.EXPONENTIAL);

                    is the easy part.

                    return ((ma20now-ma50now)/ma50now);}

                    might be the other part. not sure though. does the chart look ok with these

                    ----- Original Message -----
                    From: "eSignal Bulletin Board Mailer" <[email protected]>
                    To: <[email protected]>
                    Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2002 2:28 PM
                    Subject: Reply to post 'SimCon'

                    > Hello dloomis,
                    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


                    • apparently if I reply via OE, there is no notification of an updated message, so here is a re-post

                      var study20 = new MAStudy(20, 0, "Close", MAStudy.EXPONENTIAL);
                      var study50 = new MAStudy(50, 0, "Close", MAStudy.EXPONENTIAL);

                      is the easy part.

                      return ((ma20now-ma50now)/ma50now);}

                      might be the other part. not sure though. does the chart look ok with these


                      • Thanks, Dave!

                        Dave: You got me over the hump. Thanks for your help. I had been trying to modify Boots original efs code, but when I downloaded your re-write, things got a lot simpler!

                        Here is the full code that I am using, where the short MA is an ema, the long MA is an SMA and the plotted value is the difference between the two as a percentage of the short MA value (x 100 for scaling):

                        var study20 = new MAStudy(5, 0, "Close", MAStudy.EXPONENTIAL);
                        var study50 = new MAStudy(8, 0, "Close", MAStudy.SIMPLE);

                        function preMain(){
                        setStudyTitle("MA Delta");
                        setCursorLabelName("MA Delta", 0);

                        var ma20now = 0;
                        var ma50now = 0;
                        var ma20then = 0;
                        var ma50then = 0;

                        function main(){



                        setDefaultBarFgColor(, 0);}

                        setDefaultBarFgColor(Color.lime, 0);}

                        return ((ma20now-ma50now)/ma20now)*100;}

                        Thanks again,



                        • Use of Diffogram in an actual trading system

                          boots and Dave: See this post for how I am using the diffogram concept in an E-Mini end-of-day trading system:



                          • Another Simple Trading System

                            boots: Here is another real simple trading system that is a takeoff on the 21SMAX moving average crossover system I had been using on ES hourly charts. This one uses a 21 period linear regression line instead of a moving average, and instead of trading price crosses of the signal line, you trade the direction of the signal line. Go long when the regression line turns up and go short when it turns down. The linked chart shows the trades on the ES hourly chart over the last month, netting about 70 points on nine trades:

                            The advantage of the linear regression is that, unlike the moving average, it is not a lagging signal. Notice how much more quickly the regression line turns in the direction of the new trend than does the 21 period moving average (the black line). The 21 period regression also is long enough that there are very few whipsaws. (A shorter lookback could be used to catch trend changes more quickly, but with subsequently more whipsaws.)

                            This seems to work well on other timeframes besides hourly, and looks like it would do well on the NQs also.


                            • Where's Boots??

                              Anybody heard from Boots? Haven't seen him around lately.


                              • Questions for Phoenix

                                1) Where is the code for the chart in your reply to boots?

                                2) Can I use it for stocks?

                                Thanking You in Advance

