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Anyone else having problems: eSignal SLOW speed loading data?

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  • #61
    Hi fellow traders,

    Just looking at T&S on CROX and there was a 40 second delay compaired to IB. Could esignal check this out?

    Kind regards,



    • #62
      eSignal prices are again lagging IB and not by a tick or fraction of a second. This is ridiculous. What the hell is going on?


      • #63
        I had one single 5 minute chart of RIMM 9:30-16:00 at 13:37 when the market got busy eSignal hung for 3 minutes with CPU at 100 percent and I had to restart eSignal.

        The entire time the DM (F2) showed price updates for RIMM.

        I appreciate that eSignal staff has ruled out the "servers" as being the cause of the delay, as that's very good news.

        Apparently data flowing from eSignals server farm to our client side Data Manager is fine. That's only the midpoint in the data flow. So determing "no server delays" only means one possible source of the problem has been ruled out as the cause.

        The problem most of us seem to be having however is with the eSignal application. Data flowing from our client Data Manager to our eSignal Application.

        It looks very much like the eSignal app is unable to process the increased amount of data directed by the Data Manager.

        It may be helpful and I'd be interesting in knowing if "no delays found in our servers" also means that no delays have been found in eSignal.

        Given the number of people reporting the problem and the regularity with which it occurs it, it would be difficult to imagine this not being an easily reproducable failure.

        Last edited by demarcog; 03-05-2008, 11:21 AM.
        Glen Demarco
        [email protected]


        • #64
          I appreciate that eSignal staff has ruled out the "servers" as being the cause of the delay, as that's very good news.
          Glen, I think you have miss-read some of the posts?
          For example, see the recent description of the DM screen, Avery's previous post saying to use that to diagnose server problems, and then look at the screen capture I provided which shows a 30+ second delay (today).

          Also see posts by Scott.

          Certainly some users are NOT seeing server delays, just app delays, but many are.

          Another indication of server delay is when you use a non-eSignal app and the eSignal feed and see a delay, as is very much the case in a chat room I use.



          • #65
            Exactly Dave180. I usually run eSignal data into Ensign charting w/o the eSignal charting application. The delays I'm seeing cannot be laid at the feet of the charting. I checked and rechecked. I even went down to only 1 chart open in each charting, Ensign/ eSignal apps.
            There is no doubt eSignal has issues in charting, its been know for months that version 10 wasn't ready for primetime. I still use 8. The real problem, especially since eSignal data is used by many 3rd party programs is in the data feed. Sadly it seems to be getting worse each week.


            • #66
              While we haven't 100% pinned down the problems causing lagging today, it's clear it's on our end. Variables at the user's desktop could make the problems worse but there's not much use in doing any serious desktop troubleshooting until we have more confidence that our server farms are performing as they should.

              All resources are on the problems and more information should be forthcoming.

              Thanks for your continued patience.


              • #67

                maybe you guys should take a look at this link. Here are also fellow traders with Esignal problems. Maybe you can get here more information to solve the problem.


                • #68
                  please indicate time frame for fixing this

                  The slowdown in market data during peak times of volatility is a serious concern.

                  Please indicate a time frame (days, weeks, months) for upgrading your server farms and fixing this problem.


                  • #69
                    Thanks Sebastion. We are aware of other user reported experiences from several channels and will continue to monitor as many channels as possible. We will spend the majority of our time, however, addressing issues on these forums and directly via chat, email and by phone.



                    • #70

                      We have isolated a problem with the system processing incoming data from the CME. This appears to be the source of today's sporadic lagging for CME-traded contracts. Engineering is resolving the problem and will be testing overnight. We expect it to be fully resolved tomorrow.

                      This discovery would not explain any delays on equities or any other futures exchanges so we continue to investigate all segments that could be causing other performance issues.

                      Thanks again to all that contributed troubleshooting information to this thread. During our investigation today, we discovered a new internal troubleshooting test that should help us confirm these delays much faster should they occur again. We'll be teaching this new method to all staff members in the coming weeks so we'll be better able to assist users when they contact us directly as well.



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by demarcog
                        Very problematic morning as far a delays for myself and several traders I'm working with. I didn't seem to matter what symbols there were delays across the board.

                        As I mentioned in an earlier post the Data Manager (F2 key) doesn't miss a print. eSignal however was "white screen" hung and I had ro restart it. THe issue seems to be in eSignal not the Data Manager application.

                        Today I was running only 4 charts, DVN, RIMM, OIH, and SPY.

                        its not the charting application. i use only the datamanager to feed my ts8.

                        u know what? a little more volume and the lagparty is starting. i had unbelievable 8 Pips!!! difference to my ib quotes. symbol was es #f
                        Last edited by G.Galilei; 03-06-2008, 02:35 AM.


                        • #72
                          Right now seeing delays in WFC, WB and some other stocks in the T&S and bid ask...


                          • #73
                            Not seeing delays on WFC or WB. We've got a new way to isolate issues so please PM with your username and we'll contact you directly to test a few things.



                            • #74
                              Tried to post this earlier, acknowledge page was blank, I assume it did not post...

                              On ES: Not only did RtTime fall 20seconds behind PC Clock (or more earlier perhaps) before suddenly going to 0, it then went AHEAD of the PC Clock. How can that be?

                              1260 ESTABLISHED
                              1391 ESTABLISHED
                              1397 ESTABLISHED
                              4442 ESTABLISHED
                              4444 ESTABLISHED

                              Image here shows RtTime vs PC Clock time (9 sec delay).
                              Attached Files


                              • #75
                                Although this image is not so clear, it indicates that the RtTime was showing a time AHEAD of the PC Clock. You can either believe the negative number being displayed by the monitor program I wrote last night, or you can use the analog clock display to compute the PC clock time.
                                The only other possibility is that my PC Clock is randomly changing time
                                Attached Files

