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  • Start poin 10/23/87 Fixed increment 900
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    • Originally posted by SERGIO.M
      Sorry if I intervene in this thread, it is just to play with gann box

      Yes!!! That's the one M Jenkins had, a monthly showing every major bottom wa hit and it's acting as resistence now.
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      • Originally posted by digilume
        Well if the same sized Gann Sq is placed from the recent Low then the .583 is at either 1148 or 1029.
        The 0.583 is supposed to be the Death Bar (7 th house of death, 7/12 houses), which would imply 1148 in the 1st week of October. But I recall others are calling for that to be a low.
        I'm confused about your counting. I thought 7th house is partnership and 8 is death (and investment!) Is 0.583 the 7th (or 8th) bar?


        • Re: Technicians...

          Originally posted by soylent
          Sorry, this just popped into my head...
          Nice drawing. Why don't you join the fight? Currently, there is a free position for complementary skills


          • 7-8

            Ted - Yes I know - there was a great debate about that on another group. Please drop me a line, off line and I can refer you to the group if you are interested. However the .583 set up in the fibo cycle finder time wise is very effective along with the other "diatonic" ratios. Here is a .583 line set up on an hourly. The period from start to the 1.0 is 192 bars. The 50% line says look for a CIT at 1115 and the .583 says look for a CIT at about 1120., the .666 at 1113. so thats 7/12ths 14/24 ths etc. The original author proposed that you count 14 bars from a high and look for a CIT there and end at 24 bars. It equates to aspects.

            Cheers G
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            • Sergio, Thanks for that post - my Gann Fans do not have the line under the lows last year but it does have the recent limiting fans. Where is your Gann fan from AGet maybe?
              Cheers Gary


              • Was the squeeze today that much of a surprise? Not if you looked at the price action. One thing traders do is press, doesn't matter up or down (look at a chart of March 6 intraday, this is and example of pressing on the upside based on a rumor of OBL)and today they tried to press their bets on the downside. Problem is once people say "the tape feels pressy" then you know a contra move may happen. Of course the price action tells the tale. The chart shows the distribution of the bids/asks and difference (Marketdelta) along with strikes(or trades at that price, not including volume). The marketdelta shows the pressing below 1107, sellers in control. Fuel for ANY upside surprise. What's interesting, and watched by pit traders, is if size is absorbed. The footprint shows the size of the asks trying to smack the tape down, this selling was absorbed which is clue number 2 for a squeeze. Any system is must include tape reading , first and foremost.
                Last edited by theplumber; 07-24-2004, 07:45 AM.


                • Market Delta

                  Hi Plumber

                  If I am not mistaken isn't that Market Delta's website that basically markets the difference between the bid/ask.
                  How long have you been using it,and how much do you like it.
                  Also I was wondering about wave 59 you mentioned that it will find wolfe waves, Gartleys, etc. Do you have to program a million things into it or is it a fairly simple program?
                  Also does it use a lot of power on your CPU, right now my computers are maxing out on in the CPU dept.


                  • Re: Market Delta

                    Originally posted by its1111
                    Hi Plumber

                    If I am not mistaken isn't that Market Delta's website that basically markets the difference between the bid/ask.
                    How long have you been using it,and how much do you like it.
                    Also I was wondering about wave 59 you mentioned that it will find wolfe waves, Gartleys, etc. Do you have to program a million things into it or is it a fairly simple program?
                    Also does it use a lot of power on your CPU, right now my computers are maxing out on in the CPU dept.

