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Per Gigi G222 Attesa e Violata in Real Time

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  • I don't know which is the problem ...which the thing that is to understand in my post. ! thing WE Know ..... we became eSignal client to see and trade Idem futures but we can't work ...'cause from 1th of January 04 we can't see correct price and charts of Mib30 futures markets, with logic consequencial things ........ This are the last mounths of FIB30 (italian index mib30 future) trading, usually we (I) trade it ..... but for eSignal long term feed problems I must to make other markets with natural problems, stress & costs. All your deadline are not correct and always IDEM problems continue ....from 1th of January to Today .....we have 2 mounth of problems .... trading impossibility ..... is for Your brain possible To sell Feed & charting service like THIS? I think is not decent ....... what do U' think about it? I don't know other Fabrizio's problem and i don't want to know them ......

    Nks a lot ....and this is my (but not only mine!!) situation :

    Kind regards.

    dOmenico laruccia
    Last edited by sharky1; 02-22-2004, 10:56 AM.


    • If U' need to speak with me 0039 328 0943 273 ...this is my italian mobile phone.
      I' ve no problem ..... eSigh!nal is not in my quite situation.

      1)About London .... I think that we can't sell a service to an Italian market with no italian based support office
      2) we are waiting for a Continue future charts (for Eurex! and other futures market like Idem) for 6mounths, 've U' a deadline ? or we must wait the 2010? When we become eSignal client "someone" said to us: " they (like eSignal) 've historical data so in a little time we 'll 've your historical continue data charts ....... " ............ from September to February , we 've seen no positive signal .... I am a professional trader, is eSignal a professional service? I think that for USA market there are no doubt, while for European market YOU area not ready ...not ready ..... not professional correspondent.
      Waiting for a final (because we are spending "wordsriver" from 4 mounth) and exaustive answer that ending our doubt and discussions.

      Last edited by sharky1; 02-22-2004, 10:40 AM.


      • Hi DL.

        Either I or one of my managers will contact you on Monday to go over these outstanding issues.

        In terms of dedicated Italian support, I can certainly understand why Italian speaking users would want that. As a US based company, we are very interested in trying to give limited language support for our International users. To fully support multiple languages, we would need to re-write the product, re-write the documentation, re-do the contractual terms and conditions and staff multiple people that can sell and service in each designated language. It's a pretty expensive proposition and simply put, the current demand doesn't justify the costs associated with complete multi-lingual support.

        That being said, we have tried to hire people in London that have language skills and we've set-up three International forums to specifically faciliate users interacting in Italian, German and Russian. We hope to add other forums in the future as well. In short, we'll do our best to keep expanding our limited multi-language support but full support is unlikely in the near term.



        • Dear ScotJ, it's clear that, for me (but npot only for me) that we 've technical priority,

          we need a feed, & relative charting, and service ......but from 2 mounth we don't have it .....

          all your deadline are deadline for our patience: " next week" ...."next week"....."next week" now I'm 2 mouth older but, no eSignal service i can see ....... (so i'm speaking about IDEM market)

          i'm repeating myself ....... continue historical on european future chart are "sold to us" starting my eSignal subscrition, but i'm 5 mounth older and no service was gift to us.....

          I repeat my question: Do You think this a professional way? Do You've made the same for US subscribers? I don't think so ........
          I don't want to speak for speaking about ........ I want that You understand that we are paying a service that You don't give us, not the pricipal service, so i'm trading (but i'm not lonely), studying,etc....other market cause eSignal is not playing the services that i'm paying and that i wait from .....

          My english is orrible, but ..... is like your IDEM chartingFEED.


          • P.s. for the italian support, You 've thousands of ways to give that without a real office implantation; You 've know how and people here to use .... better that tha "no service" that i see from London (delayed e-mail answering , superficial answering, i call london and "someone" is trading financial market and give me answer of no present brain ..... etc,etc.)

            Well, I think that You must speak with MdC or , Fabrizio , and not with dOmenico ...... i'm not the right person ..... but ..........


            • Let me try to address the two problems, as I understand them and please correct me if I don't have the issues clear.

              1. Continuous Contracts on European Futures. Yes, we've been wanting to add these to the feed. It's been a few years actually but under our current infrastructure, it's no simple task to acheive. We take great lengths to avoid promising features that aren't currently available. If we promised you we'd have these features in 4-6 months, we were wrong in doing that and I apologize for the incorrect estimate. We've been juggling several network initiatives over the past year and in many cases, those projects have directly conflicted with the work needed to add these continuous contracts. We still do not have a specific ETA on this one, although it's a topic that comes up every month in our planning meetings.

