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Data Integrity - Splits, gaps, spikes, whatnot.

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  • Re: 200 MA

    Thanks for the reply, Larry.

    I thought I remembered that I used to get the 200 - on a not all sessions chart, then last night I DID get it (a short one, of course, and usually one of the last things painted). This morning, no 200. Odd...

    I figured Ctl-Alt-N wouldn't work on Qc6, but I just tried it and go a list of servers (routers, actually. A subset of those from Qc 5 from the looks of it). I tried choosing a few of them, but there was no change. Is there a particular server I should use?

    Thanks again,

    Last edited by grunewaj; 02-05-2008, 03:24 AM.
    When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
    -- P.J. O'Rourke


    • Re: Re: 200 MA

      Hi Jim,

      All the machines you see in a ctrl-alt-N Router List in 6.0 are the 5.1 Continuum feed routers. No eSignal feed machines. In 6.0, there is still a connection made to a 5.1 machine to supply certain data. The Breadthalyzer syms and Hot Lists. So a server switch on those ctrl-alt-N Router List machines has no effect on the data coming from eSignal machines.

      With 6.0, there is no server switching mechanism. There is no preloading of a server set like in 5.1 with QFAI. The only thing to do is exit/restart, hoping for another set of connections.

      One thing you could do is to employ the Kick Tires approach.
      Start to blank workspace.
      Load a simple workspace designed to load quickly and provide basic info.
      Kick the tires on the servers...see if they are up to snuff.
      Then load your humongous hochimima wksp.

      Originally posted by grunewaj
      Thanks for the reply, Larry.

      I thought I remembered that I used to get the 200 - on a not all sessions chart, then last night I DID get it (a short one, of course, and usually one of the last things painted). This morning, no 200. Odd...

      I figured Ctl-Alt-N wouldn't work on Qc6, but I just tried it and go a list of servers (routers, actually. A subset of those from Qc 5 from the looks of it). I tried choosing a few of them, but there was no change. Is there a particular server I should use?

      Thanks again,



      • Originally posted by Larry Marchman
        Hey Tom,

        Not sure if you're aware of this, so a f.y.i here to anyone interested.

        The eSignal application doesn't adjust Intraday data for splits. They do adjust the Daily Bars on the servers. So, for eSignal users, forget coherent charts and doing TA on intraday data for syms with recent splits.

        However, in QCharts 6.0, it uses the 5.1 CorpActs splits file to adjust intraday data for splits, and doesn't change(split) the Daily bars, since 6.0 assumes the Daily Bar data has been adjusted on the eSignal servers. The 2:1 indicator, for example, that one sees on a Daily Chart in 6.0 is just informational. This normally works out fine, with QCharts 6.0 being a big improvement over eSignal regarding stock splits.

        In the case of KWK, they messed up the Daily Bar adjustments on the server. They did a correct 2:1 adjustment for 1/31/2008. But for prior dates looks like they applied it twice, resulting in 4:1 Daily bar splits for dates 1/30/2008 and before.

        The eSignal bad data folks would have to be notified if a correction is to be expected. I'll leave this you one of y'all to do. I gotta split (pun intended) right now to go out and about.

        Hey Larry,

        Thanks for the info. I went to the link to report the bad tick as it were, and it doesn't have QCharts as an option for reporting bad ticks. Indeed, considering the name of this thread, I thought this would be an appropriate place to post these kinds of things. When eSignal gets the bad tick form fixed to allow for bad QCharts ticks, I will be happy to use that method instead of here... By the way, KWK seems to be corrected; charts look good.

        I am surprised that eSig does not correct for Splits on smaller charts. Very surprised in fact. Makes me appreciate QCharts all the more!

        Thanks again for all the help here.


        • Hey Tom,

          Thanks for the Thanks.

          Regarding the Bad Tick reporter...
          The Daily chart that was bad for KWK in QCharts 6.0 was equally bad in eSignal 10. I agree the form should have QCharts listed in the "Software Used" pulldown. But selecting eSignal would be correct for this type of report, for all practical purposes. But as you say, looks like they redid the splits on the Daily bars on the eSignal servers for KWK.

          pssstt...Jay, could you get them to change the Bad Tick reporter to include QCharts 6.X since we get data from eSignal databases?
          [Edit addition]
          Also, QCharts 6.X should have a link like eSignal has under customer support button.

          Originally posted by tradertom
          Hey Larry,

          Thanks for the info. I went to the link to report the bad tick as it were, and it doesn't have QCharts as an option for reporting bad ticks. Indeed, considering the name of this thread, I thought this would be an appropriate place to post these kinds of things. When eSignal gets the bad tick form fixed to allow for bad QCharts ticks, I will be happy to use that method instead of here... By the way, KWK seems to be corrected; charts look good.

