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Financial Astrology.

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  • Financial Astrology.

    Hello, my name is ciro. I'm studying " financial astrology".
    The effect of planet movement on the index price. I want to know more about this.
    there is somone that have make some study in this field ???
    i want to built "bradley siderograph", how is possible to built it ??
    There is some books .....very very very interesting ?
    Thanks a lot for help me to understand "financial astrology"

  • #2
    Hi vciro,

    You may want to do a search on the internet for this topic for more information. Click here to see an example

    We use to get a trade publication I think called "Trader's World" which might have something in the area of interest for you.


    • #3
      Have you read/seen these? Ask him for his books on "translating" Ganns books. Not cheap but extremely revealing,

      Ganns Scientific Methods Unveiled - its advertised on this site somewhere

      also get a free ephemeris from Asrolog with API.

      OK so you might be warned that a move is likely to start on a certain day but sometimes the direction is a big surprise, take care.
      Buy the dips sell the rallies


      • #4

        The url is better at explaining astro cycles than me so I'll just leave the url. Astro trading is all about statistical correlations, like if a set of aspects hit and the efficiency of it was 10 down days to 1 up since 1915 then I will be short either going into that day or any have a short bias that trading day. The chart from was today's action, Abhay posts the whole week Sunday night. This isn't the only service I use for models, is another, but they all use the same software AIR. As for Patrick Mikula, I perfer Myles Wilson Walker.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by theplumber; 10-13-2003, 02:08 PM.


        • #5
          Here are some astro cycles. This is based on my reading of Gann saying the planets that aspect at lows will aspect at tops. What makes March 12 special is Venus completes a cycle around Neptune the day before, perfect timing in my opinion. Venus and Jupiter are considered stock market planets, I don't know or care, but the statistics of this chart are hard to dispute.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Very interesting - I am happy to learn more anytime. This last week there were several parallels, about 5 in 4 days. A lot of contracts that were in strong up trends like copper, beans currencies and indicies had a hard time going higher. Mars and Jupiter are mentioned as key to Soybeans but what I find dangerous are the aspects that occur during a hesitation in a major trend. I'd be very interested to find clarification on these cases, such as when there is a pause in the trend and then it continues when you might expect a reversal, e.g 7 Sept 03 Mars opp Jupiter. On a Nov Nov Beans chart that was a double top and they shot up sharply after a few days.

            PS "THE plumber or another plumber?
            Buy the dips sell the rallies


            • #7
              What you just described about 7 Sept on the Mar opp Jupiter you may want to take into consideration that Mars is retrograde (geo) and according to RAYMOND A. MERRIMAN any retro planet(s) will make standard tech analysis hard to do and even untrust worthy. Seems to be the case in that time period to me, what about you? Check out his weekly commentary at the link

              Originally posted by Garym
              Very interesting - I am happy to learn more anytime. This last week there were several parallels, about 5 in 4 days. A lot of contracts that were in strong up trends like copper, beans currencies and indicies had a hard time going higher. Mars and Jupiter are mentioned as key to Soybeans but what I find dangerous are the aspects that occur during a hesitation in a major trend. I'd be very interested to find clarification on these cases, such as when there is a pause in the trend and then it continues when you might expect a reversal, e.g 7 Sept 03 Mars opp Jupiter. On a Nov Nov Beans chart that was a double top and they shot up sharply after a few days.

              PS "THE plumber or another plumber?


              • #8
                Re: Financial Astrology.

                The easiest way to see the Bradley is to just go to the link, a very high percentage of people use it but don't admit it. In fact on another message board someone front runs the Bradleys cycles but makes calls as their own work, so be it. If you see the image you'll see it calls for a turn 10/22. Many thought it had inverted but if you go back through the archives of Bradley models after the 4 year cycle low you'll see it doesn't so much as invert but flushes out weak cycles.

                Originally posted by vciro
                Hello, my name is ciro. I'm studying " financial astrology".
                The effect of planet movement on the index price. I want to know more about this.
                there is somone that have make some study in this field ???
                i want to built "bradley siderograph", how is possible to built it ??
                There is some books .....very very very interesting ?
                Thanks a lot for help me to understand "financial astrology"


                • #9
                  Another great astro/chaos theory link is Al Larson's webite

                  And his work is in the screenshot
                  Attached Files


                  • #10

                    in my study of the past correlation between planet movement and financial stock market, i have notice that when many planet (not less than four) are in same sign the market direction change in the medium term with a reversal al least of 15% - 25% in the stock price. This fact will be on 23-25 oct, when Sun, Mecury, Venus and fool moon become in scorpion.
                    Very much attention at this TIME -POINT for a sttong reversal in stock market price.
                    Sorry at all for my bad english, but i'm an italian trader.


                    • #11

                      I did not know you were to following Al L. and wava B.

                      I do it daily
                      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                      • #12
                        This chart was done Saturday for this week from this service
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Re: astrology

                          You should put up an astrolog chart and a stock chart to show what you mean. Not all planets are equal in moving direction, the inner planets , and fast moving ones, interacting with the larger planets make for change in trend type moves. I say this because from Aug 27 to Sept 16 Jupiter,Mercury,Sun and Venus were in the same sign and at one time conjunct but no major trend change. It also matters if your looking Geo or Helio. Have you read any of Myles Wilson Walkers books? Geometry is very important for looking for any cycles, geometry of stock charts using numbers and planetary geometry using angles. Look at the chart and see a SuperTiming pattern for Oct 23. This is Geo and the green line is a trine aspect (120 degrees), very big on some kind of trend change. It may be only a reversal in that day, depending on where it is in the cycle number count, but something will happen. The blue line is a sextile (60 degree seperation) aspect and a lesser grade aspect but the planets involved are major planets, as well as the sun trine Uranus . This is only basic stuff, but how many times have you scratched your head wondering why the market keeps going up? The astro cycle count ended March 12 2003, and brand new now. So in essence, like Gann said, time is the most important variable. The market will not have a big correction until the time has come for one.

                          Originally posted by vciro
                          in my study of the past correlation between planet movement and financial stock market, i have notice that when many planet (not less than four) are in same sign the market direction change in the medium term with a reversal al least of 15% - 25% in the stock price. This fact will be on 23-25 oct, when Sun, Mecury, Venus and fool moon become in scorpion.
                          Very much attention at this TIME -POINT for a sttong reversal in stock market price.
                          Sorry at all for my bad english, but i'm an italian trader.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Great for timing isn't he? My whole trading plan is tape reading, astro models, geometry and his times.

                            Originally posted by fabrizio

                            I did not know you were to following Al L. and wava B.

                            I do it daily


                            • #15
                              merriman book

                              Aspect of planet in Scorpio....from Merriman book.
                              " the nature of scorpio is to change things.....the result is to destroy or terminate"

