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Problem Installing IB Plugin

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  • #16
    Re: Order Status Using IB-Bridge

    Hi iSource,

    Thanks for your post.
    Yes, order status is available in the Broker Window (see image)


    Originally posted by iSource
    Brent/Esignal Support,
    It thare any way to verify order status when using IB-Bridge?

    Attached Files


    • #17
      Thanks Brent,
      How do I get this info via .esf....for auto trading..

      For example...

      I generate a buy signal and submit a buy order via esf to IB

      How do I query IB to see if I got filled/partially filled...


      extract entry and exit price from IB



      • #18
        I followed the instruction on the video (at youtube) and in eSignal, IB is not listed anywhere as an option to be the default broker...

        btw, running the latest 8.0 eSignal and downloaded 901 version of IB plugin...

        please advise.




        • #19
          Latest IB Plug-In not functional on new eSignal 10.

          Originally posted by z11
          I followed the instruction on the video (at youtube) and in eSignal, IB is not listed anywhere as an option to be the default broker...

          btw, running the latest 8.0 eSignal and downloaded 901 version of IB plugin...

          please advise.



          I'm also having the same problem and have tried everything I could think of as I really need that plug-in installed.

          I first had the problem on 8.0, and tried reinstalling and uninstalling several times, installed eSignal 8.1, tried again, no luck. This procedure actually got the plug-in installed on another system at work I use where I also had a problem installing the plugin.

          But on my home PC, can't get it working.

          Thinking it was somehow related to my eSignal configuration:

          I decided to uninstall eSignal with via the windows control panel-add remove software, which removed the related windows registry and eSignal directories and files, then deleted all the winsig and winros related .ini files, and deleted the old directory completely.

          I then downloaded and installed eSignal 10.0 and the new Plug-In, certain the plug would be there and unfortunately as Ziggy and a few others have found is is not,

          Any help would be greatly appreciated.

          Last edited by demarcog; 08-12-2007, 09:51 PM.
          Glen Demarco
          [email protected]


          • #20
            I have tried everything Glen has as he posted in this thread and still no luck...

            I do have REDIPlus installed as a plugin, which I tried to remove via Windows' Control Panel Add/Remove Programs and it would not let me do it - asking for a setup file on Disk 2 - obviously I don't have any installation disks for Redi+ Plug in as it was a downloaded file from esignal site...

            Pls. advise.

            Anyone outthere who has succeeded in getting IB plugin going, pls share any insights ... really appreciate it!



            • #21
              Originally posted by z11
              I have tried everything Glen has as he posted in this thread and still no luck...

              Anyone outthere who has succeeded in getting IB plugin going, pls share any insights ... really appreciate it!


              I finally got it working in the very wee hours after many hours of working on that and other issues so some of the details may not be 100% accurate.

              The issue for this particular problem I was having was that I assumed that because we are not prompted for the eSignal directory name when the IB plugin Installation runs, that the plugin install program "found" where esignal was installed.

              The eSignal directory location information is available in the Winsig.ini and Winros.ini files but it doesn't appear this is checked and regardless of where esignal is installed the components and code necessary for the IB Plugin to function are created in c:\Program Files\eSignal .....even if this directory did not exist.

              I did get it to work without reinstalling esignal again but I would not recommend doing what I did: manually moving files around and altering winsig.ini and winros etc. When I get time I will reinstall everything properly.

              Bottom line, I don't believe the plugin will work if eSignal is not installed in the default directory c:\Program Files\eSignal without additional steps taken.

              Hope this issue applies applies to you.

              BTW even if you Control Panel-Add Remove Software - eSignal
              and install a fresh copy, there are other steps relating to winsig.ini winros.ini that need to be taken to completely remove the older version. My information is not current so I'm not going to list the steps here but perhaps there more recent documentation that you may want to review first.

              In any event I would definately make a backup copy of the entire signal tree prior to doing anything. I create a new folder C:\eSignal_Backup_081307 and from windows explorer navigate to wherever eSignal is installed the default being C:\Program Files\eSignal and Edit - Select All - right click - Copy ...

              Navigate to C:\eSignal_Backup_081307 right click - Paste and the entire esignal directory will be copied. This will not copy the .ini files, registry entries etc. and as is will not be a functionin,g, ie., executable version of eSignal, but you should be able to retrieve any customized files: efs's, layouts, charts, etc.

              Good Luck and please let me know how you make out as this function is very important to me. The few of us using this seem to be the only sources for information.

              Last edited by demarcog; 08-13-2007, 01:49 PM.
              Glen Demarco
              [email protected]


              • #22
                Glen thank you for sharing your hard-earned insight ... I got it to show up is there anything else I need to do in order for me to send orders to TWS? I defined all the symbols but kept getting error msg about the account is not allowed to trade the securities (such as ES, NQ, YM) ... which is of course not true as I can place orders and trade directly in TWS?

                Something else tells me that the communication between eSignal and TWS is not working properly: I have outstanding orders in TWS, which are supposed to show up under Order tab in BrokerWindow in esignal, right? they are not showing up.

                Also, now that I have set IB as the default broker for Integrated Trading, I can use generic broker functions in EFS to send orders to IB right?

                Again, thanks for your feedback.

