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Financial Astrology.

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  • #31


    • #32
      Some things I'm looking at. One little trick MW Walkers has is to find an aspect at an important high or low and see if it's recreated but with another planet, I guess like one planet passing off to another but in the opposite direction for the market. When I look at the S&P I see secondary high's and lows that become very important, like Sept 1 2000 and March 12 2003. When I look at the chart of astrolog I see a similar pattern of the Sun square Pluto and square another planet at the same time. One Sept 2000 it was Jupiter and March 2003 it was Saturn, but the pattern was the same. This is the geometry he shows in his book.
      Attached Files


      • #33
        March 12 2003 chart. What I have a hard time with is how Pluto can infuence us this much. Just thinking scientifically and the pertubations in time/space by a planet so far away and so small. Just thinking out loud.
        Attached Files


        • #34

          Dear ThePlumber,
          the major difficult to understand influence of planetary movements is the knowlege of Basic Astrology study and the importance of all relation betwenn planet...
          i.e. the opposition of Saturno-Pluto is very long and very stong....wich did mean for market ? and also, when dow jones start Saturn was in cancer, and now (from june until july 2005) saturn is in cancer, wich will be impact on equity market...??
          i think that the best way to understand the influence of planetary movements on financial market is learn the Basic.....
          in astrolog 5.40 is possible to see Trine, Square, Opposition, T, and much other, but everyone have a particulary mean and movemente can be reflect in different market (equity, $, t-bond, oil)....
          only after the study of basic astrology i think is possible to understand it and apply to financial market


          • #35
            Yes I will admit to not having enough astrology background, I instead only wanted to learn what I could make money right now. I try to take a scientific approach to it because of some I was influenced by. One is Al Larson and the other is at the link. Also this is an updated Myles Wilson Walker chart.
            Attached Files


            • #36
              I posted a chart in the beginning of this thread that had to do with the start of the astro cycle for the current rally since March 12 and the relationship of the planets at that date and all future turns. This chart uses the price line for planets and at intersections of the lines is the aspect, so March 12 there was a conjunction of Neptune and Venus and you'll see the two lines cross there March 12. Gann used these planetary lines as support/resistence lines and if set up right seems to be another good tool to trade with.
              Attached Files


              • #37
                Dear Plumber,
                this type of chart, is very very hard to understand, there are so much linee, it's obvious that price meet all lines, but how to trade it ??and the same planet line can be touched in differen moment....
                sincerly don't understand how it work.


                • #38
                  How much astro do you know? I will explain based on what you answer, so I don't mean that question negatively.I said the same thing about 2 years ago when someone showed me planetary price lines but after hearing a defined explaination it all made sence then. Did you see the other astro chart I posted in Fabs thread on eminis?

                  Originally posted by vciro
                  Dear Plumber,
                  this type of chart, is very very hard to understand, there are so much linee, it's obvious that price meet all lines, but how to trade it ??and the same planet line can be touched in differen moment....
                  sincerly don't understand how it work.
                  Last edited by theplumber; 11-13-2003, 04:37 PM.


                  • #39
                    OK I'll answer anyways and just talk to myself. The chart shows some of what I trade with. My biggest problem with trading astro was visually seeing WHERE and HOW the aspects affect the market. I'm not a traditional astrologer and never will be. I'm a trader and challenge any astrologer and his natal work to show consistent profits trading the way they try to mix astrology and the birth date of any exchange or stock. So with that in mind, I do use house ingress but only to a small extent. What is important to me to make money is fitness testing the "hard" (my word) aspects to find change in trends and this is influenced by Myles Wilson Walkers work. The plantary lines work by showing in advance when the aspect will hit so I can plan according to the fitness test. So if an aspect fitness test shows 80% possibility of an up day and 70 % of 3 weeks later the market is 5% higher then it would be profitable to me if I have a long bias leading up to the aspect . So using the planetary lines I see the price leading up to the aspect (cross of the two planet lines that is a conversion of planetary position to price) is going up I will use this instead of an aspect table or astrolog because planetary lines also sometimes act as support and resistense lines. Galactic works with Esignal data real time so this is two screens on my set up.I shouldn't have showed the daily, instead should have shown the 60 minute or less time frame. Hope this helps and if it doesn't please let me know if I'm wrong or missed anything.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by theplumber; 11-15-2003, 04:45 AM.


