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Anyone else having problems: eSignal SLOW speed loading data?

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  • #31
    Experienced the problem several times today.

    When eSignal was hanging the Data Manager continued to receive data for symbol NQ #F keeping pace with Interactive Brokers which is a very good sign.

    When eSignal "hangs" it drives the CPU that it's running up to 100% percent and looks like a loop as at times I have to restart eSignal to recover.

    The fact that the DM is keeping pace with the market is very good news.

    Apparently the problem is somewhere within eSignal. This problem is happening so frequently with myself and all the other traders I work with that it should be easy for a developer to reproduce to determine where in eSignal the problem is occurring.
    The only time DM stops receiving is when I restart eSignal with a layout that contains 15 charts.

    Glen Demarco
    [email protected]


    • #32
      I was having similar problem to those mentioned here. I would like to mention some recommendations that solved my problems:

      1. If you are not subscribe to Advanced GET, downgrade to eSignal 8.0. It is much faster than eSignal 10.0

      2. If you don't need historical Bid/Ask request a change to the new eSignal Trades Only Servers.

      3. Optimize any EFS you are running for optimal performance and speed. Any calls that the EFS makes to the OS is really processor intensive (i.e. displaying something on the screen).
      eSignal used to crash every day several times a day with my CPU at 100% utilization. I found out that one line in my EFS was causing the problem. It was the instruction "debugPrintln". As soon as I remove that line the problems disappear (I had several charts open running that EFS).

      4. Try to connect to eSignal as earlier as possible in the morning. You will get a better speed throughout the day if you are connected really early in the morning. I don't know why this works, but it does.

      I hope these recommendations will help.


      • #33

        You make some good points regarding things that can impact performance which may not be readily apparent.

        Notwithstanding performance issues in this thread being attributed to recent eSignal builds, I felt the following may provide supplemental info related to some of your pointers. Here are several links that discuss the whys and hows regarding performance problems/improvements that are under the users control.

        Originally posted by 4357782
        I was having similar problem to those mentioned here. I would like to mention some recommendations that solved my problems:

        1. If you are not subscribe to Advanced GET, downgrade to eSignal 8.0. It is much faster than eSignal 10.0

        2. If you don't need historical Bid/Ask request a change to the new eSignal Trades Only Servers.

        3. Optimize any EFS you are running for optimal performance and speed. Any calls that the EFS makes to the OS is really processor intensive (i.e. displaying something on the screen).
        eSignal used to crash every day several times a day with my CPU at 100% utilization. I found out that one line in my EFS was causing the problem. It was the instruction "debugPrintln". As soon as I remove that line the problems disappear (I had several charts open running that EFS).

        4. Try to connect to eSignal as earlier as possible in the morning. You will get a better speed throughout the day if you are connected really early in the morning. I don't know why this works, but it does.

        I hope these recommendations will help.
        Last edited by Guest; 02-29-2008, 02:18 PM.


        • #34
          Hello all,

          First off I want to thank everyone for their patience and cooperation. We are tracking down more than one scenario, although the end-symptoms (slow data) are similar. We’ve seen some users dropping records (bottleneck due to high volume), some users running into high CPU usage and others running into possible server problems on our end. These data lags happen fast and sporadic and it’s been difficult to determine the underlying cause of each problem. None of these issues point to just one scenario or one specific problem. We have found configurations problems on a few servers and our engineers will be taking a look at all of our servers this weekend and reviewing their configurations for optimization.

          As Scott mentioned earlier, we are also working to improve how the desktop handles these massive volume spikes and will make those available in 10.1 w/in a few weeks.

          We are still researching a few specific questions from this thread and once we have those answers, we’ll post again.

          We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.


          • #35
            I've made a video file were you can see the delays.

            On the left is IB, right is Esignal datamanager. Watch the new lows in IB marked in RED and after a couple of seconds Esignal shows a new low. Looks like the feed ''hangs'' for a couple of seconds. This happends very often....


            ps. wait for about 20 seconds before dowload starts


            • #36
              Originally posted by JJOM

              This worked. Thank You.

