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No Eurex Tic Data in the Morning

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  • #46
    Strange. I had the same issue with both GB , ET and AX at Eurex. ES was fine. I did not resolve the problem and planned on re-installing ensign today. But sfter this post, I'll wait til Monday. Manual refresh of ensign worked to bring it up to date but charts would not update. eSignal charts were fine.


    • #47

      I know at least one more other person who had the same problem. I had it also on AX, ET and GB.

      After I posted that the problem was solved, it turned out only ET and GB were back on track. AX was still an issue. Re-installing Ensign will not help (tried that).

      Let's see on Monday.

      Strange thing is that another 3rd party application which connects to the Turbofeed Datamanager was not having problems with GB at the time Ensign was.



      • #48
        Things are pretty messed up in Ensign this morning. Market hours are wrong, Bund is not realtime, Even CAC is messed up now, which is a different exchange.

        If anybody has clues, please give.



        • #49
          BUND: Data Between IB and ESIG T&S do not match.
          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


          • #50
            Can you be more specific?


            • #51
              Bund is just not updating on ensign

              Bund is just not updating on ensign


              • #52
                Hi EdKoF,

                Nothing has changed for the CAC-40 this morning or the EUREX.
                Does it work in eSignal or is this only for 3rd party software? (Ensign)
                Fabrizio, is the data is the T&S eSignals application or Ensign's?

                Please let me know.

                Graeme Ballard,
                eSignal Support


                • #53
                  Here is a summary of problems in Ensign:

                  - MT N3-MA (CAC40) market hours are setup: 01.00-15.00 hours. Charts however stop @ 13.00 hours. eSignal shows all data.
                  - Bund, Dax en Eurostoxx not updating realtime, only after manual refresh.

                  These problems started on Friday, without changes being made in Ensign setup.

                  I put back a week old backup this morning, doesn't change the problem. Problems only in Ensign, not in another 3rd pary application.

                  I thought we solved the problem by restarting the Datamanager last Friday. That was apparently plain luck, since after numerous tries this morning, I can't get it up and running.



                  • #54
                    Hi Momentum,

                    Does the Bund work within eSignal? Can you please bring up the "eSignal data manager" press the key F2, a symbol monitor should pop up, please put in the symbol and click, Request, ToReceiver. Data should appear below. This means that data is coming into your PC.

                    Graeme Ballard,
                    eSignal Support


                    • #55
                      Hi Fabrizio,

                      Just a quick questions. When you say T&S data wasn't matching, was this by a big gap? Was it in different applications?
                      please let me know.

                      Graeme Ballard,
                      eSignal Support


                      • #56

                        Just to make sure: problem here is only in Ensign, which doesn't get all data from the Datamanager.

                        Of course very unclear whether the problem is with Ensign or eSignal. For sure is: communication between Ensign and eSignal isn't correct.



                        • #57
                          Sorry for the delay in asnwer you

                          The data of bid, ask and traded are IMHO either out of sync or do not match. ( at least up to 8:45 CET)

                          Please can someone double check now or tomorrow?
                          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                          • #58
                            Hi EdKoF,

                            Just out curiosity, have you spoken to Ensign about this? If so what have they said?

                            Graeme Ballard,
                            eSignal Support


                            • #59
                              Yes, have spoken to Howard and Mike extensively.

                              Couldn't find the cause. When I thought problems were solved after restarting the Datamanager, we dropped the subject and hope it was just a one time glitch.

                              Will have contact this afternoon again.



                              • #60
                                Hi Fabrizio,

                                So the problem stopped at 08:45 so for 45 minutes there was incorrect data? Is that right?
                                Does it work correctly now or are you still have issues?
                                Where you using Ensign? or was it just eSignal? Would it be possible for me to ring you concerning this just to get a greater understanding?
                                Please let me know.

                                Graeme Ballard,
                                eSignal Support