                    • #40
                      I find this guys work very interesting. Here's a sample for the month November

                      If you were expecting some kind of sun sign nonsense, forget it. This is real astrology. See the section above. And if you need help deciphering the astrological glyphs in the graphics accompanying this article, see Astroglyphs: Astrological Symbols Guide. Please note: this forecast is expressed in terms of Universal Time (UT).

                      Defer not till tomorrow to be wise,
                      Tomorrow's sun to thee may never rise.
                      -- William Congreve

                      Boasting a couple eclipses (one of them a SuperMoon), and the first major Mars alignment in a couple months, November is bound to have more than its share of newsworthy moments. The Red Planet's return to prominence in the heavens suggests a resurgence of the martial themes that have been so predominant in 2003. This means more confrontation and conflict, both individually and collectively: from military and paramilitary clashes at the upper end of the spectrum to criminality and just plain personal crankiness at the lower end, belligerence is one of the prime themes of the month. Apart from intentional mayhem, the accidental variety is also abundant when Mars is emphasized, as it is in November: fires, crashes and explosions always make news, but they make more of it than usual this month. As for the eclipses . . . well, watch for strong storms (and floods) as well as moderate to severe seismic activity (Richter 5+ quakes, volcanic eruptions) to make plenty of headlines in November, especially around the 9th and 23rd.

                      November's tide of storm and seismic upheaval begins rising on the 4th, in advance of the Moon's northward crossing of the celestial equator the next day. It lasts clear through the 14th, thanks first to the full moon eclipse at 16 Taurus on the 9th (in effect from the 6th through the 12th), and then to the north lunar declination extreme on the 13th. Off and on, here and there throughout this period, news of Mother Nature on the rampage tends to be the stuff of headlines. Be prepared for strong storms with high winds and heavy precipitation, and the resulting floods (and mudslides). If traveling - or expecting someone who is - be sure to allow for weather-related delays. This is also a period of enhanced risk for moderate to severe seismic activity, including Richter 5 and higher earthquakes as well as volcanic eruptions and unusual geothermal activity.

                      The Earth-Moon configurations (and Sun too, in the case of the lunar eclipse on the 9th) just mentioned are planetary in scale, by definition. The weather and seismic surges associated with these configurations are also planetary in scale; which is to say there's no place on Earth that's out of harm's way during the November 4-14 risk window. So wherever you find yourself during this cycle, be ready for heavy weather; and if you're in a seismically active region as well, then an extra measure of preparation would be wise - just in case. Planetary scope notwithstanding, and particularly with regard to the period from three days before to three days after the total lunar eclipse on the 9th, the zone of eclipse visibility is likely to be especially vulnerable to geophysical disturbances: Europe and most of Africa (most notably along a north-south line from Moscow down through Addis Ababa); Greenland and the eastern Americas; as well as parts of Asia and western North America.

                      Full moon eclipses tend to coincide not only with strong seismic, oceanic and atmospheric tides, but also with strong tides of human emotion. People are conflict-oriented at times like this, tending to view everything in terms of tension between polar opposites. It's a black or white, right or wrong, good versus evil kind of consciousness that comes to the fore under this full moon eclipse, and you'll see it in your life and in the world around you between the 6th and 12th.

                      Uranus ending its retrograde during the eclipse period - on the 8th at 29 Aquarius, to be precise - adds a hard edge to the highly charged emotional atmosphere in effect during the full moon period. Instant gratification, immediate results, cutting the Gordian knot: that's what's going on in people's hearts and minds, and on the world stage. It's bigger than just the full moon eclipse window, for a number of reasons. But it's especially noticeable between the 6th and 12th. Things happen fast, resolution comes quickly or people go postal. Patience? Forget it. Creative solutions based on thinking that goes way beyond the norms is the only alternative to a showdown at times like this.

                      The Uranus direct station, as I mentioned, is far bigger than just the full moon period. Uranus remains within a fractional degree of its station point all month long. So throughout November, ideological ardor and revolutionary zeal are a major theme in human affairs. Keep 'em at the negotiating table, or use your remote starter from a safe distance. Mars being within just a few degrees of its opposition to Jupiter from the 12th through the 28th (and exact on the 20th), zealots and terrorists and bounty hunters and death squads are working overtime this month. And ordinary, mano-a-mano criminals too: they just have better rationales, cleverer plans and better weapons at times like this.

