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  • Originally posted by its1111
    I have heard you talk about wave 59 software. It seems like you really like it, but you have to do a lot of testing to get the right settings. Did I get that right? or is it fairly easy to figure out.
    I am always interested in anything to help my trading.
    I was reading about the software and noticed the add on studies, have you ever seen the study about the hand of god?
    The guy really raves about how amazing it is and that it was almost like god gave him a sign or something.
    I must say that he sure got my curiosity up.
    OK, this is my reasons for using Wave59. I'm an emini trader who rarely if ever swing trades so my style is different (highly caffeinated , listen to Rob Zombie, Judas Priest, Pantera while trading, will turn 15K RT's a day trader is what I mean) than others. I have no tollerance for anything that doesn't make me money instantly but will give anything a try, just has to fit my style. So knowing this we may have different styles and you may see no need or use for Wave59, but this is how I use it.

    First off, intraday i like to keep things simple so the above chart is the cycleplack and see it was anchored to the low downdraft after hours Thursday and I kept this model unchanged all day. The purple is the XT and the white is regular projector. What I need besides watching the price action( a huge part of my trading is price action, but I digress) is confidence in the swing points. What's the most profitable trade? Hitting the hole. Match the cyclepack model with Wave59's price cycles, which look alot like DeMark countdowns, and it's own natal forecast models and now I have a clue as to when price has exhausted itself. The 9-5 count is invaluable for this very reason. The left side is the 5 minute with the full countdown and the right is the filtered 9-5 count on a 1 minute chart. The natal forecast gives me more or less direction, not perfect but helps for bias and risk proifile. So my risk profile said short more aggressively b/c the trend was more or less down for the day, hit the longs as they come . I have 8 screens so I use 1, 2, 5, 10 minute charts for the 9-5 count split over 2 screens. I use other tools, like the count bars tool but what the screenshot shows is something I can't duplicate using another peice of software. Of course trend days play havoc so the use of the 10 minute time frame is needed. But any experienced trader can sniff out a trend day anyways looking at the tick reading and AD line behavior so you don't get whipsawed by the 9-5 count. On trend days the 9-5 count/10 minute chart is truely invaluable, it hits about every other day. Al Larsons stuff as an add-on, I told you my style b/c his stuff isn't not my style so I use nothing for add-ons. It's more or less for swing traders or traders who make 1-3 RT's a day. I won't get into the astro part of it b/c I don't even know if you'd use astro in your trading. Anyways, I like it and helps me in my trade decisions.
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    Last edited by theplumber; 08-15-2004, 04:13 PM.


    • SPX Gann Box Buy 8/16/04 ?

      SPX Gann Box Buy 8/16/04 ?
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      • Doodling, this is the url to the Ensign newsletter
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        • Update of my 8/16/04 Chart

          Update of my 8/16/04 Chart
          Which one will be the victor tomorrow INTC's update or President Bush's speech?
          Let's get this thread going again, any opinions?
          plumber your a Texan right, what do you think?
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          • Russell 2000, with gann box 360x360
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            • S&P at a critical juncture now
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              • The 68% retrace almost looks too obvious
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                • Hi Ted Whats a 68 % (.618 mbee?) or a 66% ? and while I am moaning , love the charts here but sure wld love to see the price scale : > ) Sq o 9 at 1125.3
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                  • Some experimental stuff for Sept 8
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                    • Originally posted by digilume
                      Hi Ted Whats a 68 % (.618 mbee?) or a 66% ? and while I am moaning , love the charts here but sure wld love to see the price scale : > ) Sq o 9 at 1125.3
                      Yep, forgot qc. Try again with 0.618% retrace after first move down on 3-min. Small deviation so impuls down is questionable. Price must go down swiftly to remain impuls.
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                      • LOL. cant even put the dot right! 61.8%

                        BTW. INDU not on the same track. 2 fibo's joining around 10388. The 3-min INDU already suggests higher or something corrective. Simular setup for SP possible.
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                        • Originally posted by theplumber
                          Some experimental stuff for Sept 8

                          Who says you can't pick tops and bottoms, compare to the chart posted this morning.
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                          • Very nice, theplumber.


                            • finished product with some extra in green from intraday points. Match this with a model (like the one I'm about to post in the cycle thread) and a little tape reading for verification and it's amazing how high your positive trades % can be.
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                              • Started out as a 3D triangle but doodled too much and got this.
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