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Trading the markets with Jerry Olson

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  • WOW

    The internet gobbler ate some of the post here. Hmmm, is that censorship or hunger? gg


    • yep - censorship at it's best!


      • This will be my only reply to all who frequent this board...

        Buzz1224 and Alexcross are one in the same we know this to be absolutely true but i will not reveal how we all know it...he came form Ihub to continue to discredit me here.. What he is, is nothing more than a young **** kid from a mirc room that wanted me to give him and his buddies a special discount to my real time room.. i refused to do that in the face of my old time menbers, in fact who the heck did he think he was to deserve it anyway?..

        he has never gotten his facts straight...he's always talking about trades i make that i NEVER made...SINA GIVN WFMI etc..i do not own these stocks folks...check the logs...

        what he does is so rediculous..he cuts and pastes some of my Newsletter posts and then adds them to some monrnig update i make during the week taking the entire context of what i meant, and made it look all wrong...if you continue to read that garbage then fine it's all up to you. My trading skills and honesty has a track record a lot longer than this creep..

        this kid has never posted one thing i've ever done well..he has never contributed to this thread one trade that made anyone including himself any money..has anyone made any mnoney off his calls?

        i have a history on the internet of 6-7 years of posting real time trades known quite well as Options Jerry On Silicon INvestor..are they all winnners? of course not. do i make mistakes..yes of course i do..if you're a solid trader and use stops that i recommend and teach in my Online Trading course then you should have NO Probelms following me each and everyday

        look this is a simple matter of a kid with nothing better to do..has time on his hands and could NEVER produce one real trade he's ever made..EVER...

        now i have my real time trading room OPEN for all to see and watch real time..what more can i do? fact i am not doing anything more here or anywhere...

        i am trying in vain to teach people how to become a solid's obvious to me by the total lack of anyone posting here anything at all of any value that this is not the place for me.

        have a great life all of you..

        see you at the markets

        best regards

        jerry olson
        [email protected]

