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Data Integrity - Splits, gaps, spikes, whatnot.

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  • BSC: 6.0 shows today's close as 11.28 on W & D charts.

    BSC: 5.1 shows today's close as 9.93 on W & D charts - yet 11.28 on the intradays.

    Please correct BSC on 5.1 Weekly & Daily charts for 3/24/08.



    • PG: closing price is 71.14 - 6.0.2 shows a Daily close of 70.44.....ooops! it just jumped to indicate a Daily close of, it just changed again to 70.62 and now 70.49 - whatever. 5.1 & outside sources indicate a close of 71.14.

      Please correct.


      • I am using version to chart options but there are no options visible intraday charts anymore... The Daily and Weekly charts display the price action on options nicely but not on intraday charts.

        I have also noticed that the T&S for options is mostly blank as well. At best we get big gaps on options. See PMJJT T&S and find only four entries for 3/19 which is between 3/14 and 3/24 (entries for the other dates around 3/19 are simply not there.) The last T&E entry is 3/26 at 15:51 (which is consistent with other options T&S I have looked at.) The Daily chart shows trades for the missing dates.

        Charting options intraday is not something I do every day but I have been able to do it in v5.x with no problems until recently. I understand from Jay that intraday options charts are being considered for v6 and I strongly request that this be implemented in version 6 and fixed in version 5... please!



        • In 5.1 today, AAPL shows a Daily & Weekly spike low of 51.10, which I think is incorrect.

          Please correct.



          • SQM did a ratio change in their ADR that was similar to a 10:1 split... anyway, the intraday data has been wacky since 3/31. Any way to get this fixed?



            • Where is My Reply?

              From: [email protected]
              To: [email protected]
              Subject: Re: RE: Important Updates on Your QCharts Service <<#99944-824192#>>
              Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 16:38:30 -0700

              Dear Brian Schultz,

              Thank you for your email.

              I will check with our QCharts development team to see when the CBOT data will be corrected in the 5.1 program and respond to you when I have more information.

              Please let us know if you have any other questions or need additional assistance by responding to this email.

              Thank you,
              Michael A.
              eSignal Support
              (NYSE: IDC)

              __________________________________________________ __

              --- Original Message ---
              From: Brian Schultz <[email protected]>
              Received: 3/31/08 3:30:20 PM PDT
              To: eSignal Client Services <[email protected]>, ScottJohnson <[email protected]>
              Subject: RE: Important Updates on Your QCharts Service


              All of this is well and good. When do you plan to fix the problem with CBOT grains for v5.1 users? It has been 6 weeks or more since the symbology changed. How difficult can it be to correct? I think the answer is that resources aren't being devoted in an effort to coerce users into using v6.0. I'm about to be coerced into using another vendor if the problem isn't addressed. Due to the costs of transition in both dollars and time, I won't return to QCharts if I'm forced to leave.


              Brian Schultz

              From: [email protected]
              To: [email protected]
              Subject: Important Updates on Your QCharts Service
              Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 16:14:38 -0500

              Dear QCharts Subscriber:

              We hope that you have found QCharts 6.0 with the eSignal Data Network easier to use. Because 6.0 does not require monitoring what server you're on and has more accurate price data, it is setting the foundation for future improvements to the QCharts platform. However, we know that for some of our clients this transition has been challenging. We value each and every QCharts user and have listened earnestly to the feedback we've received during the ongoing migration process.

              This is to let you know of some important updates on your QCharts service, including an improved version of QCharts 6.0, the status of QCharts 6.1 and some further changes coming on the Continuum network.

              New QCharts 6.0 Version

              Since QCharts 6.0 was first released in September 2007, we have received reports of long loading times for charts, freezing during these times and excessive CPU and / or memory usage. During the development of QCharts 6.1, we discovered some critical inefficiencies in the programming code, and instead of waiting for the release of QCharts 6.1, we decided to go back to the 6.0 version and issue an update with these new fixes.

              Version 6.0.2 has recently been released to the QCharts download page. We are encouraging all 6.0 users to update their systems to this new version; we have seen some tremendous performance improvements using it. If you haven't had the chance to download QCharts 6.0.2 yet, now's a great time to do so.

              QCharts 6.1 Development Update

              Both our software and server development teams continue to work on QCharts 6.1. They are focusing on core tasks, such as transitioning the extended historical data from the Continuum servers to the eSignal network. This will retain all of the historical data that you have been used to in version 5.1 and make it available in version 6.1. We are also removing all Continuum internal components and rewiring each part to its eSignal counterpart. This is a very important step in order to speed up all aspects of QCharts data processing and performance.

              We are also dramatically increasing the size of the software development and quality assurance teams working on QCharts. While there is inevitably a learning curve associated with this process, the additional engineers will ultimately result in a more powerful and stable QCharts 6.1.