                Last edited by z11; 08-13-2007, 02:26 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by z11
                  Glen thank you for sharing your hard-earned insight ... I got it to show up is there anything else I need to do in order for me to send orders to TWS? I defined all the symbols but kept getting error msg about the account is not allowed to trade the securities (such as ES, NQ, YM) ... which is of course not true as I can place orders and trade directly in TWS?

                  Also, now that I have set IB as the default broker for Integrated Trading, I can use generic broker functions in EFS to send orders to IB right?

                  Again, thanks for your feedback.


                  Great news, glad to hear it. I promise we'll get to where you want to go but first things first before we go any further a quick post here right now:

                  My nerves are frayed enough already, please tell me you are talking about your simulated account.

                  If not I would really appreciate you doing me (and perhaps yourself) a favor and close out or definately do not connect your real account to eSignal yet.

                  Anxioulsy waiting your reply.

                  Glen Demarco
                  [email protected]


                  • #24
                    yes, I am right now trying to connect to sim account... running the real account on a separate PC for now..



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by z11
                      yes, I am right now trying to connect to sim account... running the real account on a separate PC for now..


                      Sorry for the delay forgot to refresh the page....didn't see the post..

                      Good news on using the sim account, just double checking...

                      Yes, the generic broker function will direct the order to whatever broker is selected in the Trade-Preferences Options where the "Make Default" option box was used to flag the selected broker as the default.

                      That error message sounds familiar, althought it may have been one that indicated an error but the text was not quite accurate.

                      It's been awhile, but did you authorize in the Account Management for the test account trading in those specific instruments. I recall having to go through the pages of available exchanges and select the ones I was interested in trading?

                      Also, did you enable the API Configuration Option to enable Active X Trading in the TWS.

                      I'm heading home in a few. I'm not suggesting we continue this outside of forum users ear shot as others may benefit from your experience but feel free anytime at [email protected]. I check my email more frequently then the forum posts. I was subscribing to and getting emails whenever a post was made but was getting way too many to be meaningful.

                      Let me know.

                      Last edited by demarcog; 08-13-2007, 03:58 PM.
                      Glen Demarco
                      [email protected]


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by z11
                        yes, I am right now trying to connect to sim account... running the real account on a separate PC for now..


                        Sorry for the delay forgot to refresh the page....didn't see the post..

                        Good news on using the sim account, just double checking...

                        Yes, the generic broker function will direct the order to whatever broker is the default setting.

                        That error message sounds familiar, althought it's not quite accuratly describing the cause.

                        It's been awhile, but did you authorize in the Account Management for the test account trading in those specific instruments. I recall having to go through the pages of available exchanges and select the ones I was interested in trading?

                        Also, did you enable the API Configuration Option to enable Active X Trading in the TWS.

                        I'm heading home in a few. I'm not suggesting we continue this outside of forum users ear shot as others may benefit from your experience but feel free anytime at [email protected]. I check my email more frequently then the forum posts. I was subscribing to and getting emails whenever a post was made but was getting way too many to be meaningful.

                        Let me know.

                        Glen Demarco
                        [email protected]


                        • #27
                          It's been awhile, but did you authorize in the Account Management for the test account trading in those specific instruments. I recall having to go through the pages of available exchanges and select the ones I was interested in trading?
                          Yes - I am able to place orders directly in TWS...but getting that error msg when attempting to send from eSignal.

                          Also, did you enable the API Configuration Option to enable Active X Trading in the TWS.
                          Yes, it is being enabled...even the API tab in TWS showed up when I attempted to send orders from eSignal...but that error msg blocked the orders...also, as I mentioned, existing orders in TWS (sim account) are not showing up in BrokerWindow in eSignal...I figure some thing is not configured properly.

                          Thanks again...whenever you get a chance pls give it a minute of thought...



                          • #28
                            Hi Glen, Everything is working fine now -- I had to make sure route setting is correct in order entry .....

                            I don't how to cancel orders from EFS...if possible at all.

                            Another strange thing is within BrokerWindow, it would not let you delete or edit a symbol...wonder if anyone else has experienced that...



                            • #29

                              Glad to hear it.

                              You can use the cancelAllOrders() functions to can orders.

                              When you edit symbols in the Broker Window TSW need to be active as it is used to access Interactive Brokers Symbol data.

                              Is this the donchain atr type strategy? Not sure if you posted the strategy,or it was someone else, but regardless, assuming you backtested it and it performs well after deducting a realistic++ slippage etc...

                              Remember you can always download 10 days worth of tick data and run the strategy in tick replay..You could also use the simulated account real time as you are doing just make sure the actual results are in line with the bactests across a significant number of trades.

                              Thanks for letting me know, hope your strategy does well.


                              Depending on t
                              Glen Demarco
                              [email protected]


                              • #30
                                Hi all,
                                Sorry for the delay in posting, it great to hear that both of you were able to get the IB Bridge working in your eSignal application, but for future reference should you do a reinstall this is how the IB Bridge does it installations.

                                The Path of installation for the Bridge is determined by the StartPath within the WinSig.ini file. If you decide that you want to install it in a different folder you would need to edit the winsig.ini file to direct the IBBridge to install in this new folder.

                                Below I have attached a screenshot if the winsig file with a highlight on the StartPath. So whatever this equals is where the IBBRIDGE is going to install. If you want to install it in multiple locations you would have to change the file name for each directory you would like to see it in.

                                Once again I apologize for the delay in responding and I hope this helps in the future.

                                eSignal Support

