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Anyone else having problems: eSignal SLOW speed loading data?

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  • bye bye esignal...

    right now esignal showed 1294 and ib showed 1291.25 for the emini premarket.

    u deserve to lose every single customer.

    PS: i know, u do everything u can. if its true or isnt simply enough.


    • Galileai,

      Are you using vers 10 or vers 8.2? If you're using 10, go back to 8.2. I experienced what you're seeing in version 10, but not 8.2.


      • Galileai,

        Can you tell me which contract Months you're looking at? Depending on which symbols you're looking at this could very well be the case. There is a two point different between the March and June contracts. Please remember that after the close yesterday afternoon eSignal Continuious contracts (ES #F) rolled over to the June contracts (M8).

        eSignal Support


        • es #f march

          ok...its the rollover. damn, now im looking like an idiot, right?

          thanks for the help.
          Last edited by G.Galilei; 03-13-2008, 06:40 AM.


          • Avery,

            My timezone is good (EST). The two charts I had problems with are working this morning. Hopefully, it was me unchecking the Windows time synchronization option and relying solely on the DM's sync.

            Dunno, but could this be related to the vers 10 problems I saw with lagging real-time data?



            • Continuous contracts for US Index Futures (SP #F, ND #F, RL #F, etc) will be rolled from tracking the March contract to the June contract as of today ( 03/12/2008 ) for Thursday's trading. Click here for further information about the futures rollover


              • Galilei,

                eSignal has the best, if not THE best real-time tick-based data feed to the markets, regardless of any temporary problems you see. They are backed by Interactive Data Corp., a 2.6 billion market cap company. These folks have serious money to throw at a problem to see that it gets fixed and you can rest assured that they have a lot of pressure on them to be perfect because top companies and major market players use their services.

                The lesson is this:

                Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


                • Steve,

                  We were able to determine that the lags experienced of the last couple of weeks were a variety of issues. We can say that the desktop was a contributing factor and as Scott mentioned in some of his previous post we also found problems in our network that we needed to address. We worked deligently to get a handle on what was causing the delays and I'm confident that we were able to acomplish this.

                  As for your charts, it sounds like you have everything set correctly, There is a chance that the Internet Time could have cause problems with the computer time, but truthfully it's not something I have hear before. Let keep an eye on the charts and if the situation changes we can continue to troubleshoot.

                  eSignal Support


                  • Had at least 8 second lags on the ES this morning around 11:05 EST. It was a high volume candle and apparently eSignal just can't keep up.
                    This is getting really old. There is no sense in trying to "troubleshoot" this any longer. Apparently eSignal is either really incompetent or just doesn't care to really fix the problem and sacrifice whatever they changed to cause all of this.
                    Very disgruntled.


                    • Originally posted by ahodgee

                      We were able to determine that the lags experienced of the last couple of weeks were a variety of issues. We can say that the desktop was a contributing factor and as Scott mentioned in some of his previous post we also found problems in our network that we needed to address. We worked deligently to get a handle on what was causing the delays and I'm confident that we were able to acomplish this.

                      eSignal Support
                      What changed from a few weeks ago? Something had to change or happen... WHAT was it?

                      I am not a baby, but I have paid eSignal over $20,000 for data, and I expect eSignal to not make changes without vetting them first.

                      I don't even know why I bother with it. The clock is ticking; there are plenty of us that can pay for what ever data we want. Period.

                      EDIT; Just so you know, my stocks are better today, but the futures are much worse. So bad that I was trying to figure out what month you guys were "reporting." Yet it was just bad data.
                      Last edited by JJOM; 03-13-2008, 09:09 AM.


                      • It is not only slow data it is MISSING DATA too. Take a look at these three charts. These charts are 1T interval from today. Symbols RL, MT, and WM. The data is missing from 9:35 to 13:00. For all other intervals the data is OK.

                        I have contacted eSignal in the past with a problem similar to this one. Their solution reboot your system. I have rebotted my computer 5 times today and the data is still missing.

                        What is going on with eSignal?
                        Attached Files


                        • Again today a time and price difference between my broker IB and esignal in many of the stocks I traded. The time difference was 6-15 seconds and the price difference was 15 cent between the last in IB and esignal. And this was checked during a phone call with esignal support. Come on esignal, fix it....Please



                          • The only time I experienced the obvious lagging problems from my broker's real-time quotes was when I was using version 10 (any release).

                            I haven't had that problem again when I downgraded back to version 8.2. Seriously, eSignal support, I'm afraid to go past this release unless absolutely necessary in order for me to be able to continue trading using eSignal charts. My confidence in any new chart package upgrades has been shaken. I'll have to see other traders giving kudos for any new releases being 'rock solid' before I'll make the switch again.

                            Side note:

                            One thing I've done recently to keep my charts from locking up was to get real judicious about which ones really had to see every tick coming across. With the others, I set them to setComputeOnClose() in the preMain() function and I've noticed a big improvement. I actually got through a Fed day announcement with no lockups. Yippie! ;-)


                            • POWERSCAN: REMOTE ERROR

                              POWERSCAN: REMOTE ERROR

                              Could Esignal fix this please? In less then 15 minutes the FED comes out...
                              Last edited by Sebastian; 03-18-2008, 11:03 AM.


                              • seeing serious LAGS

                                Can anyone confirm this and take a look at it? i.e FRE WB etc.

                                In CMO another lag, I'va had it. This is going on now for 2 months. Im done with Esignal!
                                Last edited by Sebastian; 03-19-2008, 06:54 AM.