              2. Performance issues on the IDEM feed, specifically as the US markets open. Our IDEM feed is being sourced by a machine that also handles US data (we don't use this system for eSignal's US data but it is being processed in that machine). When the US markets open, the additional data begins to flood in and it impacts the performance of the IDEM feed. The feeds are being split and the systems enhanced. Once completed, we should see the aforementioned performance issues disappear. ETA is another 3-4 weeks.

              Both of these issues have had a high profile but neither could be resolved easily.

              I hope this information has helped in some way.



              • 'Giorno a tutti.
                Segnali di fumo dalla California vedo, Fabrizio ha colpito ancora
                A lor signori di Esignal dedico questo film :

                THE NEVER ENDING STORY

                Starting on January 27th, the MIB 30 futures (ex. MIB30 H4-IDM) began experiencing a problem where the number of trades being reported in the eSignal feed was reduced. The problem lasts for approximately 30-45 minutes, and occurs at approximately the same time each day (6:30am, PST.) The cause of this relates to the dramatic increase of data flow from the opening of the US markets. In order to solve this issue, we need to put some performance tweaks into place, and we estimate that these will be in place by early next week.

                Please note that any updates on the status of this issue, will be placed in this thread.

                Jay F.
                eSignal Community Support

                NEXT WEEK .........OK 27 GENNAIO

                Mi informano che nel contesto del Forum Italiano Lei ha espresso il Suo profondo disappunto in merito al feed eSignal/IDEM. Desidero farle sapere che siamo a conoscenza del problema e che stiamo cercando, quanto piu velocemente possibile, di spostare il feed ad uno piu affidabile e stabile. La conclusione di questo lavoro e' prevista nelle prossime due settimane.

                TWO WEEKS 6 FEBBRAIO................

                we should see the aforementioned performance issues disappear. ETA is another 3-4 weeks.

                3-4 WEEKS ........TODAY

                Proposta : visto che i problemi si accusano all'apertura di Wall Street , perchè non sospendiamo il servizio sui mercati americani fino a quando non avete risolto ?

                Io penso che in un giorno , ma che dico in 5 minuti sarebbe tutto risolto.
                Meditare gente e non portare il cervello all'ammasso come qualcuno ci vuole far intendere.

                Io non traduco, l'inglese mi serve solo per il rimorchio
                Il malcontento è il primo passo verso il progresso (Oscar Wilde)


                • We do realize this has been frustrating for users. Unfortunately, the switchover has been much more difficult than anticipated so the time to cut-over has been extended several times.

                  On the positive side, we did cross another hurdle over the weekend and we've actually begun planning how the implementation/roll-out phase will work. I don't want to promise another date but unless we run into more problems, we should beat that 3-4 week timeframe referenced earlier.



                  • Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                    • Re: fibO

                      Originally posted by sharky1
                      mettila cosi'.....terro' a mente il chart. se si ferma li' doive indicato, ti kiamero' per farmi spiegare (son sincero nn ho capito granke') il chart. Ps. sarai un po fissato cos ta Butterfly?
                      10 .590 $INDU e un po' meno il future . Ti rammenti i chart dunque.........?

                      ( lascio stare S&P perche' ancora piu' bello averlo allineato al 31 ottobre)

                      Naturalmente questi sono esercizi, ballon d'essay.....nesssuno puo prevedere il futuro....
                      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                      • c'hai preso........ se leggi un mio post di poki giorni fa ...ti confermavo. 2possibilita' o 12.500circa o storno ......
                        ad avvalorare la tua resistenza/target; Cmq solo sotto 10.400 vien giu'ancora, sino ad allora vedere chart del fib30/mib30 tra 24.000e25.500circa, e' uguale la configurazione a "fisarmonica"attuale.


                        • belle le bande colorate . me le studio e cerco di capire cosa sono..........
                          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                          • semplici trendline, ma se vedi bene ci hanno strapreso......qualcosa di facile da abbinare ai veri segnali una volta raggiunte le aree colorate. Ad esempio i massimi di ieri e ritorno in giu', giusto dopo aver accumulato tra le fascie celesti e toccando l'area gialla.


                            • Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                              • evidenziando la mia canonica ignoranza, ti kiedo qualek minima delucidazione in merito alle tecniche usate.