                    Yes your right, the software in the screenshot is MarketDelta's. To explain tape reading though is hard to do, and the software is just a way to express this. They color code things, like my T&S and there is a BidAsk efs here somewhere to color code volume. Some things that MarketDelta can't do is show the speed of these trades so the efs' and color coded T&S help alot. I'm trialing the MarketDelta now, it's impressive but found myself not watching it as much as I thought today b/c the moves were so fast. I also have some reservations with the $70 a month price tag, all about ROI. See what happens when 30 days is up, who knows. Wave59 takes alot of time getting used to. It's not one of those neatly prepackaged pieces of software, but is very powerful when you do get used to it. Kind of like learning Java script for and efs, once you learn it you realize how powerful it can be to test ideas. There is one quirk, when I place the software on my AGP card screen and manipulate anything on the screen it uses almost no cpu power, put on my pci screens and it does. Esignals charts do this as well but Ensign doesn't. The screenshot shows what you wanted to know, the time/price patterns and you can make your own. The 9/5 count and natal forecast are invaluable.
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                    • Something else I find incredible is Ensigns Pesavento map, Notice the update time in the top/left corner, 05:50, THIS MORNING. Got the late down move wrong but what about the buy signal.
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                      • More incredible stuff is the Cyclepack. The 5 minute chart shows todays action, don't focus on the prjectorXT model (when it's purple it hasn't been updated, so I haven't updated it all day yet) but the pivots. Cycles invert, plain and simple. Once you've indentified this trade the pivots. I always write down the pivot times and they have proven at least 75% correct, be it a buy or sell pivot doesn't matter as long as a CIT (depending on you time horizon, mines real short) happens.
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                        • Pesavento


                          Thanks for your help, I always appreciate good advice, especially when I have read some of your other posts. I also have the Appian graphics card on one computer actually I have dual quad cards on one computer and on the other the other I have a quad Quadro card. Lately as I have been loading up more efs and charts. my computer is running slowwww. I talked to a friend and he suggested updating the drivers and maybe adding more cards, if you have any good ideas, let me know.
                          I like the time series you mentioned, isn't that the cycle pack from divergence software? I am about to order that myself. Besides Cris is such a great guy we all have to help support him.
                          One more thing about the Pesavento stuff, not only is it great but Larry is the most unassuming, nicest person you have ever met.
                          He mentioned in class that John Hill was his teacher.
                          When I went up to him after class, I mentioned that John Hill is like a hero to me, his books are the simplest most incredible books. Larry said to me, if you like John, here is his home phone, give him a call and tell him. How often does that happen, we thrive in a wonderful enviroment where people are really generous with there help.


                          • Re: Pesavento

                            Originally posted by its1111

                            Thanks for your help, I always appreciate good advice, especially when I have read some of your other posts. I also have the Appian graphics card on one computer actually I have dual quad cards on one computer and on the other the other I have a quad Quadro card. Lately as I have been loading up more efs and charts. my computer is running slowwww. I talked to a friend and he suggested updating the drivers and maybe adding more cards, if you have any good ideas, let me know.
                            I like the time series you mentioned, isn't that the cycle pack from divergence software? I am about to order that myself. Besides Cris is such a great guy we all have to help support him.
                            One more thing about the Pesavento stuff, not only is it great but Larry is the most unassuming, nicest person you have ever met.
                            He mentioned in class that John Hill was his teacher.
                            When I went up to him after class, I mentioned that John Hill is like a hero to me, his books are the simplest most incredible books. Larry said to me, if you like John, here is his home phone, give him a call and tell him. How often does that happen, we thrive in a wonderful enviroment where people are really generous with there help.
                            I'm using Matrox dvi cards, 750 for dual AGP and the quad and dual 450 pci. Been waiting for the pci-express cards from nVidia to come out but it doesn't matter until the boards that support it come also. drivers make a big difference, both card and chipset drivers. I'm no expert, wish I knew more about it but hard to find the time. This is the onlt time I have to myself these days. The cyclepack from Divergence is great, don't think Chris has to worry about support if he traded his own software.

                            Funny you talk about your hero, mine is Jim Simons
                            had the chance to meet him late 2002 and dropped everything to do it. Best decision I ever made (don't tell the wife ) and I went in a whole new direction since, profitability. Some more about him


                            • Jim Simons


                              I have been reading about your Jim Simons on the web and he is one impressive person. I have been searching for more about him but there isn't much
                              So how did meeting him make you profitable, he doesn't look like the sort of guy who gives away to much. In fact I am curious, how did you even find out about him, being that he is so low key?
                              Trading fascinates me, just as life does I guess, I can't seem to get enough, Heck I'll even take the scraps LOL))))


                              • Great trap yesterday huh.
                                Started the day short, messed around a few times for 1 point and then caught the rally. My best buy was '06.50
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