                      Uranus at the Aquarius-Pisces cusp is historically associated with disease outbreaks, as was the case most recently this past winter with the SARS outbreak. Add to this the third and final alignment in this year's Mars-Jupiter 'three-peat' opposition on the 20th, and you've got yourself some signs of headlines focusing on public health, safety and welfare. Political battles over public health policy (particularly regulations, pricing and financing) will be part of the story, along with labor strife. Another manifestation will be threats of bioterror attacks, as well as natural seasonal infectious disease outbreaks. Granted, such things are not unprecedented. But the level of concern will be far greater than usual under this combination of celestial factors, I suspect. Contamination of water, seafood and agricultural products, shipping accidents, aircraft crashes into water . . .

                      Uranus going direct in the last degrees of Aquarius means there are only a couple more months for this particular sign transit, which I have long seen as symbolic of the potential for a success in SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence). If there isn't some kind of breakthrough very soon, I've misread the indicators and the historical correspondence dating back to the time of Columbus.

                      The November 23 SuperMoon solar eclipse at 1 Sagittarius is, together with the Mars-Jupiter opposition on the 20th, the dominant celestial theme for the second half of the month. (It's also the last eclipse of the year.) Being a SuperMoon - a new or full moon occurring at or near the point of Luna's closest approach to Earth (perigee) - this eclipse signals another round of geophysical disturbances: strong storms with high winds and heavy precipitation, coastal flooding due to high tides, inland flooding and mudslides due to heavy rainfall, Richter 5 and higher earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. The solar eclipse risk window extends as much as seven days before and after the event, but the period from the 18th through the 27th looks like the period of greatest risk in this case. The 20th, 23rd and 26th appear to be the days of peak vulnerability.

                      Regulars know the drill by now: during these geophysical stress cycles, it's prudent to be prepared for high winds and heavy weather - and, if you're in a seismic risk zone at the time, don't be surprised if the ground beneath your feet goes a little crazy. Check your stock of batteries and bottled water, canned goods and other survival stuff, just in case. And if traveling or expecting someone who is, allow extra room in the itinerary for weather delays, just in case. Travelers and shipping may be especially vulnerable during this particular SuperMoon. On a more personal note, don't be surprised if people seem preoccupied, perhaps a little withdrawn or caught up in their own inner dialogue - as if marching to a different drum.

                      Bear in mind that any SuperMoon is planetary in scale, and therefore puts the whole of planet Earth in the crosshairs. In other words, nowhere is there a guaranteed sanctuary under this kind of alignment. That said, since the eclipse is visible from New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and Chile, these countries may see more than most in the way of geophysical disturbances.

                      Last edited by theplumber; 11-15-2003, 04:48 AM.


                      • #41
                        gann boxx

                        there is someone that can explain me the correct use of Gann Box ?
                        thanks at all, Ciro.


                        • #42

                          Let's make another telephone session, maybe tomorrow ok? Letr me know in the morning is fine.
                          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                          • #43
                            top tomorrow ?

                            Dear Fabrizio,
                            every day i spend a lot of time to study. Every day is good for a new idea or a new discover. Today is a day for "discover .
                            My first assumption is that planetary movement are as clock of the human activity. Then i think, if movement are as clock, which are lancet ?

                            The answer is : the first one is the moon.
                            i have make some study about this trading year and i have notice that in 19/9/3, 16/10/3 and 13/11/3 Saturn was conjunction with the moon and the market was at top. Tomorrow there will be the same confinguration and market will be ???? at top !

                            I have notice also other combination.

                            Somone has say that "God not play dice".....

                            our mission is understand the mechanism.


                            • #44
                              software for research planetary aspect

                              There is someone software that is able to search when a particulary aspect occur ? for i.e. in the last 50 years when MARS-PLUTO it was in effect.


                              • #45

                                Hi all,
                                I have marked a lot of aspects on charts manually and want to buy some software to help with this work. I see that The Plumber has posted some screen shots of Galactic Trader and that it works with Esignal. Am I right in thinking that Miles Wilson Walker's explanation of Ganns methods can be applied well with this combination of software?
                                BTW Mercury went Static Direct 1:45 pm GMT 6th Jan and the EUR/USD topped at the same time. Also at 3:37 am today Mars went parallel (//) with Jupiter. This pair went Contra // on 6th Aug at 5:30 pm. This date was the start of a major move in Beans at 515 and the Yen closed at 8312. So today should prove interesting! Will the Plumber and anyone else please advise regarding the ability to plot these conditions and plotting degrees vs price with Galactic Vs other Astro software? Thanks.


                                Last edited by Garym; 01-08-2004, 06:22 AM.
                                Buy the dips sell the rallies