              Feels "turbo" charged now. I would suggest doing this for anyone else that has this chronic issue.

              I had to copy the contents of "esignalold*" to the new esignal; I just clicked NO when asked if I wanted to replace a file.


              *see ahodgee's post
              Just stopping in, and on Friday I was having the same problems with eSignal 8 as I had with version 10. Sub-Daily charts and T&S taking forever to load on many symbols (not all).

              I only average 3-4 trades a day, and I can't continue with this. I couldn't imagine what your high frequency traders are doing?

              *My equipment is beyond server grade. It is not on my side.
              Last edited by JJOM; 03-01-2008, 08:11 AM.


              • #37
                I'm running version 8 and still having the performance issues.

                I should have mentioned I backed off version 10 due to the SetBgBarColor bug and all my problems occurred on version 8.

                Yesterday it happened often, at 9:43 and 12:37 it locked up for a minute at the worst possible time (S&P moved 5 full points each time) for me anyway.
                Glen Demarco
                [email protected]


                • #38
                  i downgraded the esignal client to v8.02...

                  unfortunately there ist no improvement compared to v10 with regard to quotespeed.

                  i ONLY!!! use the sp500 emini and had on friday, compared to my IB broker platform feed, delays up to 4 seconds.

                  i dont care why esignal has these problems, i will just try out other datavendors.
                  when i came first to esignal there never was such a poor quote speed and i was quite satisfied with esignal, until recently.

                  very sad to say, but esignal isnt premium anymore.

                  best regards


                  • #39
                    Can you say when you will be giving us the update you mentioned in your last post.

                    One other factor you haven't mentioned in your useful summary, albeit a lower order of magnitude, is the discrepancy of the tick data found on the servers; if you download (tick replay) a tick file from several different servers they don't match, presumably this means they wouldn't deliver the same data in real-time either?

                    As I do the download when the market is closed I see it as a database (not transmission / volume) problem?

                    I've posted this before but no one from eSignal commented.

                    Perhaps you could fix that at the same time?


                    • #40
                      Data problems

                      Folks at ESig,

                      Please don't stonewall this data issue any longer. I feel like I have been with ESig since version 1 and can't believe you aren't being more proactive on this.


                      • #41
                        A team of engineers spent much of the weekend diagnosing and testing as many servers in our farm(s) as possible. We did find a number of issues that needed adjustment and we could tell overall system performance was better yesterday. We are continuing to test and troubleshoot each segment of the network and complete our internal QA of a new release of eSignal (10.1).

                        We don't believe there's one lone "smoking gun" so to speak so we are vigorously evaluating all possible sources of user-experienced delays. It continues to be helpful to get feedback from users, especially when we can determine where they are connected, what they are following, etc.

                        In some cases, we will need to reach out directly to help figure out what may be causing issues on particular systems.

                        Thanks for your continued patience and please continue to post if you see a sudden change in performance.


                        • #42

                          is it maybe possible to integrate a server switcher in Esignal? If data is slow or switching between stocks is to slow you can switch to another data server?


                          • #43
                            Data problems

                            I don't know if this is related, but, most of the time, when opening a page with volume charts, the volume charts take forever or never do fill in the indicators, saying "loading data". I kepp thinking that this problem is local, me, but I am beginning to wonder. Frankly, I am at my wits end!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Sebastian
                              is it maybe possible to integrate a server switcher in Esignal? If data is slow or switching between stocks is to slow you can switch to another data server?
                              We do automatic server switching and don't permit the user to "choose" which server to connect to. This is a vital part of the way we manage our servers and create redundancy. It's our job to make sure every server performs well and we are doing everything we can to stabilize all areas of our network.



                              • #45
                                Re: Data problems

                                Originally posted by johnsykes
                                I don't know if this is related, but, most of the time, when opening a page with volume charts, the volume charts take forever or never do fill in the indicators, saying "loading data". I kepp thinking that this problem is local, me, but I am beginning to wonder. Frankly, I am at my wits end!!

                                I believe we directed your account to a stream-lined "trade only" tick server that should deliver much faster chart responses. Please let us know how it works.


