I also use TWS for trading and accurate market data, and have a Eurex terminal I cannot use for proprietary trading. I didn't find an alternative to eSignal with respect to its very good analysis that is still of great help in normal markets. If I need market data to evaluate options, I DDE with TWS.
If you know of any alternatives let me (us) know to discuss together with eSignal what we need and what we are willing to pay for it.
a friend of mine une MyTrack... their software maybe weeker, but If the data is accurate ....
I think eSignal must refund the january fees (or a part of it) if they have some respect with theur customers...
and do (invest) what is necessary to fix the problem ...
So, Esignal can not be trusted in the Morning.....
Esignal can not be trusted in the Afternoon.......
SO WHEN SHALL I TRUST IT ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????
........I also have the MISS-FORTUNE of having paid for the Whole Year in advance, and I have been rejected for a REFUND.
i think scott is lying all along. if the problem cannot be solved for more than a month, it must be some structural problem that prohibitted their technicians from fixing it. then the 24/7 work to find the solution is obivious a lie since anybody with a little computer science knowledge can figur out there wont be of any use to spend that much time for nothing. i do believe they are trying to find the solution but not in the way as scott has described since the no. of clients trading european products is not a big chunk for esignal. the only concern of esignal is now how costly to switch the data transfer channel not how timely anyway. so be prepared for months of delayed eurex data or simply just dump esignal for some other reliable source.
the eurex data now is abt 10 sec. lagging even before the us mkt opens.
Just want to let you know that some of your Eurex closing data are inaccurate, e.g. GB H3-DT which shows an intra day high AND low of 115.46. The low for the day should be 114.95.
This is the second day that this has happened. Not sure whether other Eurex data have the same problem.