          I am surprised that eSig does not correct for Splits on smaller charts. Very surprised in fact. Makes me appreciate QCharts all the more!

          Thanks again for all the help here.


          • Re: 200 MA

            Hi Larry,

            I thanks for the reply. I thought that with Qc6's new data feed that the old dance with the servers we used to do in 5.x wouldn't apply, but then I was advised to use QFAI for Qc6 and thought that maybe it did somehow.

            That begs the question what QFAI does for me when running Qc6. Anything?

            Thanks again,

            When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
            -- P.J. O'Rourke


            • Re: Re: 200 MA

              Originally posted by grunewaj
              Hi Larry,
              I thanks for the reply. I thought that with Qc6's new data feed that the old dance with the servers we used to do in 5.x wouldn't apply, but then I was advised to use QFAI for Qc6 and thought that maybe it did somehow.
              That begs the question what QFAI does for me when running Qc6. Anything?
              Thanks again,
              Hey Jim,

              Well, as you have experienced, not all eSignal data servers are the same. Not only in amount of history, but also performance. I've seen sparsely filled charts, indicating dropped ticks, having to exit/restart to get a fully populated chart. There's not "one" server you connect with in 6.x, but several servers with different types of data on each. One server for quotes, another different server for Intraday bar history, another different server for Daily bar history, all connected at the same login. And what eSignal data servers ya gets is the luck of the draw. No control over that, even with QFAI.
              For more info on the eSignal servers and what's what with the differences, review the posts in this thread Subject: Identifying Servers.

              Having 6.X cataloged in QFAI, and using QFAI to start 6.X will not affect the set of eSignal machines that one will be connected with. However there have been posts/reports of 6.X hanging at login at the "Synchronizing" box. This is the step where the connection is made to the 5.1 Continuum server for the data that is obtained from them. This is where QFAI can be helpful in insuring that a full set of Continuum servers is in the list of possible connection candidates.

              In addition, QFAI is required if one wants Bob Scott's CorpActs splits file that's more comprehensive than the system supplied splits file, especially concerning BB: stocks.

              I use QFAI to start 6.0, and I like Scotty's UNF.



              • QFAI and Qc6 (was 200 MA)

                Thanks again, Larry. That recommendation (for QFAI) is good enough for me. I'll keep using it.

                Hopefully they'll get the servers straightened out!

                Take care,

                When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
                -- P.J. O'Rourke


                • ACI Daily chart shows a high of 49.61. The intraday's have an end-of-day spike to 52 and this really messes up the indicators.

                  Please correcct.


                  • Looks like ACI is ok now on both QC6 and 5.1.

                    P.S. QCharts 6.x has been added to the bad tick reporter.
                    Jay F.
                    Product Manager
                    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                    • CRY CIY spikes

                      Daily chart spikes in CRY and CIY commodity indexes in Continuum feed. See attached screenshot.

                      P.S. QCharts 6.x has been added to the bad tick reporter. ~Jay
                      Thanks Jay.

                      Attached Files


                      • Don't know if this is a bad split data or what... SID in QC6 on intraday charts is whacked. Daily shows no split indicator but the chart looks OK. (Don't think it is just a bad tick...)



                        • CBOT Data Problems

                          Would someone please fix the problem with the CBOT futures symbols W, S, and C? (There may be others, too.) There has been no data for these symbols this week using version 5.1 on any server other than cc-11.sc8 and cc-09.sc8.

                          The rep I spoke with on the phone seemed to think that since 2 out of 20 servers had the data, there was no reason to address the issue. I believe that I convinced him to report the problem, but I'm not sure since there is still no data.

                          Thank you.


                          • Bad Data for RJI

                            Please correct the high on 1/11/08 for AMEX:RJI. The intra-day data indicates the true high was 10.93. Thank you.


                            • Hey Jay,

                              Wonder if you could this fixed. Screenshot from Post111042 reattached here.

                              FYI, just for fun, when I did the post here, I also submitted the issue using the "Form" that the QCharts KB says to use.

                              I included a link to the Forum Post so they could have a picture to look at. Four days later, the evening of Feb 14, I was surprised that I actually got a response. But it was from eSignal support telling me that they would forward the information to the actual data fixers.

                              I remember the good old days when we could send an email to [email protected] , include a pic if so desired, and the thing would be fixed often within minutes. who were those guys at Data Integrity at (before the eSignal acquisition) that got stuff done lickety-split. Does the name Jay Frank, and Duane Gott ring a bell. <sorry...grin>

                              Attached Files


                              • JASO Split

                                JASO split on 2/8 is not adjusted in QC 5 or QC 6.

                                I tried to use the error report form but it appears to be not working at the moment.



