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Important Notice regarding European Futures

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  • Hi,

    I can see that there were delays at 14:30 (GMT). We will see at 15:00 whether it is getting better.
    Thank you for your continued patience with these issues.

    Graeme Ballard,
    eSignal Support


    • anybody interesting in starting a chess group, as i simply no longer can trade with the help of my esignal.

      and did i mention their speedy reply of my emials ?
      three days is not long for a company their size.

      i am a happy woman


      • Originally posted by GraemeB

        Thank you for your continued patience with these issues.

        patience ? what you must be KIDDING ME ?
        the only people with patience on this forum is the dead signal people's techinal people who can't fix a problem and obvioulsy dont care too either

        join my chess group, it should be fun


        • Well, I know what to say. Turn off eSignal and stop trading when the NYSE opens.

          Graeme, you have your hands full. As I write this post, the Eurex
          EuroStoxx50 is trading at 2146 based on PATSystem last trade, but eSignal is stuck at 2163 since 9:35 a.m. NYSE time.

          There is no way anyone can trade European futures using eSignal after NYSEopens. Period. End of Story.

          eSignal's quote feed keeps up with the Eurex market until NYSE opens. Thenforrrget abbbout it!

          The question is: Will eSignal acknowledge there is a fundamental problemand spend the money to fix it or not? I suspect the powers that be at eSignal will take the path of least resistance and expense and do nothing but make Graeme's life miserable.

          Graeme, please keep this thread going and inform us what management is going to do about this European quote feed problem. Let us know if they are going to spend the money or not to fix the problem. You need a major upgrade of hardware and bandwidth. Your system simply can not handle the flow of data once NYSE opens. Correct me if I am wrong. Please. Let us know what you think the fundamental problem is.

          Thank you for you prompt reply to this post and its questions and comments.



          • chest club

            oh well, what must we do to join the chess club ??


            • Guys please. Keep this thread serious please, and only post if there is information to share.

              I don't want to check my mail everytime somebody has something funny to say. In case you didn't notice, these message get send to everybody.

              As said, I don't like the issues myself. I feel stuck with eSignal sometimes too, especially because I want to use Ensign ánd European futures, and there's just no alternative, and currently I am also very unhappy with the quality.

              So, let's try to report all failures, and let's try to help the engineers to solve it, so we can al be happy traders again.


              P.S. Having said that, MT F3-MA (Matif) is also running behind severely.
              Last edited by EdKoF; 01-29-2003, 07:28 AM.


              • Hi Catfish,

                I can understand your frustration and can assure you, that we have our engineers working to resolve this issue.
                It may seem like we do not care, but honestly we do, these delays are because of the fact we are striving to achieve a better service for all clients.

                Graeme Ballard,
                eSignal Support


                • right now there is a lag of more than 15'


                  • Dead Signal

                    Hey Graeme,

                    What's your "Assurance" this time??

                    Dead Signal Dead Signal Dead Signal Dead Signal Dead Signal Dead Signal
                    Philip Chu


                    • Originally posted by gareth_leachman
                      There was the question of buying the correct data from another provider and flushing your data.

                      I use bollinger bands for trading signals, and I reckon with a 20 period average, on a 2 minute graph with 30 minutes of incorrect data plus the 40 minutes for the incorrect data to filter out of the bands, I can't trade for 1.5 hours after a number comes out.

                      If I use a 30 minute graph then obviously I worry about what trading singnal I am seeing in my bands...

                      How long has the historic data been incorrect? Long enough to assume that non of my studies using averages will be correct? If I extrapolate backwards I could almost assume since expiration of the December contract.

                      Will you be clearing your database and providing accurate information?

                      Initial post: 28 Jan
                      Awaiting response: 29 Jan
                      Responded on:


                      • Hi MarketMonk,

                        We will be keeping this thread open, as EdKoF pointed out it is very useful to see the problems that clients are experiencing.
                        Management is fully aware of the problem and know about your complaints, we are using all of our resources to fix this.

                        The reason we have the delays is we changed provider to increase the speed and add certain depths we previous didn't have (real time volume etc.)
                        This caused us some teething issues around American market open. We have been trying to fix this and I can promise we have our best engineers working to get it resolved.

                        Graeme Ballard,
                        eSignal Support


                        • Guys, I took a break, to give ESignal a chance in catching up with data. Now, one hour later, there is still a baad laaggg...


                          • Hi Gareth,

                            Can you please tell me which symbols have this bad historical data and when. If it is something we can fix, we will.

                            Graeme Ballard,
                            eSignal Support


                            • thinks are improving on euronext but I need a another feed when market is going fast


                              • Lag is ok, but the problem with Ensign has occured again.