              There is a tremendous amount of work to accomplish all the goals we've outlined for QCharts 6.1, and we are confident that we will see some great things coming later this year. We want to reaffirm that eSignal is dedicated to addressing the issues on the QCharts platform, and we will do so as quickly as we can.

              Santa Clara Data Network (SC8)

              As you may recall, we made the decision to close down the Continuum server farm in Miami at the end of last year and transfer all that equipment to the eSignal data center in Hayward, CA. In the same way, we are planning on doing this for the Santa Clara server farm (sc8); in fact, we've already begun this move. While we do not anticipate any impact to the average QCharts user, some advanced QCharts users who choose to connect directly to the sc8 data network will need to point their QCharts connections to a Hayward-based server.

              QCharts 5.1 Users without 6.0

              As a reminder, once the sc8 data network has been closed down, we will be running QCharts 5.1 solely off one data center. While QCharts 5.1 will continue to run just fine, and some users will prefer to stay on this version for as long as possible, it is important for each QCharts user to have 6.0.2 downloaded and installed to ensure that he or she has data access in case of a network-wide event at the QCharts 5.1 data center.

              Technical Note: The default installation path for QCharts 6.0.2 is a separate directory from 5.1, effectively leaving 5.1 intact. You can run either, or both concurrently if you have enough CPU and memory to do so.

              If you have any questions or comments about this notice, please email our product management staff at: [email protected] or post your feedback on the QCharts Forum. Again, we truly value your business and thank you for your patience and your feedback as we transition toward QCharts 6.1.


              Jay Frank

              QCharts Product Manager


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              • TNE has a spike to zero on the Weekly & Daily Charts (Oct 2007) and it really messes up the Indicators.

                Please correct.


                • Intrepid Potash IPI IPO's this morning. CNBC & my broker indicate it is trading pre-market. However, QCharts shows the symbol IPI as Island Pacific (which stopped trading in 2000).

                  PLEASE update the symbol for IPI to represent Intrepid Potash.



                  • Please flip a switch to open up the servers. EVERYTHING is dead.

                    Attached Files


                    • RBA had a 3:1 split on April 28. QC5.1 looks like a real big gap from $89 to $29. QC6.0 looks kind of split adjusted on the Daily chart but totally different, like an huge gap, on the intradays.

                      Please correct. Thanks,
                      Attached Files


                      • Originally posted by ckelly
                        Please flip a switch to open up the servers. EVERYTHING is dead.


                        Based on your screenshot, it looks like there were high ping times showing, but not that the servers were dead. I assume that condition went away fairly quickly?

                        During the event did you get a chance to run a trace to any of those servers? If so, where along the way was the pings increased?

                        P.S. RBA will be fixed tomorrow.
                        Jay F.
                        Product Manager
                        Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                        Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                        • Jay,
                          I was in 5.1 and it went dead - in frustration, I x'd out and tried to log in again and the screen shot shows the servers - and I could not get back in. In further frustration, I walked away for a bit and when I came back, could finally log in again.

                          Sorry, I didn't ping it.


                          • Originally posted by JayF
                            Based on your screenshot, it looks like there were high ping times showing, but not that the servers were dead. I assume that condition went away fairly quickly?
                            During the event did you get a chance to run a trace to any of those servers? If so, where along the way was the pings increased?

                            Here's a couple of screenshots that may illustrate issues yesterday 4/30/2008.
                            Bottom line is that the Continuum servers suffered processing capacity issues due to market trade rate surge at FedSpeak 2:15pm. But hey, so did my @#$% broker as usual during FedSpeak, and looks like from some eSignal Forum posts the eSignal servers were not without issues. I wasn't running 6.0 so I can't speak from experience.

                            Attached Files


                            • Thanks for the follow-up Larry. I'll ping our network guys (bad pun ) on this. They likely are aware already of the event.


                              Got lucky, one senior network operator walked by, and indicated that while there was a large surge in bandwidth at that time, we didn't reach any limits or caps that prevented data from going out. He also said that the likely cause of the pings jumping up was that UDP / ICMP packets used by the ping command are the first packet type to be dropped or delayed during high usage.

                              I looked at the eSig forum and didn't see any reports of issues from yesterday. Larry, could you clarify what you were seeing there?

                              Carol, when you say 5.1 went dead, what actual symptoms did you see? Did your actual connection to the server drop or did the data just slow to a crawl?
                              Jay F.
                              Product Manager
                              Have a suggestion to improve our products?
                              Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


                              • Originally posted by JayF
                                Carol, when you say 5.1 went dead, what actual symptoms did you see? Did your actual connection to the server drop or did the data just slow to a crawl?
                                I was in 5.1 and just before 3:00pm (see pic) it went dead. I had clicked in the Quote Sheet for a new symbol and initially it locked up (kind of like what 6.0 does) - i.e., the white bar at top and the mouse was useless. Then, my little green light on the status bar went red and the Workspace went grey. Attempting to change servers provided no help. So, yes, my server connection was dropped and not by me.


