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Anyone else having problems: eSignal SLOW speed loading data?

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  • #91
    Hi Scottj,

    i saw yesterday improvements. The delays were hardly noticed by me so that's a good thing...
    Are you guys also working on the ''switching between different stocks''? It sometimes takes a while (up to 7 seconds).

    Really appriciate it that you guys are working very actively on all the issues we report.



    • #92
      Hi Sebastian,

      Great to hear you saw improvement. When you say "switching between stocks", I assume you're talking about pulling up either a tick or minute interval chart and switching symbols. If so, yes, we have made some changes as of Friday mid-day. Please let me know how it works for you come Monday.

      If you do see some slowness again, try different intervals and see if it makes a difference. Tick charts load, by far, the most amount of data so they should take more time than a 1 or 5 minute chart. Daily charts come from a different server type so you should always be able to pull-up daily charts almost instantaneously.

      Lastly, changes are in development that should significantly improve the way the desktop (i.e. eSignal) makes the request for intraday charts. It's not very efficient given the # of ticks now so we should gain further improvements in the next few eSignal releases (starting with 10.1 due in a few weeks).

      Thanks for being so patient with us.


      • #93

        Serval traders along with myself saw no improvement yesterday at all.

        Several of these traders are new to eSignal and cancelling their subscriptions as the delays are occuring all day long especially when the market gets busy.

        Glen Demarco
        [email protected]


        • #94
          Can we get more details Glen? Are they tracking the eminis, stocks, other futs? How long do the delays last? Have they contacted our Tech Support dept to try some troubleshooting?

          While there's no question we've had some recent data delivery issues and while we work on making our application much more efficient, there are still a host of things that can cause what a user terms as "delays". Search for article 1639 (just type in that #) in our KB as that lists many of those other factors.

          All hands are on-deck to get these issues under wraps so please hang in there and ask that your friends try to do the same. I'm confident things will be better next week.



          • #95
            Originally posted by ScottJ
            Can we get more details Glen? Are they tracking the eminis, stocks, other futs? How long do the delays last? Have they contacted our Tech Support dept to try some troubleshooting?

            While there's no question we've had some recent data delivery issues and while we work on making our application much more efficient, there are still a host of things that can cause what a user terms as "delays". Search for article 1639 (just type in that #) in our KB as that lists many of those other factors.

            All hands are on-deck to get these issues under wraps so please hang in there and ask that your friends try to do the same. I'm confident things will be better next week.


            I provided the details and symbols many times in this and other threads, but to summarize: ES #F, NQ #F, RIMM, APPL, OIH etc. eSignal freezes up for minutes at a time especially when the market gets busy.

            I've been using eSignal everyday for 5 years everyday and never even heard of anyone having a price delay but the last month or two there are delays everyday. If you haven't yet check out the elite trade link posted earlier in this thread there are dozens of other users describing the same problem. I had 3 other traders at my firm order eSignal and it's frankly embarassing to hear them complain all day long everyday about it freezing while IB and other cheaper packages get their price updates no problem.

            When either myself or the other trader I work with experioence the problem and call tech support like today we are told it's a "firewall" problem.

            I can't even get price updates on a single 5 minute chart with no studies loaded at all for any active symbol.

            My last few calls I was referred to your forum post where you promise these issues would be resolved in future versions. Given the months of delays in getting version 10, which was slow and had other bugs (SetBgBarColor) that prevent me from using it and the continued delays in the promised extended tick and intraday data on the servers I not too confident that our problems will be resolved as promised.

            I'm a big fan of the product, I think it's the best on the market. I'm involved with the AGET folks in some marketing efforts, spent alot of my time in this forum and willing to be patient and confident the problems will be resolved.

            I care enough about the future success of eSignal to at least be honest and acknowledge that there are some serious issues right now rather then spin these problems as being either the users fault or non-existent.

            I appreciate the offer of the web-ex and will do so Monday.

            Glen Demarco
            [email protected]


            • #96
              Originally posted by ScottJ
              Hi Sebastian,

              Great to hear you saw improvement. When you say "switching between stocks", I assume you're talking about pulling up either a tick or minute interval chart and switching symbols. If so, yes, we have made some changes as of Friday mid-day. Please let me know how it works for you come Monday.

              If you do see some slowness again, try different intervals and see if it makes a difference. Tick charts load, by far, the most amount of data so they should take more time than a 1 or 5 minute chart. Daily charts come from a different server type so you should always be able to pull-up daily charts almost instantaneously.

              Lastly, changes are in development that should significantly improve the way the desktop (i.e. eSignal) makes the request for intraday charts. It's not very efficient given the # of ticks now so we should gain further improvements in the next few eSignal releases (starting with 10.1 due in a few weeks).

              Thanks for being so patient with us.
              Hi Scottj,

              I mean with ''switching between stocks'' is going through my powerscanner to check all different symbols combined with my personal settings. So when i click on the next symbol in the scanner, i'm seeing delays. I only use the 1 min, 5 min and the daily with a couple of MA's on the daily. Sometimes the daily will not load and another time the 1 min or the 5 min. it even takes up to 10 seconds or more to load all the charts from the same symbol (1,5,D). I don't use any tick chart or heavy studies. it used to be (3 months ago) 1 or 2 seconds to load everything.

              ps. do you know what the latest IBplugin is and were i can download this?
              Last edited by Sebastian; 03-09-2008, 07:07 AM.


              • #97

                Just by some distant chance I wonder if in some way
                this could be related to and possibly help you with
                the slow data situation you're experiencing.

                I do not have a slow data problem. But last Monday
                all of my Time Templates on all 3 computers on which
                eSignal 8 is installed disappeared. And the first two
                (Equity-East Coast and Equity-West Coast?) were
                replaced with The Defaults and The Defaults #2.
                Nothing strange like this has ever happened before
                and as it came at a time when you were having unusual
                problems I thought this just might be a clue to finding
                the cause of your slow data.

                Last edited by jay60; 03-09-2008, 04:23 PM.


                • #98

                  I just brought up AT&T (T) and it took about 45 seconds to get a 3 min. chart.

                  Others take from 5-15 seconds.


                  • #99

                    I just tried a number of stocks and intraday charts load w/in a second or so. If you are still seeing charts load slowly, please jump on LiveRep so we can check where you are connected.



                    • Jay60,

                      Thanks for the thought. I don't recall hearing about time templates disappearing but we do know that last week's problems were mainly w/in our network. Just in case...I will certainly pass on the details to our Eng group.

                      Thanks again.


                      • seeing delays in TRA and NUE, don't think it's the stock in particular but the server im connected with. The first 30 minutes were almost spot on. But now it starts to lack.


                        • Im seeing delays again in TRA and in NUE. I don't think its a stock in particular but a delay in the servers.

                          PS. Switching between different stocks is fine right now


                          • Hi Guys,

                            I am getting a remote Error in my power scanner after hours. I am getting them more and more lately. I would like to use the results of the power scanner after hours to prepare for the next day. but this way I can not. Could esignal check on this?

                            Kind regards,



                            • I am able to access the Power Scan and get results w/o seeing any error msgs so let me get some more information so we can troubleshoot further.

                              Are you opening the scanner within the embedded browser (clicking Scanner from main menu) or using a scan window (File/New/Scan)?

                              Can you take a print screen of the exact error message or at least notate it?

                              Do you get the same error message when you try the basic scan or the Hot Groups scan?

                              Does the error pop-up when you first access the scanner or as you try to get fresh results?



                              • Hi Scott,

                                It says: Remote Error: Mon Mar 10 10 2008, 0:17:55 PM. Also in the other scanners.


