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  • I posted this chart and left this message in the Financial Astrology thread and how I use planetary lines to trade as well as aspects.

    "OK I'll answer anyways and just talk to myself. The chart shows some of what I trade with. My biggest problem with trading astro was visually seeing WHERE and HOW the aspects affect the market. I'm not a traditional astrologer and never will be. I'm a trader and challenge any astrologer and his natal work to show consistent profits trading the way they try to mix astrology and the birth date of any exchange or stock. So with that in mind, I do use house ingress but only to a small extent. What is important to me to make money is fitness testing the "hard" (my word) aspects to find change in trends and this is influenced by Myles Wilson Walkers work. The plantary lines work by showing in advance when the aspect will hit so I can plan according to the fitness test. So if an aspect fitness test shows 80% possibility of an up day and 70 % of 3 weeks later the market is 5% higher then it would be profitable to me if I have a long bias leading up to the aspect . So using the planetary lines I see the price leading up to the aspect (cross of the two planet lines that is a conversion of planetary position to price) is going up I will use this instead of an aspect table or astrolog because planetary lines also sometimes act as support and resistense lines. Galactic works with Esignal data real time so this is two screens on my set up.I shouldn't have showed the daily, instead should have shown the 60 minute or less time frame. Hope this helps and if it doesn't please let me know if I'm wrong or missed anything."

    Originally posted by fabrizio

    Look at this ... It seems quite interesting to me all this aspectarian and squares etc....

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    Last edited by theplumber; 11-14-2003, 06:04 PM.


    • Small cycle low of Nov 11 and progression series or 180*sqrt's 2-9
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      • Same small cycle low but using 270* sqrt's 2-9
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        • Even if this is for Dax and not Emini it's noteworthy

          Last edited by fabrizio; 11-15-2003, 09:43 AM.
          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


          • Fab, the aspects to Friday and fitness tested using this configuration is very interesting. The astrolog shows a square of Mars and Jupiter with Venus, an opposition of Mars and Jupiter and a trine with Saturn and Mars. As you can see from the chart with all these aspects programmed you see it marks the top in many rallys. So statistically it shows the path of least resistence is down, for how long I'll have to do more work but short as of Friday is the going to be very profitable.
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            • Something else I'm working on is the coming solar eclipse and moon perigee. Nov 23 2003 both will fall on the same day, the last time I can remember this happening so close was Dec 2 and Dec 4 2002, the top for that little rally. Backtested it shows many tops.
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              • But the last few times the moon has been close it has marked a trading bottom, and according to my work it corresponds to just that, a possible buyable bottom coming on Nov 23.
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                • Chris
                  Forgive me if I mix with some others instruments , in this case they are not misleading us. It's from Jens Fischer and sometimes I use it for the Phi Ellipses and for the Spiral. It does not outfocus since is always in my study domine.

                  All the points bring me to a lowering - decise- this upcoming week.
                  BTW I did not expected such a clear move friday. I mean I expected earlier in the day , but at 18:30 -19:00, knowing the baby I supposed he was closing the week with a little pull back, but not impulsive . AMOF I was in position triyng to squeze few points down out from the ND loading in size; eventually I was gladly obliged to widen my targets and trailing offsets 3 times. Nice surprises when they came.

                  Your path is right, IMHO.

                  I changed the coordinates on Astrolog and on Sergey ones to Turin Geographical location. Not big changes. But the defaults 122°20W and 47°26N do they corrispond to which location? It is not either Chicago or NYC so what is it?

                  Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                  • Chris

                    Just as a "leasure" reading I wish to advice you a very nice small book; is a gift from an incredible person as "maestro" and as a human being in US.

                    "A LITTLE BOOK OF COINCIDENCE" by John Martineau, Wooden Books. Nyc

                    With a big thank you to Him for this book and for all what he is teaching me.
                    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                    • The Winphi program is pretty good, considering it's free with the book and comes ready for Esignal data. For Astrolog you have to set up the time right for where you live. The url is the one I use so set up the time zone and the lat/longitude settings for where you are.


                      • Very interesting, thanks. I ordered it from Amazon along with the package deal they offered for the book" Sun,Moon,& Earth". If you have any scientific background let me know ,I have some pdf's on astrophysics and why my astro is based on science and not conjecture like astrology. Also check out this book if you do have any science background

                        Originally posted by fabrizio

                        Just as a "leasure" reading I wish to advice you a very nice small book; is a gift from an incredible person as "maestro" and as a human being in US.

                        "A LITTLE BOOK OF COINCIDENCE" by John Martineau, Wooden Books. Nyc

                        With a big thank you to Him for this book and for all what he is teaching me.


                        • Markets having the same difficulty with the purple line now as it did from June to August. This is the square of 768 from the 768 price Oct 2002 low and square of 789 from the 789 March 12 2003 low.
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                          • Just doodling. The red lines are some of the "potential" target dates I did a while ago.
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                            • Apologize for posting on Dax, But is just a confirmation of what charted on the previous posts.

                              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                              • Got the chanche to get at least 2 $ with the risk of 0.75cents.
                                Too risky?

                                Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

